Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 02, 1950, Image 1

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Faculty Lifts
Term Hour
Minimum and maximum limits
for study loads were abolished by
the faculty Wednesday in passing
a motion recommended by the Spe
cial Committee for the Study of
Academic Regulations.
The motion repeals former legis
lation which allowed no student to
register for less than 12 hours or
more than 19, without the approval
^•of the Academic Requirements
Committee and the dean of the
school in which he is registered.
According to this old rule, no
student could register for more
than 19 hours unless his grade
point average was 3.00 for the pre
ceding term.
Final point of the motion makes
it possible for a student to receive
credit for all hours in which he
receives a passing grade, with no
other specified GPA necessary for
full credit.
The committee suggesting the
motion began work last December
and is making a thorough study,
with the aim to clarify and im
prove present academic require
ments. C. F. Weigle, dean of the
School of Journalism, is chairman.
Six Finalists Vie
For Colonel Title
Six Little Colonel finalists for
the Military Ball Mar. 4 were
named Wednesday night by Scab
bard and Blade members.
Chosen from the field of 25
candidates were Jackie Lewis, Pi
Beta Phi; Betty Pollack, Alpha
Chi Omega; Margaret Nichols,
Hendricks Hall; Judy Bailey, Kap
pa Alpha Theta; Bonnie Bressler,
••Carson Hall; and Maxine Krisch,
Alpha Phi.
One finalist will become Little
Colonel to rule over the annual
Military Ball. Others will be Little
Judging was done in Alumni
Lounge, Gerlinger Hall, with can
didates wearing formals.
Mike Bond is chairman of Little
Colonel selection. Scabbard and
Blade president is Curt Finch.
Frosh Choose Candidates
For Forthcoming Elections
AGS Man Stresses
Fall Term Elections
Stressing earlier freshman par
ticipation in University activities,
Don Denning, Beta Theta Pi, ad
vocated fall term elections for
freshman class officers when he
addressed Oregon frosh at the
freshman nominating assembly in
Chapman Hall Wednesday.
Denning, AGS candidate for the
number one freshman post, was
nominated by Jack Byers.
“Make the class of '53 the class
of unity,” were the words of Jackie
Wilkes, AGS candidate for the sec
ond position. Her nomination was
made by Jim Martin.
Among the points stressed by
Denning were the creation of a
freshman honorary, based on
achievement, a better system of
vocational guidance, and organiza
tion of a freshman ski club.
Pointing out the advantages of
fall elections, Denning maintained
that freshmen needed to become
active as soon as possible on the
campus. He expressed his wish to
see the freshmen responsible for
“Frosh Glee,” working as an or
ganized class.
“Now is the time to build the
foundation for our future at the
University. We must show our
selves to the school now,” he ex
Supporting Denning’s program,
Miss Wilkes advocated the com
bination of AWS weekend activi
ties and the “Frosh Glee.” Other
points included a junior interdorm
itory council, for the purpose of
connecting freshman to campus
activities and the maintenance of
class unity.
Audience Spellbound;
Well, at Least Bound
Sure-fire method ^to hold an au
dience was demonstrated at the
University library lecture forum
last night when someone chained
the outside doors shut.
No one was able to enter or
leave the building for a period of
20 minutes while the shackles were
cut through. A hack saw found in
the Audio-Visual department was
used to open the first door while
a call was being put through to the
physical plant for help.
* * *
Paillette Emphasizes
Need for Class Unity
"Unity, cooperation, and organ
ization is the key to success for the
freshman class,” Don Paillette,
Campbell Club, told freshman at
the nominating assembly for fresh
man officers Wednesday in Chap
man Hall.
Paillette was nominated for the
number one position of the fresh
man class by Herb Cook.
Emphasizing the importance of
the freshman council to the class,
Paillette advocated the re-organi
zation of the council, using it as
the, central body of freshman ac
tivities oh the campus.
Paillette also recommended that
a non-voting freshman be elected
to the ASTJO council, giving the
frosh a voice in the central organ
ization of the student body.
“When the class has established
unity, organization and coopera
tion will follow, as will successful
freshman activities such as the
"Frosh Glee,” Paillette maintained.
Seconding Paillette’s sugges
tions for the class of '53, Helen
Jackson, USA candidate for. the
number two post in the class,
stressed the importance of volun
tary participation by members of
the class.
“If freshman representatives are
chosen on the basis of interest and
willingness to expend their ener
gies for the good of the class, more
unity and closer organization will
result,” she maintained.
Ed Anderson, ASUO vice-presi
dent who presided at the meeting,
closed the assembly with a brief
explanation of Oregon's system of
preferential voting.
Slight Temperature
Rise Due Tonight
More sub-zero cold in Eastern
Washington and Oregon and be
low freezing weather in the wes
tern portions of the Northwest
was forecast tonight by the
weather bureau.
Although the weatherman saw
no break in the Northwest’s
worst cold spell of the century,
he did forecast slightly warmer
temperatures for the Oregon
coast by Thursday night.
Thirty-One Speakers
Scheduled to Discuss
Religious Problems
J hirty-one speakers for Religious Evaluation Week firesideaf
have been secured to speak in campus living organizations at
5 rdO-and 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 14.
Fireside co-chairman Mary Stadelman and Herb Nill have
sent out postcards to all living groups requesting them to check
the time they wish speakers to appear before them.
