Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 08, 1950, Image 1

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U.O. Host
To Oregon
Representatives of the state’s
radio stations will gather in Eu
gene at 9:30 a.m. Friday, as the
University plays host for the first
time to the Oregon State Broad
casters’ Association.
Approximately 150 delegates
are expected at the program which
includes business meetings, a dra
ma festival, and the dedication of
^three University buildings.
The first event will be a talk ten
be given in Studio A of Villard
Hall at 3 on Friday by Mitch Mit
chell of the Broadcast Advertising
Saturday morning will be de
voted to a student broadcast for
um to be held in Studio A at 10
a.m. Under the direction of Wil
liam McCready of local station
KUGN, a group from the OSBA
will speak to and answer questions
of the student body and faculty.
Governor to Be Guest
Luncheon will be held at noon
in the Carson Hall dining room.
President Harry K. Newburn will
address the broadcasters and spe
cial guests. These include Gov.
Douglas McKay and members of
the State Board of Higher Educa
The governor will be the chief
speaker at the dedication cere
monies which will go over KOAC
at 1:30 from the Carson lobby.
The School of Music will present
a program from 2 to 3 p.m. which
will include a recital by members
of the faculty.
“Macbeth” to Be Aired
In Villard Hall preparations are
being made for the delegates and
their guests to view the 3 p.m.
broadcast of “Macbeth” from Stu
dio A. Seating arrangements are
being made for visitors.
A buffet supper at 5:45 will con
clude the session. Governor McKay
will address the group,
j On Friday and Saturday nights,
performances in the University
Theater and basketball games at
McArthur Court will be open to
the Broadcasters. Guides, who will
| conduct tours through the theater
i and Villard Hall, are being ar
ranged for by the Speech Depart -
i ment.
Five Non-AGS Greek Houses
Reaffirm USA Standing at Meeting
Representatives of five Greek houses remaining outside the Associ
ated Greek Students political party met Tuesday afternoon at the Alpha
Xi Delta sorority house to reaffirm their intention to stay out of AGS.
The meeting was held as a result of action taken by Phi Sigma Kap
pa fraternity Monday night to return to AGS. Phi Sigma Kappa's peti
tion for reinstatement in AGS was received by AGS President Hob Deuel
Tuesday afternoon.
“AGS will meet sometime next week vote on the petition,’’ Deuel
The five non-AGS houses held house meetings or caucuses prior to
the meeting of their representative Tuesday afternoon. All five houses
indicated an intention to remain outside of AGS.
Present were Virginia Wright, representing Alpha Xi Delta; Lou Wes
ton, president of Delta Zeta; Dan French, Lambda Chi Alpha represen
tative; Tom Young, president of Phi Kappa Sigma; and Bob Bunnage,
president of Tau Kappa Epsilon.
It was decided that a written agreement, which will provide future
unity of action by the five houses, will be drawn up and formally pre
sented' at house meetings.
Tentative provisions of the agreement are: (1) notification of other
non-AGS Greek houses and the USA steering committee of intention to
vote to go back to AGS approximately eight days before a formal vote
is taken; (2) a meeting of the five houses, to be held after the notifi
cation and before the formal vote of any one house.
Drama Conference Set to Start
Thursday in University Theater
Exhibits, stage productions, and a tour of the University The
ater will be added attractions at the Northwest Drama Confer
ence which opens tomorrow in the University Theater.
Centering in Villard Hall, the exhibits will feature displays
by various technical theatrical organizations on lighting, cos
tume fabrics, stage equipment and books.
Samuel French. Inc., through its west coast office in Los
Angeles, is showing a display of
theatrical material in connec
tion with its task of providing
plays for organizations
throughout the West.
In addition, private displays,
consisting of programs, photo
graphs, blueprints, sketches, and
publicity will be shown by various
individual colleges and universities,
including Oregon, Washington
State College, University of Wash
ington, UCLA, along with North
west high schools and theatrical
The University of Oregon will
participate in the exhibition with a
display in the Oriental Art Museum
of Japanese work in the theater,
with plays, books and costumes.
The University Library also is
scheduling an exhibit of theater
As one of the opening features of
the conference, William Schlosser
will conduct the delegates on a
tour of the new University Theater
explaining its facilities and show
ing the innovations which make the
theater one of the most modern of
university theaters.
In addition to the two University
Theater productions of “Thunder
Rock” and “Winterset” and the
Portland Civic Theater presenta
tion of “Yes, My Darling Daug
hter,” the Eugene Very Little The
ater and the Portland Civic Theater
will join in presenting a one-act
drama by Tennessee Williams en
titled “Portrait of Madonna.”
The Very Little Theater will hold
its production in the Laboratory
Theater, while the Portland Civic
Theater will present its production
arena style in the Arena Theater,
I 104 Villard.
Oregon to Unveil New Buildings;
Dedication Planned for Saturday
Faculty members, students, and
townspeople will witness the Sa
turday unveiling of the University
of Oregon’s first permanent build
ings, constructed under a $6 mil
lion postwar building program.
The dedication of Carson Hall,
new dormitory for women, the
Music School administrative addi
tion, and remodeled Villard with
the University Theater addition
will start at 1:30 p.m. Saturday.
, The ceremony wTill be held in the
lobby of Carson Hall, with Gov.
