Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 13, 1950, Image 1

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Kenton to Give Concert at &
Early Religious Services Set
Faculty Rating Slated Again
March Date Set
For Taking Poll
Faculty rating will be held this
term under the direction of Mortar
Board with Mildred Chetty as
chairman, ASUO President Art
Johnson announced Sunday.
Actual rating will be done in
classes early in March with es
sentially the same form of ques
tionnaire and manner of rating
used last spring term.
The rating, initiated at Oregon
last spring, is given only to those
professors who request it.
Questions Listed
Questions asked include the stu
dent’s judgement on the professor’s
testing methods, effectiveness of
lectures, disturbing mannerisms,
and similar subjects.
Reasons for using the same form
which was used previously are (1)
reports from other schools and
Oregon students and faculty mem
bers seem to indicate that it was
essentially a good form and a suc
cessful program; and (2) it was
felt that the rating should be done
this term, and in order to accomp
lish this the same forms must be
Offers Advantages
Student workers expressed the
opinion that giving the rating this
term would be advantageous to
professors, who could utilize its
suggestions during spring term
classes. They believe that many
students change courses to get
professors whom they particularly
like by spring term; therefore, a
spring rating would be less critical
and hence less valuable to the pro
fessors involved.
Students will rate their profes
sors during class periods. Student
workers will collect the forms and
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ASUO Meeting
Planned Tuesday
The ASUO Executive Council
meeting scheduled for today will
be held at 4 p. m. Tuesday in the
ASUO office, Emerald Hall, Pres
ident Art Johnson announced Sun
Faculty and student members of
the judiciary committee will be
appointed by the council from a
joint recommendation by Johnson
and University President Harry K.
More Rain Expected
Cloudy with scattered showers
was the forecast for today made
by the weather bureau. Pre
dicted high is 50 degrees and
low, 38 degrees. Highest temp
erature Sund ty was 51 degrees
and low, 41.
Little Bit of Dough
Gets Big Results
You know those dreary little
classified ads that are tucked
away in the middle of the paper?
Well, they do have some effect.
And the Emerald thinks it is
about time they came out on their
own, and shout their virtues. So
when students get bargains, or
find lost items, or sell things
through classifieds, the informa
tion will be passed on—with the
advertiser’s permission.
To start things rolling, Jean
Lovel, Emerald circulation man
ager, has faith in her own ad side.
It cost her §1.44 to run a lost
ad for three days, but she did get
results. A professor in the chem
istry department noticed the ad,
and returned a lost ring to Miss
Now take the value of the ring
(sentimental and in hard, cold
cash) and subtract the cost of the
classified ad, and you can see the
ad was worth it.
Besides, if Miss Lovell ever
wants to take chemistry, she has
a conversational topic in com
mon with a professor.
Asked in Talk
At Drama Meet
An appeal for the continuance
of a healthy, vigorous non-profes
sional theater by Barrett H. Clark,
noted theatrical scholar and edu
cator, closed the third annual
Northwest Drama Conference Sat
Speaking before the closing ses
sion of the three-day conference
in the University Theater, Mr.
Clark spoke highly of the acomp
lishments of little theaters, col
lege theaters and other non-pro
fessional groups. He deplored the
trend toward a national theater
which would bind all the independ
ent groups together.
New Development
Clark pointed out that during
our lifetime we have seen a whole
new development of the theater
and added that the same vigorous
1 process of expansion in the little
theater field is continuing. A na
tional theater, said the New York
drama critic, could do very little
more for the non-professional
theater than this group has already
done for itself.
He discussed reasons for the
popularity of the theater. “We
don’t go to increase our stock of
culture and information,” he said,
“but to satisfy a need to take with
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Gilkey to Hold
Daily Interviews
Morning worship service at
7:30 a.in. in Alumni Hall, Ger
linger, opens today’s schedule of
Religious Evaluation Week
events. The annual observance
began last night with a fellow
ship dinner and union city-cam
The morning services, to be
pus worship service, and will con
tinue through Thursday.
The morning services, to be held
daily, will end at 7:50 to permit
students to be on time for eight
o’clock classes, Bob Kingsbury,
chairman for the week, stated Sun
Individual interviews with Dr.
Charles W. Gilkey, principal speak
er for the week, may be scheduled
during the morning each day. In
terested students may arrange for
conferences by contacting Ben Lyon
at Westminster House.
Platform Addresses
“First-Hand Religion,” the gen
eral theme for the week, will be
carried out by Dr. Gilkey in a scries
of platform addresses each after
noon at 4.
This afternoon’s address, “The
Impotence of Second-Hand Ralig
ion,” will be delivered in the new
University Theater. Tuesday
through Thursday Dr. Gilkey will
speak in 3 Fenton.
Question boxes will be placed at
the lectures and in the Co-op for
questions which time will not per
mit students to ask at the addresses.
