Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 22, 1950, Page 2, Image 2

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    It is Easier to Love
A nurse carried the long, white envelope into the hospital
ward. She handed it to Mrs< Gelman who sat at the bedside of
her daughter.
Here at last was the much awaited confirmation. Naomi Gel
man had passe,d the state bar examination. But Naomi would
never practice law. She was dying.
Her slow breaths were barely audible. And the mother did
not dare disturb the girl to give her the news. It could not save
her from tuberculosis.
The widow reflected on her daughter’s short, but successful
career. Money had always been scarce in their household and
she had worked at every possible opportunity.
With her chosen career in mind, Naomi had worked two
years after she graduated from high school. She had hoped to
attend Marcum, the law school in Whitaker, her hometown.
But she was denied entrance.
Yes, the United States has made remarkable progress to
ward the goal of universal education for its people, the mother
mused. But prejudice and discrimination has not been elimi
nated from the operation of either our public or our private
schools and colleges.
So Naomi left home and her widowed mother had gone to
Aimsville to attend the State College. She had to keep house
for a doctor and his wife to earn her board and room. And she
earned high marks. But still found time to participate in groups
that promoted the idea of brotherhood. Groups like the YWCA
and the International Relations Club. And events like Brother
hood Week.
The girl had often pondered why it should be so. Why men
must hate when it is easier to love. Why her graying mother
should be denied jobs she was capable of filling. Why college
people who understood the meaning of equality did not go forth
into the World and set things right.
But these thoughts could not occupy her mind too much.
She had to study. She had a goal to achieve.
Yes, Naomi achieved her goal. But the road was not an easy
one. For Naomi was a woman—and a Jewess.
Remember George?
Today is the birthday of an honest man—a man who, as
fable would have it, would rather have flunked his ’rithmetic
than used a pony (of the paper variety). Today is the birth
day of someone who, in the days when every little boy would
be president, was an inspiration to all. In short, today is George
Washington’s birthday.
Somehow, people don’t seem to wax so sentimental now
days on the anniversaries of the country’s great men. In our
mothers’ day, Feb. 22 yvould have meant a program before
school let out. All the folks would gather to hear little Alice
and her pig-tailed, or overall-clad collegues give patriotic reci
And even the grownups believed sincerely—or at least did
not dis-believe—that America is the land of opportunity and
Somewhere in subsequent time, however, the country got
old and sophisticated. As the upswept hair-do replaced the pig
tails, so cynicism replaced the almost naive faith in America.
And so, today, old Mr. Washington’s pedestal seems a lit
tle lower. His anniversary will probably be observed by the
physical plant cutting down a decaying cherry tree somewhere
on campus.
But happy birthday, anyway, Mr. Washington—B.H.
Orman Daihf
The OREGON DAILY EMERALD, published daily during the college year except
Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and final examination periods by the Associated Students,
University of Oregon. Subscription rates: $2.00 a term, $4.00 for two terms and $5.00 a
year. Entered as second class matter at the postoffice Eugene, Oregon.
Opinions expressed in editorials are those of the writer, and do not claim to represent the
opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Initialed editorials are written by associate editors.
Unsigned editorials are written by the editor.
Opinions expressed in an editorial page by-lined column are those of the columnist, and
do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editor or his associates.
Don A. Smith, Ed%tor
Joan Mimnaugh, Business Manager
BarbajK 11kywood, Helen Sherman, Associate Editors.
Glxnn Gillespie. Managing Editor
Don Thompson, Advertising Manager
News Editors: Anne Goodman, Ken Metrler.
Assitant News Editor: I.orna Larson.
Assistant Managing Editors: Norman Ander
son, Hal Coleman, Lorna Larson, Hill Stan
MX>rts Editors: John Barton, Sam Fidman.
hief Night Editor: Mary Hall.
"opy Editor: Marjory Bush.
)esk Editors: Marjory Bush, Bill Frye,
Gretchen Grondahl, Larry Meiser, Jackie
K.1IIC1 4*111 i UV/iUJjl Hl’UV 1 . l‘V *' •
Office Minager: Karla Van Loan.
Assistant Business Manager: Cork Mobley.
National Advertising Manager: Bonnie Birke
lard. Barbara Williams, Vint ini a Kellogg,
Barbara Stevenson, Jeanne Hoffman.
Wha'it Ut CUa/upe Jrete?
The Standard Comeback
tut Rod Smith
The standard comeback by Emerald col
umnists to all vicious and slanderous criti
cism seems to be a sly smile and the quoting
of the profound words “a rose is a rose is a
rose. (J r d l
narily, if some
one said some
thing like that
to me I’d reply
“so what?”,
but, being an
Emerald col
u m n i s t and ,
not wanting to
appear u ni n
formed or ad
mit I’ve been
left out, I’ll be
aeon formist
and say to all
ri f 4- It It i 1 n -
reds of people who think this column stinks,
“a rose is a rose is a rose.”
