Houses Hold Social Hours Inter-sorority discussion and so cial hours were conducted Tuesday evening under the sponsorship of Panhellenic. Six houses welcomed members of other sororities as guests for the dessert period from 6:15 to 7 p.m. Alpha Phis were guests at Alpha Xi Delta, where Marjorie Peter son led discussion; Delta Zetas and Alpha Omicron Pis met at the Del ,ta Gamma house with Jackie 'Moore as discussion leader. Joanne Prydenlund led the ses sion at Chi Omega, where mem bers were hostesses to the Gamma Phi Betas. Members of Delta Delta Delta and Pi Beta Phi met at the Zeta Tau Alpha house under the leadership of Pat McGinty. At Kappa Alpha Theta Margaret Wickenden led a discussion which included members of Alpha Gam ma Delta and Sigma Kappa. Dor othy Young spoke at the Alpha Chi Omega house, where Kappa Kappa Gamma and Alpha Delta Pi mem bers were guests. Class Schedule Errors Corrected Errors in the spring term Time Schedule of Classes released Sat urrday resulted in incorrect listings for two courses in the use of the library. Correct schedule for the courses j is as follows: Library 117, “Use of the Li brary,” one credit, may be taken either on Tuesday or on Thursday at 11 a. m. This is a one-hour course designed to introduce the student to the library and help him use it more effectively in his study program. Library 382, “Books and Read ing,” three credits, is offered at 11 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This three-hour course is a gen eral survey of books and authors which has proved to be one of the most popular of the library courses, Librarian Carl W. Hintz stated. Library 386, “Organization of Library materials,” is listed cor rectly in the schedule for 4 to 5:30 Tuesday and Thursday. Library 117 and 382 are designed for the general student and are offered in the main library. Li i brary 386 is given in the library ; of University High School. Breen to Take Sabbatical Leave Dr. Quirinus Breen, associate professor of history and social science, will take a sabbatical leave during the spring term. He will take an automobile trip to the East, accompanied by his wife and their son, Quentin. “My main object,” Dr. Breen stated, “is to pursue my researches on Nizolius, who was a 16th cen tury Ciceronian and radical Ock hamist. His influence was consid erable in changing the style of philosophical writers from late scholastic jargon to the under standable prose of Bacon, Des cartes, Hobbes, Leibnitz, and others.” Dr. Breen will spend a week in the Huntington Library and four weeks at Columbia University. En . route he will stop at other univer sities such as North Carolina, Vir ginia, Princeton, Cornell, Illinois, and Chicago, for consultation with scholars in his field of study. DISASTERS NUMEROUS The Red Cross assisted in 330 [domestic disaster operations last year—almost one a day. AS NEW AS TOMORROW i *]aptiirui SkitUi 4.98 FLORAL LANDSCAPES 5.90 ORIENTALS GEOMETRICS All Colors Sizes 22-28