Douglas McKay speaking. Others
i participating in the dedication will
be President Harry K. Newburn;
State Board of Higher Education
building committee; Theodore
Kratt, dean of the School of Mu
sic; Roy C. McCall, department of
speech; and Mrs. Genevieve Tur
nipseed, director of dormitories.
Students taking part will be Art
Johnson, ASUO president, and
Cherry Taylor, Carson Hall presi
The public may inspect the new
buildings following the dedication.
Open House will be held from 2
to 5 p.m., with special activities
planned in each unit.
A faculty concert will feature
the School of Music open house at’
2 p.m. This will be held in the mu
j sic auditorium. At 3 p.m. an all- j
student presentation of the radio
play, “Macbeth,” will be broadcast
from the new studios in Villard
Hall. Tea is to be served in the
home economics department in
Chapman Hall from 4 to 5.
Coeds will be on hand during the
Open House hours at Carson Hall
to show visiters the facilities of
the new dormitory.
Preceding the dedication cere
mony, the Oregon State Broad
casters Association will hold a
luncheon in Carson Hall. President
Newburn will be speaker for this
event. The luncheon is an event of
the annual conference of the OS
BA, being held on the campus Feb.
10 and 11.
Parking System Altered
Along 'Fraternity Row7
Xo parking signs were posted Monday on the north side oE
11th Avc. between Kincaid and Pearl streets by the Police Traf
fic Bureau.
The action was a result of recommendations by the Univer
sity Civic Club, an organization of businessmen with establish
ments near the campus.
Parking was changed from the north to the south side of 11th
New Book Features
Sweetheart Songs
A feature of Valentine’s Day,
Feb. 14, will be the sale of fra
ternity and sorority sweetheart
song hooks at the Co-op by
members of the YWCA fresh
man music commission.
They have collected and put
together a booklet containing
one sweetheart song from each
fraternity and sorority represen
ted on the Oregon campus.
Choice of the song to be pub
lished was made by the individu
al living organizations.
Booklet price is 25 cents.
Kenton Hits
Absence of Jazz
In Curriculum
Piano-playing bandman Stan
Kenton thinks the very universi
ties he is visiting on his nationwide
concert tour are “making a grave
mistake in not offering a course
in creative music—or jazz."
(Oregon is among those schools
which do not offer such a course.)
Kenton will bring Singing Star
June Christy plus a forty-piece or
chestra to McArthur Court Mon
day at 8 p.m. when he will present
“Innovations in Modern Music for
1950.” Saturday night he performs
in Portland and is expected to ar
rive in Eugene some time Sunday.
It is Kenton’s contention that
music departments in today's
schools are “lagging behind.”
Never one to sidestep an argu
ment, Kenton explains that “the
attitude of the heads of many of
our university music departments
toward modern music completely
amazes me.”
Reprimanding them for their
shortsightedness and disregard of
the students’ desire to study this
type music Kenton says, "Edu
cational institutions are, with few
exceptions, treating jazz with dis
dain and dismissing its value as an
art form.
“They still think of jazz as a
’honky-tonk' music, when actually
it is highly technical.”
Kenton refers to jazz as the
only art form that can be regarded
as truly American.
“Yet,” he states, “our instruc
tors treat it with disrespect. It's
truly a pathetic situation and
something should be done about
it immediately.”
Students may obtain tickets for
80 cents at the Co-op and McAr
thur Court. This represents a 40
cent saving when compared to the
general admission price of $1.20.
The reserve seat price is $1.80. All
prices include tax.
the installation of parking1
meters was begun after busi
nessmen appealed to the city
council that patrons were un
able to stop near the business
I'he meters will be put up for
a half block between Alder and
Hilyard on 11th and along the
north side of 13th in the Alder to
Kincaid block. They will also ex
tend for half a block on the west
side of Alder between llth and
Faster Turnover Needed
According to Keith Fennell, a
member of the University Civic
Club, the request for a revised
parking system in this district was
made "to facilitate a faster turn
over of cars near the shops.” He
explained, “Customers have been
unable to park near the business es
tablishments to shop, especially
during rush hours. Parking meters
will alleviate this condition and per
mit more people yfaM stop in this
Capt. Del Cash of the Police
Traffic Bureau said an advantage
of the system would be "the elim
ination of a congested condition on
llth.” He stated, "The heaviest
traffic on that street is that moving
west into Eugene, and by parking
cars on the opposite side of the
street there would be less chance
for accidents to occur."
Five Houses Affected
Five fraternity houses on llth
will be affected by the change. Gene
Hogan, president of Phi Sigma
Kappa, said, “It will be a kind of a
bind and inconvenience, and of
course we're against it,” Sigma Nu
President Joe Matthews felt that
"parking meters on the other side
of the street would create a prob
lem, considering about 30 cars in
each house along the millrace will
be fighting it out for parking
'King of Hearts'
Crowning Set
The King of Hearts will be
crowned at halftime of the Oregon
Oregon State basketball game
Friday, according to Joa,n Skor
dahl, head of the coronation com
Lights at McArthur Court will
Ke lowered while the yet unre
vealed winner is seated on a
throne. The band will play “With
a Song in My Heart,” theme of
this year's Heart Hop, and a spot
light will reveal the identity of the
King of Hearts.
Heart Hop ticket stubs entitle
students to vote for their selec
tion. Voting will take place at the
Co-op through 4 p.m. Friday.
Tickets to this girl-ask-boy af
fair are available at all women’s
living organizations and at the
Co-op. The price is 60 cents.