Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 09, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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    j Honolulu Offers^
Teaching Jobs
To.U.O. Grads
Openings in the Kamehameha
: School, Honolulu, Hawaii, have
; been reported to the University
: Teacher Placement Service, E. M.
Pallett, director, announced Wed
The institution, with an enroll
ment of 1150, has positions avail
able in both the boys’ and girls’
schools. Dr. Pauline M. Frederick,
head of the school for girls, plans
, to be on the campus Mar. 29 and
[ 30 for interviews with those in
; terested.
Ida M. Pope, teacher placement
j secretary, emphasizes that only
' certified teachers are qualified for
these positions. Teachers qualified
. to teach in Oregon meet the re
f quirements of Kamehameha, she
Available teaching positions in
the school for girls are in social
studies; English-math-social stu
dies; commerce, girls’ counselor,
i girls’ physical education; and pos
sibly piano and art.
Jfr- In the boys’ school, teachers are
| needed for modern languages,
(physical science, lower mathema
tics, vocational English, band, and
10th grade English.
Kremer to Speak
At German Dinner
Delta Phi Alpha, German hon
orary society, will hold a dinner
next Tuesday at the Eugene Hotel.
E. P. Kremer, professor of Ger
manic languages, will speak on
“The Role of Poetry in the Devel
opment of Humanity and Civiliza
Ellen Liebe, violinist, and Ernest
Lutz, pianist and student from
Austria, will play a sonata for vio
lin and piano by Mozart, and a
sonatina for violin and piano by
Group singing will follow the
evening’s program.
Wickham, Onthank
To Attend Meetings
Mrs. Golda P. Wickham, direc
tor of women’s affairs, and Karl
W. Onthank, director of the gradu
ate placement service, will travel
to Salem Monday to attend meet
ings of the Oregon Mothers and
Dads Associations.
f* Members of the Mothers execu
| tive board will hear Mrs. Wick
ham speak at a morning meeting.
Onthank will talk before a
joint meeting of the Salem Mo
thers and Dads clubs in the eve
Ining on University scholarships
and other financial aid and gradu
ate employment. He also will be
present at the morning meeting.
Group Names Wood
To Speech Council
Dr. Kenneth Scott Wood, profes
sor of speech and director of the
speech and hearing clinic, has been
named to the executive council of
the Speech Association of Amer
Wood has also been reappointed
to the committee on ethical prac
tice of the American Speech and
Hearing Association. Maintaining
U. S. professional standards in
speech pathology, and hearing re
habilitation is the function of this
An Alaska man climbed a moun
tain and had his face frozen. He
should join a poker club.
If a husband’s excuses for being
late were all bound up in one book,
JUvould make a nice volume of
Four Men and
As Suspects in
DETROIT — (UP) — Four men
and an attractive night club singer
with $37,150 crammed in a paper
bag were arrested and questioned
Wednesday about the $1,700,000
Brink’s Inc. holdup.
The FBI joined attempts to find
the source of the $50 and $100 bills
taken from a car in the loop area.
John Gach, 35, associate of for
mer Purple Gang Leader Harry
Fleisher, told police inspector Wal
ter Wyrod that he “won the money
in a gambling joint.”
“Why do you suppose people al
ways have to pick on me,” Cach
asked detectives. He was arrested
in Cincinnati last October with
Fleisher, then a fugitive from 30
year prison sentences for robbery
and conspiracy to murder.
The others, who denied even
knowing about the money, also
disclaimed any knowledge of the
huge Boston holdup by nine men
last month.
Wyrod said serial numbers of
the bills failed to check with any
known to have been taken in the
Brink’s robbery. But Wyrod poin
ted out that nearly $900,000 of
that loot was in bills for which
serial numbers were unrecorded.
Three holdup squad detectives,
suspicious because Gach tried to
conceal the bills, arrested the
group before dawn.
Widow Cleared
In Theft Charge
Of Buffer Cubes
OAKLAND — (UP) — “Grand
ma” Margie Russell, a spry 88
year-old widow, was cleared Wed
nesday of charges she stole two
cubes of butter worth 38 cents.