Gerry Smith, campus opinion chairman for the Week which
Duck Preview
Petitions Due
Petitions for chairmanships of
eight committees for Duck Pre
view (new name for AWS Week
end which has been expanded to
include high school senior boys as
well as girls) have been called for.
Committees will include hous
ing, registration, welcome booklet,
invitations, exchange dinners, lun
cheon program, dance, and cam
pus tours. Petitions should be
turned in to Marie Lombard at
Delta Delta Delta or Steve Church,
Theta Chi. They will head the Ap
ril 14 to 16 weekend which will
give prospective Oregon students
a foretaste of campus life.
The committees will arrange the
following events for the high
school visitors:
Saturday 1 uncheon with pro
gram featuring' prominent stu
dents and faculty members and
members of the coaching staff, a
Saturday night dance, campus
tours, and exchange dinners Sun
day. In addition, the high school
students will be able to see the All
Campus Vodvil Friday night and
a varsity baseball game Saturday.
Scholars Names Needed
All first and second term sopho
more men who were freshmen at
the University last year and who
have a 3.5 cumulative GPA are
asked to turn their names in at
the office of student affairs. Re
quest is made in order to complete
list of qualified candidates of Phi
Eta Sigma scholastic honorary.
is from Feb. 12 to 16. plans ta
poll living groups on what re
ligious questions or problems
they would like-to have discus
sed. This information will be
turned over to fireside leaders
to guide them in planning their
Speakers Listed
Speakers include Henry N. Wie
man, professor of philosophy; W.
M. Whitweli, pastor of River Road
Baptist Chapel; W. W. White, pas
tor of Fail-mount Church of Christ;
Vance H. Webster, pastor of First
Baptist Church; Floyd E. Tuffs,
pastor of Coburg Methodist
Ellsworth M. Tilton, minister of
Springfield Methodist Church; Mrs.
Genevieve Turnipseed, University
housing director; Warren D. Smith,
professor emeritus of geology;
Sterling Siminson, pastor of the
Lutheran Church; Blanche Rock
ney, Lutheran student counselor;
David Seaman, Wesley Foundation
Facility Included
Carroll C. Roberts, minister of
First Christian Church; Wesley G.
Nicholson, minister of First Con
gregational Church; Ivan G. Nagy,
assistant professor of political sci
ence; Claude O'Brien, pastor of
Springfield Christian Church.
Francis P. Leipzig and J. .1. Line
han, St. Mary’s Catholic Church;
N. P. Jacobson, visiting professor
of religion; Thomas Hunter, West
minster House director; Glen W..
Holden, First Baptist Church youth
Students Represented
Lois Greenwood,, campus YWCA
executive secretary; Charles Fogg1,
minister of First Evangelical
United Brethren Church; Berlyn
Farris, minister of First Methodist
Dulcina B. Elliott, director of
Christian House; Francis E. Dart,
(Please turn to page seven)
Carson Dining Room Opens Doors
Another phase in University his
tory was made last night when Car
son Hall initiated its immaculate
new dining room.
Climaxing months of worlc, and a
final frenzied week completing de
tails, the dining room opened as
scheduled. President and Mrs.
Harry K. Newburn were special
guests of housemother, Mrs. Edna
Stokes, and the dormitory counse
lors for the first dinner.
The dining room itself, has a ca
pacity of 350, according to Foods
Director H. P. Barnhart. It is high
lighted by full-length windows at
one end and half of one side. Flow-1
ered draperies carry out the color
scheme of teal, cream, and bright
rose. Interior decorator was Brow
nell Frasier, professor of interior
Carson residents ate their first
meal of home-made apple pie and
roast pork on oak tables seating
four. Chairs are of maple, covered
with teal blue Duran plastic. The
accoustical-treated ceiling has in
direct lighting. An outstanding fea
ture of the room is its parquet floor
of red oak hardwood.
Food service will be cafeteria
style, except for Thursday dinners ;
when there will be table service.
This will not be started until next
week, Barnhart said.
However, the dining room is real
ly only the superficial part of the
Carson Hall food service, as Barn
hart pointed out.
The kitchen, replete with all new
stainless steel equipment, has every
contrivance from electric hot food
units to giant food choppers and
three walk-in coolers to make meal
planning more efficient for Mrs.
Effie Taylor, supervisor for the
Carson dining room.
If one follows the dirty dishes by
subveyor to the basement, still an
other, and larger, department ap
pears. Here is the dish-washing
room, where a dumb waiter waits
to carry clean and sterilized dishes
back to the first floor from the
double-tank dish washer.
The basement has the central
bakery for all campus dormitories,
except Hendricks Hall. Here also is
the butcher shop, where a full-time
man will be employed. A general
store room, resembling a wholesale
warehouse with its piles of canned
goods, stretches over a good share
of the basement.
Other special basement rooms
are those for vegetable prepara
tion, which includes the potato
peeler, the vegetable storage room,
and the garbage can washing room.
All are of cement and are easily
cleaned. In this downstairs depart
ment, ice can be produce by the ice
machine at the rate of one ton per
day, Barnhart said.
At the truck entrance, are scales
to weigh incoming meat and other
goods. Inside is a freight elevator
to carry these products to the kit
chen when needed.
Making this network of machin
ery and food cooperate to serve
more than 300 girls three meals a
day, besides performing duties for
the entire dormitory system, is a
staff of 14 students and 10 perma
nent workers.