Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 07, 1950, Page 3, Image 3

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    A Spade is Not a Spade? A Statement from the State Board
(Continued from page two)
gon and in the allocations of curricula. It will be
the policy of this Board to keep abreast of the
needs of the state and with developments in the
field of higher education, always keeping in mind
economy but also placing major emphasis on ef
fectiveness of the educational program from the
students’ standpoint. Unnecessary duplication will
be eliminated wherever it is found and will be
guarded against in new requests made by institu
It will be the policy of the Board to consider,
from time to time, all requests from the several in -
stitutions on the basis of their needs, always keep
ing in mind, of course, a policy of avoiding un
necessary duplication in accordance with the state"
law, and also being over mindful of the resources
of the state and the quality of the educational offer
It will also be the policy of this Board to make
its decisions on new courses and new curricula,
regardless of duplication, on the basis of facts,
definitely proven needs, and only after careful
study. It also is the continuing purpose of the
Board to keep the two major institutions distinc
tive in their highly professional fields and to de
velop quality in these fields.
Pile State System has been operating for almost
a fifth of a century. It lias offered a coordinated
program of higher education, geared to the needs
of the state, with substantial savings to the tax
payers. It is the purpose of this Board to continue
this type of coordinated program.
OjfJUand OlfA&tvcUio-nA,
(Continued from page two)
his struggling. The voice sounded remark
ably like that of Elmo Sneed. lata Pi number
73 of Rho Rho. Josh smacked his lips a couple
of times to rid his mouth of a sepia taste,
then decided to chance one quick look at his
He hadn’t been shanghaied after all. He
was in the den of good old Rho Rho. There
over the fireplace was the chapter charter to
prove it. And on the mantle slumbered Tiny
Behemoth, star tackle, in his usual position.
Rapidly regaining his composure, Josh
looked over in the corner. Hanging by his
heels from the “O” plaque and contently
piling his teeth with his fraternity pin was
hiAroomy, Oldjoe Befuddled.
He looked further. He saw pledges who
seemed to be suffering from extreme cases of
myopia crawling about the room, picking up
bits of garbage and paper cups. Once in a
while they would collide head-on and mutter
absent minded excuses to each other.
Josh attempted to orient himself by recall
ing events of the preceding evening. He re
membered hitting his chemistry professor’s
wife over the head with a bath brush and at
tempting to trade chapter secrets for a pas
sing grade. The party must have been a suc
cess. He must have done many other things
equally clever.
“Yes,” he proudly thought as he cleared a
space on the floor and started to drift back to
sleep, “ ‘ol Josh really has it.. . .”
King of Hearts Contest Approaches,*
Candidates Filled with: False Modesty
A beauty contest is a beauty
contest is a beauty contest as the
old saying goes, but when it comes
to the King of Hearts and his dis
tinguished court, a somewhat dif
ferent situation presents itself.
During the time when the var
ious groups on the campus are
choosing their candidates, false
modesty seems to be the order of
the day. Unofficial sources close
to official sources report that
sometimes as many as five or six
fully acceptable campus heroes are
nominated before one can be found
who is honest enough to pretend
modesty and to accept the can
didacy for the campus honor.
When the finalists’ names are
released to the world, the candi
dates then face the ultimate test
of their true worth, They must be
able to take it.
Those who have turned -down the
honor tease them incessantly; but,
of course, anyone who has had only
. Psych 201 knows that this is just
a cover up for their jealousy and
that silently they are saying to
themselves, “Why didn’t you run,
you darn fool” (or some other ap
propriate phrase).
Then follow tense days for six
young men on the campus. They
wander around in their hest cash
meres and clean white shirts tryr
ing to look like the epitome of
collegiateness. Their pictures ap
pear in the Co-op and their friends,
who decide that since they have
A woman bandit used tear ghs in
an attempt to rob a store. The
same old feminine story—tears for
LESSONS—Native-born German
lady is giving German lessons.
If interested, please call 5-2871.
TAX—Students get your income
tax refund early. File now. Glen
Donalson, 1060 High St. 79
TUTOR—English major will tutor
freshmen in Eng Lit and Comp.
$1 an hour. Call 4-7356. 80
passed up the honor themselves,
they must attempt to win.it for
their group, campaign, vigorously.
Finally the big night comes, the
night of the Heart Hop. The ladies
invite the men, which in itself is a
cleverly concealed plan. With the
situation thus turned about many
more fellows are assured the
chance of attending (due to the
present ratio) and so. they are able
to view firsthand the final choice
which, although- they refuse to ad
mit it, they are so very, interested
Crowds gather at the house de
signated as the “palace” where the
coronation will take place. A
hushed silence falls upon the group
and the six candidates f nervously
cross their fingers (with hands in
pockets, of course, so. that no one
will know,)
The choice of the campus is fi
nally. announced and the newly
elected royalty steps forward to
receive his crown.
In any normal contest' of. this
event would conclude the festivi
ties, but in this case the situation
is somewhat different.
The new King of Hearts assumes
a completely casual air. Such in
sincere boredom is, of course, only
a cover up for his great pride and
new feeling of prestige. There re
mains only one solution to the
problem which throughout the
years has become a tradition in
connection with this contest.
The new king must be thorough
ly dunked. This beautiful and
simple ceremony, so befitting the
occasion, is all that is neeessary
to bring the new king to his sen
ses. He is then ready to take over
his position with the true dignity
of which it is deserving.
Proving that a year as king can
do much for> any man’s ^character,
last year’s king, Gerry Smith, was
heard to say, “Vive la King. I
Can’t wait to dunk this year’s win
Board to Accept Campus Additions
Official inspection and accep
tance of the three newly completed
campus buildings by the State
Board of Higher Education will be
made Friday, in preparation for
the dedication program Saturday.
Carson Hall, Villard Hall with
the University Theater, and the
School of Music addition will be
formally opened at that time, with
Governor Douglas McKay partici
pating in the dedication at 1:30 in
Carson lobby.
Making the acceptance of the
buildings in behalf of the State
Board will be Dr. R. E. Kleinsorge,
chairman of the building commit
tee, and members Leif Finseth,
and Phil Metscham.
A Washington man offered a
case of Scotch for the privilege of
j renting a house. That’s living it.
up instead of drinking it down.
Cigarette Men
Will be in
The Co-op Store
on Feb. 9th & 10th
U. of O CO-OP
Is Missing a Bet by Not Using This
To Put Their Product Before
The University of Oregon Student Body
Don't Miss A SALE
Because You Didn't
Take Advantage of the