A request that a petty theft
complaint be dropped was granted
by Judge Louis J. Hardy. The half
blind and nearly deaf old lady then
signed an out-of-court settlement
with owners of the Pay-Less Mar
The settlement gave Mrs. Rus
sell $300 in return for her pledge
not to sue for false arrest. It
provided that the payment did not
constitute an admission of liability.
' Carl Becker, 53, the store detec
tive who arrested Mrs. Russell
when he claimed he saw her slip
two cubes of butter into her shop
ping bag, moved for dismissal of
the complaint.
After the judge granted the re
quest, the detective and Mrs. Rus
sell were asked to pose together
for photographers. Just as the
pictures were to be taken, he
turned his back on her and walked
out of the courtroom.
Asked if she had hard feelings
for Becker, Mrs. Russell laughed
and said, “Oh, no, that’s all over.”
She spent four days in jail fol
lowing her arrest Dec. 15 before
her son bailed her out.
Drama Session Begins
(Continued, from, baae one)
turday. Many of the guests will
attend and take part in the dedi
cation of Carson Hall, the Music
School administrative annex, and
remodeled Villard Hall with the
new University Theater. Gov. Mc
Kay will speak in the main lobby
of Carson Saturday, assisted in the
dedication by President Newburn
and other officials.
Students will be on hand to show
campus visitors the new buildings
and to assist at the two conferen
ces. Registration for today’s Dra
ma Conference is being handled
by the National Collegiate Players.
Only registered delegates may at
tend sessions of the Drama Con
ference, wi£h the exception of the
3:30 general session Saturday.
Girl Arrested
Brinks Holdup
Title-Seekers Battle
(Continued from page one)
he was elected freshman class pres
ident at State. Dave, a junior in
pre-law, holds first place award in
the Jewett speech contest. In the
summer he works as a clerk-typist
in Portland, with time out for his
favorite sport, swimming.
Senes as Chairman
Pre-law senior, Ed Eveland,
comes from Long Beach, California
where he attended Long Beach City
College for two years. The 23-year
old senior served as social chairman
for the Sigma Chis.
Ron Gillis was in the army for
three years and served in Germany,
France, and England. The tall blue
eyed Chi Psi is majoring in political
science and hopes some day to “get
his fill of traveling.” Ron also is a
social chairman.
Varsity football player»Ray Kar
nofski is from Longview. Now a
sophomore in liberal arts, he plans
on going into pre-med. Ray is ath
letic chairman of the SAE house
and works during summers in a
lumber camp in Longview.
There was a big farm yield in
1948. Won’t someone please tell
prices about it.
Officials Leave
For Conference
In Washington
Three University officials left
Eugene yesterday to attend the
annual conference of the North
west Council of Guidance and Per
sonnel Associations held in the
Winthrop Hotel, Tacoma, Wash.
Donald M. DuShane, director of
student affairs. C. L. Constance,
registrar, and J. S. Carlson, coun
seling center director, will repre
sent the University at the Friday
through Saturday meeting. Con
stance is vice-president of the
council for Oregon and was on the
conference planning committee.
Theme of the conference is “De
veloping Responsive Citizenship
Through Personnel Work.”
DuShane will serve as chairman
of a Saturday morning panel dis
cussion based on an address to be
given by Sen. Wayne Morse at a
A student lamp made in 1841
was presented to a college. You
know, one of those places that
used to be used for studying.
Modern youth should try hug
ging- the road for a change instead
of making it secondary.
Friday night banquet. Morse will
speak on ‘’Dealing with Communi
ty Responsibility Problems and At
titudes in Personnel Work."
George Hall, one-time assistant
to Vergil Earl, former dean of men
in the University, will be one of
the panel members. Hall is now
dean of the Grays Harbor Junior
Good News
&Sr Minded
College ,
Men! II
A U. S. Air Force inter
viewing team will be
here to give you com
plete details about the
many flying and non
flying opportunities open
to single young men be
tween ages of 20 and
26Vi. Find qut how you
can prepare for a career
as an officer in the U. S.
Air Force!
I (time)