Questions Discussed
These questions and other topics
of interest to University students
will be discussed at daily “question
boxes,” to be held from 7 to 8 p.m.
each evening at Westminster
Dr. Gilkey will be entertained by
the faculty at a noon luncheon to
day at the Faculty Club. Mrs. Gil
key, former national president of
the YWCA, will confer this week
with Y leaders and other women
students. She is scheduled to meet
with the campus Y cabinet at lunch
Tuesday noon.
Christy, 40-Piece Group
To Perform at Mac Court
Stan Kenton. June Christy, and a 40-piece orchestra.
They’re all coining to McArthur Court tonight at S p.m,
when Kenton presents the latest thing in concert styles, "Inno
vations in Modern Music for 1950.”
Orchestra Leader Kenton, one of the biggest names in
modern music, has returned to the field after a layoff of a year
to organize a nationwide concert tour.
In order to make it the grandest thing in Kenton history, he
Radio Men End
Campus Meet
Representatives of the Oregon
State Broadcasters Association de
parted Sunday from the Univer
sity after concluding their' annual
conference with a dinner in the
Eugene Hotel Saturday night.
The broadcasters participated in
a two-day program of business
meetings and forums, and also
took part in the program of dedi
cating Carson Hall, the School of
Music addition, and remodeled
Villard Hall with the University
At business sessions held during
the conclave the Broadcasters
elected Lee W. Jacobs as their
president for a second term. They
also voiced opposition to Oregon's
new daylight saving time law, and
adopted a resolution favoring re
peal of wartime Federal excise
In forums held in cooperation
with the University, Mitch Mitch
ell, national radio advertising ex
ecutive, addressed members of the
student body. On Saturday, Ted
Cook of KOIN, Portland; Mcl
Bailey of KEX, Portland; Bob
Holmes of KAST, Astoria; and Bud
Chandler of KFLW, Klamath Falls,
spoke about radio trends and job
lureu 1YUSS unristy, uie nation's)
top orchestra chanteuse, and re
organized his troupe completely to
include strings and woodwinds.
Rejoins Group
Miss Christy, who is blonde,
beautiful and who also can sing,
agreed to rejoin the Kenton group
after branching out as a single
during the past year. She will be
the feature star at tonight’s per
Kenton is making his third ven
ture into modern music. He started
out in 1941 and two years ago
gave “Presentations in Progressive
Jazz. ’ One of his performances
was in Eugene.
Fourth Stop
McArthur Court will be the
fourth stopover on Kenton's na
tionwide journey. The series
opened in Seattle, moved to Van
couver, Wash., and Saturday was
in Portland. The schedule calls
for an appearance in Chicago be
fore the end of February.
The concert here is sponsored
by the Student Union Board and
has been approved by the Office
of Student Affairs.
Tickets are now available at
the Co-op, McArthur Court, and
the Appliance Center downtown.
They will be on sale at the door
tonight. Student seats cost 80
cents; general admission, $1.20,
and reserve seats, $1.S0, including
Reviewer Hails
Kenton as Tops
(Note: Fred Young, Emerald
columnist and music critic, went
to Portland Saturday to review
the Stan Kenton concert. Fol
lowing is his report.)
Don’t miss him! That’s what
t’ve told those who have asked me
about Kenton's Portland concert.
And, I would include anybody in
that who appreciates fresh sounds,
simplicity or complexity of struc
ture, rhythm explorations, or
plainly good music.
For me it was a musical treat
that might not have come even
once in a lifetime were it not for
the resourcefulness of the pro
gressive minded Stan Kenton in
assembling an array of the na
tion’s most creative composers to
write for his orchestra of top mu
(Please turn to pane three)
Dedication Ceremonies for Three Buildings
Held Throughout Campus During Past Weekend
‘‘Dedicated to the services of the
youth of Oregon,” Carson Hall,
| the University Theater with Vil
[ lard Hall, and the new School of
Music building became an official
part of the University in Satur
day’s ceremonies.
Gov. Douglas McKay, dedicating
the buildings in the lobby of Car
son, presented giant-sized keys to
| Mrs. Genevieve Tumipseed, direc
tor of dormitories and Cherry Tay
lor, president of Carson; to Theo
dore Kratt, dean of the Music
School; and to Roy C. McCall, head
of the speech department.
Value Over Two Million
The buildings, first to be com
pleted in the University's expan
sion program, represent a value
of $2,250,000.
Gov. McKay emphasized the im
portance of the new buildings and
the principles for which they stand. '
“I believe that it is here—and
in the other classrooms throughout
the state—that the future of Ore
gon, and this nation, will be de
cided,” he said.
President Harry K. Newburn
pointed out that Saturday marked
more than the dedicating of three
new buildings, but also, some im
portant advances in the Univer
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