Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 22, 1950, Image 1

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\niRFR Ml :
Dorms And
Panhell to
Representatives from Panhellen
ic and women’s dormitories agreed
Tuesday night to cooperate to the
fullest extent in encouraging fresh
men to participate in dormitory
activities if pledges live in dorm
itories next year.
Discussion of further problems
under the living-in plan was post
poned until an agreement on the
time of rushing freshmen for next
^ year is reached.
Resolutions on the time for
rushing have been submitted to
the Administration by both Pan
hellenic and Inter-Dorm Council.
Panhellenic’s resolution favored
rushing for freshmen at the same
time as freshmen orientation week.
The Inter-Dorm Council request
ed the postponement of rushing
until fall of the sophomore year.
Further negotiation said discus
sion with the Office of Women’s
Affairs will probably be utilized in
an attempt to reach a decision con
sidering the interests of the two
student groups and the incoming
freshman, Director of Student Af
fairs Donald M. DuShane said.
Present at the meeting were
Jackie Moore, Fran Robson, and
Dorothy Sutton, student Panhel
lenic representatives; Roberta
Waddell and Virginia Ellen Smith,
alumna Panhellenic representa
tives; and Cherry Taylor, Sue
Michel, Betty Horand, Mary Ann
Delsman, Ruth Bartle, and Jackie
Pritzen, student dormitory repre
Panhellenic Council
Petitions Due Mar. 1
Junior and senior women pe
titioning for Panhellenic council
must submit applications by Mar. 1,
President Fran Robson stated Tues
f- day. Petitions may be turned in to
Miss Robson at Sigma Kappa.
Senior women may petition for
scholarship chairman, social chair
man, publicity chairman, and
standards chairman. Junior women
may apply for the position of rela
tions chairman.
Berg's to Preview Latest Styles
For Coeds Here This Afternoon
University women are invited to see the latest in coed fashions at the
style show to be presented by Charles F. Berg of Portland at 3:45 today
in Alumni Hall, Gerlinger.
Berg’s are bringing their newest clothes and their own models for
the event.
The show is divided into six parts, “Spring Term at the U,” “Fash
ions Directed to Spring Vacation,” “Summer,” “Checks,” “After 5 Fash
ions,” and “Trousseau.” Campus cottons, summer play clothes, and new
short formats are a few of the items to be highlighted.
At least 500 women are expected to attend the hour-long fashion
preview, according to Janice Hughes, chairman of the affair. A tea will
follow the show, with Betty Boner in charge.
Sponsoring organizations are the Associated Women Students, Wo
men s Athletic Association, and the YWCA. The style show is being held
in conjunction with the organizations' elections which take place today.
Speech Finalists
Chosen for
Contest Tonight
Six finalists were selected in
Tuesday afternoon’s preliminary
contest for the All-University Ex
temporaneous speaking contest.
Finals will be held tonight at 8 in
104 Villard.
Prizes of $50, $30 and $20 will
be presented from the Jewett fund
to the first, second, and third place
winners in the final contest to
night. Subject of the speeches is
“American Foreign Policy.’’
Finalists are Dick Dahlberg,
sophomore in liberal arts; Nancy
A. O’Conner, freshman in' liberal
arts; Leland Johnson, sophomore
in pre-law; Don Collin, freshman
in liberal arts; Bill Lees, freshman
in liberal arts, and George DeBell,
sophomore in liberal arts.
Contestants will prepare on the
subject generally, giving particular
attention to the areas where Amer
ican interests are vitally concerned.
Forty-five minutes before speak
ing time each contestant will be
allowed to choose one out of three
topics within the general question.
Judges will be University faculty
members. Judging is based on the
quality of content, ability to or
ganize, establishment of a point of
view, and facility in speaking
M/xer Welcomes
Foreign Students
The Lemon-Orange Squeeze
has been included on the agenda
of the more than fifty foreign
students who will be on the Ore
gon campus this week end for
the International Fun Fest.