Does anybody still like bop? The answer
is that probably more people like it this week
than ever before in history. They say, “so
Smith hates bop, eh? Well, we’ll show him”
and proceed to play such uncivilized records
as “Lemon Drop” with the volume on full
blast. If I was Loy, I could state how lucky
I am to have five Greek friends but since I
don’t know how to crochet, I have no Greek
friends at all (or any independent friends for
that matter.) However, I’ll just stick my ton
gue out at the campus and say “a bop is a
be-bop is a be-bop” (any similiarity to any
thing is.)
Wanted: all unused tricycles, roller skates,
motor scooters, and barrels. In behalf of the
great mass of humanity, which crosses from
the art school to the Anchorage every hour
at ten minutes to the hour and returns every
hour on the hour, the above plea is made.
Those who doubt the urgency of the plea, pay
heed to the following testimonials.
M. X. (freshman in ancient Mayan sculp
ture) “It was horrible! There I was, flat on
R. Z. (senior in oriental tapestry weaving,
or C.5) “It reminds me of the good old days
Rumor has it that the College Side back
room is, of all things, a “bean-easy.” Get ’em
while they’re hot and don’t tip off Fosdick. He
ma}' decide you need protection. Also, while
I’m writing ala Louella Parsons, it is rumored
that TNE is really a “bean trust.” So much
for (ugh!) beans.
This column steps on fewer toes this week
than ever before and, after all, since a column
is a column is—you know what I mean.
9n the Batj,
Is This Week Necessary?
/I Jlette.1
Dear Sir:
I am not familiar with your
editorial policy, but I would appre
ciate it very much if you would
consider publishing the following
letter as an editorial or merely as
a letter to the editor.
This week is being set aside as
Brotherhood Week. Why must we
set aside one week of the year as
Brotherhood Week when our coun
try is founded upon democratic
principles and ideals?
Today the democratic countries
of the world are looking to the
United States for leadership in an
ideological fight against the
threatening spread of communism
throughout the world. Here at
home we look upon this leadership
with pride, darkened only by the
traditional idea prevalent among
our white citizens—of “white su
premancy.” Such realization of
the stupidity of continuing racial
classification in face of our Con
stitution’s stand for freedom and
equality for all men is essential if
we are to maintain our position as
a leader among free nations.
There is no excuse for continued
racial prejudice in the United
States. An increasing number of
colored people is becoming edu
cated and, therefore, qualifying
for a sincere equal standing with
their white citizens.
The colored races have con
stantly advanced in spite of the
tremendous psychological handicap
forced upon them by white co-cit
izens. Proofs of these advance
ments are found today in practic
ally all fields of occupations.
There is no valid reason to look
upon colored races as inferior. Any
racial group will suffer indignation
from society when restricted in all
aspects of life to achieve good liv
ing conditions. An individual molds
his actions in society from his en
vironment. A good environment
for our youth will better insure
finer citizens for tomorrow.
Here on the University of Ore
gon campus we as students are
open to education. Acquiring an
education with an unbiased mind
will qualify us to face squarely this
so-called “race problem.” Looking
at our position in the international
affairs of the world today, we can
ill afford to shun the utter stupid
ity of our race prejudices.
We must all live together as a
human race in this very active
world of today. Why can’t we
give up our biased ideas on race
and unconsciously celebrate a
Brotherhood Week throughout the
year? In order to keep a united
America in a tense world crisis *•
now facing us, we must appeal to
our moral teachings as dictated to
us by our religious beliefs and our
Constitutional foundations o f
equality and freedom for all man
Yours truly,
Bill Hilliard
SafiUama^e 'IVi&do+n Fein Moil % *hutk
We got a letter. “Dear Mr. Funk,” it said,
“Here is another ‘fan’ letter.from a person
who also reads your column. Yes Really! (the
enclosed aspirin is recommended for the
treatment of shock—courtesy of U. O. In
“Incidentally, Shelley, if he were alive,
might object to your misquoting him in your
column on Feb. 1.” This was signed, cryp
tically, by A. L. F.
Believe us, we took the fact of Shelley’s
death into careful consideration before quot
ing him. We were extremely pleased that we
could cpiote him at all. incorrectly as it may
have been, and intend to do it again some
time. Maybe we will even quote Keats, or
Amy Lowell. And so what if we do misplace
a few words and import a few others! It's the
spirit of the thing, A. L. F., that matters.
And who are we to you, or you to us, that
we should be taking each other so seriously?
For that matter, we suspect that A. L. F. may
be our mother, who is rather a severe critic
of this column, and a stickler for perfect
We took the aspirin.
Recently we saw a group of small people
(smaller than freshmen, even) looking grave
iy up at McClure Hall. After some minutes of
looking gravely, they tripped away to which
ever third grade they came out of, whence. It
takes brains to read this column, bub. Well,
anyway, we have a mental image of teacher
saying “ l his is the day we are all going down
to look at McClure Hall. It is a prime example
of an architectural mess.”