Bill Carey, president of the
Junior Interfraternity Council,
announced that all of the foreign
students are invited to attend
the Lemon-Orange Squeeze as
guests of the Junior Panliellenic
and Junior Interfraternity Coun
cil. These foreign students are
representatives of countries all
over the world, and are now at
tending school at the University
of Oregon and Oregon State.
The Lemon-Orange Squeeze
will be held in McArthur Court
immediately following the Ore
gon-Oregon State basketball
game Saturday night. The dance
is an all-campus mixer.
Disc Jockey Invites
Committee to KUGN
Torn Berry, Gerry Pearson, Jim
Carter, and Norma Hultgren will
appear tonight over radio station
on KUGN on the Don Porter disc
jockey program. These students
have been working on publicity for
the Lemon-Orange Squeeze and will
be interviewed about the dance.
Last night the four students
were interviewed by Mimi and Bob
on their program over KASH.
AFT Prexy Says Paper Garbled
Quote about Oregon's Colleges
John M. Ecklund, national presi
dent of the American Federation of
Teachers, Tuesday emphasized four
points in advocating a union of tea
chers, and added that “It’s true that
things have been badly handled by
the newspapei-s.”
Eklund spoke before students
and faculty members of the educa
tion school Tuesday afternoon. The
American Federation of Teachers is
affiliated with the American Fed
eration of Labor.
In what Eklund jokingly termed
a "death struggle” with the Port
land Oregonian he said “they pick
ed up the two quotes at Monmouth
that they liked I guess, because
they used them and left the others
The two quotations were that Ek
lund had complimented Oregon Col
leges of Education on a “basicallj
fine and intelligent job of teacher
training,” and that he had beer
misinterpreted as attacking the
dual system as it exists in Oregon.
Points listed regarding the Amer
ican Federation of Teachers at Ek
lund’s speech Tuesday were: (1) It
is affiliated with organized labor
(2) It is controlled entirely by class
room teachers, (3) It is an organi
zation of “action” rather than
words, and (4) It is “intensely in
terested in social and economic re
The American Federation of Tea
chers was organized in 1916 to im
prove working conditions of teach
ing and to improve the educational
facilities for the children.
“The school administrations can
^iot, in many instances, represent
the right and will of the teacher,”
the speaker said.
A question and answer period
was held after Eklund had outlined
the policies of the teachers’ union.
One question regarded teacher
Eklund answered, “The AFT has
a no-strike policy on the national
scale. It was agreed that we would
not strike against the children of
labor. We recognize the fact that to
remove the services of education is
a local problem and should be at the
option of the local group.”
Q—How about the children ?
I Aren't you depriving them of edu
| cation in a strike ?
A—“Of course if you want to be
realistic they are being deprived al
(Please turn to page six)
Annual Elections on Tap
At Gerlinger Hall Today
W omen will go to the polls today at 1 p.m. to choose 1950-51 :
officers of Associated Women Students, Women’s Athletic As
sociation, and YWCA.
Candidates for positions in the three organizations will he in
traduced at 1~ AO m the lohlw of Ctorlmo'nr Hoi! ,,.1,.,,-,,
will continue until 6 p.m.
Further nominations may he
made from the floor at the noon
meeting. In keeping with tradi
tion, there lias been no prelimi
nary campaigning.
Cards Needed
Student body cards are required
in the AWS election. Only members
may vote for officers of WAA and
The slate of candidates is as fol
lows: '
For president of AWS, candi
dates are Eve Overback and Bar
barn Stevenson; secretary, Sally
Stone and Marilyn Thompson;
treasurer, Kay Kuckenberg and
Carol Udy; reporter, Betty Mosh
ofsky and Donna Pastrouich; ser
geant-at-arms, Elaine Hartung and
Margaret Powne.
Seeking the position of WAA
president, Nancy Kuhnhawsen and
Phyllis Rich; secretary, Jay Frye
and Joan Skordahl; treasurer, Ber
nice Bradley and Mary Myers; ser
geant-at-arms, Joan Jacobs and
Karen Terry, custodian, Barbara
Bates and Nancy Brenneman.
Candidates for president of YW
CA are president, Beverly Buckley
and Delores Jeppesen; second vice
president, Nancy Kuhnawsen and
Jackie Barbee Miller; secretary,
Florence Hansen and JoAnn Gill
more; treasurer, Janice Hughes and
Eleanor Johns; upperclass commis
sion chairman, Gretchen Grondahl
and Karla Van Loan.
Included in candidates for YWCA
sophomore commission chairman
are Mary Alice Baker and Dolores
Parrish; vice chairman, Janis Ev
ans and Joan Zener; secretary, Bon
nie Birkemeier and Frances Gill
Interviews of the six presidential
candidates for the three groups
show that all are juniors with a
full slate of activities behind them.
AWS President
Eve Overback, running for the
top AWS position, is now treasurer
of the organization. She is also
business manager of Old Oregon,
vice president of Hendricks Hall,
and a member of Phi Theta Up
silon, junior women’s honorary.
Other contender for the AWS
spot, Barbara Stevenson, is an as
sociate editor of the Oregana, zone
manager of the Emerald, a mem
ber and secretary of the Co-op
Board, and one of the junior ad
visers in the YWCA.
When a sophomore she received
the Phi Beta Kappa book award.
For her freshman year Miss Steven
son was awarded the Mortor Board
Plaque for having one of the three
highest scholastic averages of
first-year women. She is a mem
ber of Kappa Alpha Theta.
WAA Chief
Bonnie Gienger, present presi
I dent of WAA, is seeking re-elec
tion. Last year she was sergeant
< Phase turn to page three)
'50 Miss Vogue
Picked Monday/
One of these girls will be pic
tured in Oregana as Miss Voguo .
of 1950. The following candidates *
for the title will model at the an
nual spring fashion show sponsored '
by Theta Sigma Phi, women’s >
journalism fraternity, with styles
provided by Russell’s Department
Store. They were chosen Monday
night by their houses.
Candidates for the glamor post
are Jo Ann Lokken, Alpha Phi;
Clarita Graham, Alpha Xi Delta;.
Dolores Iverson, Ann Judson
house; Mary Gribble, Carson 2;
Lavonna Tilkins, Carson 4.
Barbara Calvert, Chi Omega;
Pat Johnson, Delta Delta Delta;
Anne Armstrong, Delta Gamma;
Beverly Port, Gamma Phi Beta;
Peggy Hawkins, Henvicks Hall;
Sue Grether, Kappa Alpha Theta.
Marjorie Griffcth, Orides; Sally.
Pitman, Pi Beta Phi; Beverly Ure,
Sigma Kappa; Ann Thompson,
University House; and Marion Gal
la, Zeta Tau Alpha.
Houses that have not yet turned
in the names of their candidates
may do so until noon today at the .
journalism school office.
The selection of Miss Vogue is
an annual event.
Last year’s title winner was
Joan LaRue, Kappa Alpha
Swanson New
YM President
David Swanson, junior in busi
ness, was elected president of the
University YMCA at a membership
meeting recently. The new officers
will serve for one year.
Other officers elected were Bill
Hempy, sophomore in education, as
vice-president; Robert Biggs, soph
omore in businss, as secretary, and
David Hobbs, sophomore in liberal
arts, as treasurer.
The new officers will take office
immediately and serve under the
supervision of the retiring officers
for the remainder of winter term.
Committee chairman to serve on
the Executive cabinet will be ap
pointed soon.
A cabinet planning conference
will be held early in spring term
where the policy will be determined
and plans laid for the coming
year's program. Special attention
will be given to the need for a
strong organization and program
in the YMCA quarters in the new
Student Union Building.