Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 27, 1950, Page 2, Image 2

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    *A p*»«»T ioz 7our though**" j
‘Shouldn't Be Missed'
For the cultural minded individual, Wednesday night posed
something of a stumper. There were any one of a number of
activities that he could attend in the University vicinity.
William Shirer was billed for McArthur Court—something
that shouldn’t be missed. There was “Ten Days That Shook
the World,” extraordinary silent movie of the Russian revolu
tion at Chapman Hall—something that shouldn’t be missed.
There was “To Live in Peace,” superb Italian film, presented
by the Foreign Film Club at the Mayflower—something that
shouldn’t be missed.
Now this latter film could be put off un.til Thursday, since it
played two nights. But that still left a choice between the other
two important events (plus any small items like studying, club
meetings, seminars, night classes, etc.).
The particularly “anxious-to-sop-up-everything-in-a-hurry
man” might have pre-timed it to hear Shirer, then rush down
to Chapman for the 9 o’clock showing of the silent film. But his
plan would have been frustrated, as he would have been, when
he discovered that the 9 o’clock showing began at 8:40.
So what to do in cases like these?
One must just suffer; or set up a pool with roommates where
by each one attends a different function and then makes a comj
plete report to the others, but this seems hardly satisfactory.
So one must just suffer.
OjflUatul Ofa&io&tiattA
Now It's Equal Rights for Men
bu Bill Raaete
Way, way back before 1920 and the 19th
amendment, there were some vociferous wo
men clamoring for equal rights with men.
Finally Susan B. Anthony and her crew se
cured those rights, and the flappers went to
the polls.
Just as an index of how items have changed,
the senate Wednesday approved another
amendment to safeguard all the special rights,
benefits or exemptions given women by law,
now or in the future. All this as easy as the
women could wish, without any public
prompting by a mdfTern Susan B. Anthony.
Now the point is, when will a constitu
tional amendment be put through to safe
guard men against the special rights, bene
fits, or exemptions of women? It’s too rapid
ly becoming a woman’s world when a bunch
of crusty old congressmen start handing out
constitutional amendemnts to women with
out a struggle.
Unless they’re out to make it a woman’s
world, what other rights could women want
than the ones they already have? For instance,
they now have the right to vote, have usurped
smoking to the detriment of the boy-friend’s
pack, drinking beer to the detriment of the
boy-friend’s pocketbook, and swearing to the
detriment of his hearing when things don’t go
along as they should.
In addition, they have taken up wearing
pants (trousers), once the jealously-guarded
and sacred perogative of the male. There is
in fact only one privilege that men now en
joy and women do not or never will, but it
wouldn’t do to mention it here.
(Please turn to page seven)
GtotcUety 6Id Vet
A Number of Ways
To Use Your Head
btf, Steve Jlay
Think I’ve got myself another problem. I
went to hear William L. Shirer speak Wed
nesday night. There weren’t very many stu
dents there. I’d be surprised if there were
300. The problem is, why not? The guy is
pretty well informed and he wasn’t hard to
listen to. He was free.
Sure I know midterms are here. Still it
seems to me that you have missed a good
chance to learn something outside of class,
and you passed it up. The same thing happens
when we have concerts. Many students don’t
go to those because they say they don’t like
classical music. If you have a reason for dis
liking a concert artist or a speaker okay, don’t
go, but if you kiss off with a story of having to
study I think that’s a poor example of using
your head.
There are a lot of ex-quartermasters and
taxpayers watching the efforts to get the
"Big Mo” out of the mud. Thursday’s Ore
gonian says she may stay there for good.
Know how much she cost to build ? One hund
red million skins, plus. I still haven’t heard
who put her up there, but you can bet your
life if it was a quartermaster or an admiral,
someone is going to read him off like he never
heard before. Maybe the old gal ran aground
of her own accord. Perhaps she felt that she
didn't deserve to be put in mothballs. Can’t
say as I blame her.
Someone sure dropped the ball when
they put out the Pioneer. The thing was ri
diculous. The next step will be obscene accu
sations written on the wall of the Oriental
< Please turn to page seven)
/J Rode* id* a Rode
; Recommendations About Cheating From Senior Women's Honorary
Who do college students cheat? And what should
be done about it? Hundreds of articles in national
publications have had a great deal to say about the
subject in the past few years. The Emerald hashed
■j the matter over rather thoroughly in its editorial
d columns, various campus organizations have come
forth with solutions to the problem. Yet cheating
at Oregon during fall term was probably worse
than ever before.
Apparently an honor system is not the right an
swer for us at the moment. Such a system just can’t
be put into effect at once at a school where large
classes necessitate objective tests, and where
grades have become all-important. Under such cir
cumstances, certain students are going to cheat
whenever they.have the opportunity. Therefore,
Mortar Board feels that it is up to the professors
to make cheating as difficult as possible.
We have talked to a number of students and fac
ulty members in order to get their opinions on
present conditions. Here are some of the questions
the students asked.
1) Why do certain professors continue to give
the same test year after year? Don’t they realize
that many students have access to these old tests
and use them for studying?
2) Why are tests allowed to fall into students
hands before they are given? Isn’t there some way
to make sure that typists and graders who see
these tests won’t hand them out to their friends?
3) Why are so many tests given in overcrowded
classrooms where it is almost impossible to keep
from looking on a neighbor’s paper, and where
anyone can easily keep a pony out of the profes
sor's sight?
4) Since professors are aware of cheating, why
don’t they use more proctors during exams and
thus keep cheating down to a minimum?
Some professors answered that they just didn’t
have time to handle tests in any other way. Others
said that they had no desire to police college stu
dents who should be able to act like adults. Most
professors, however, were more realistic, and
agreed that under existing circumstances, the only
practical solution is to do everything they can to
make cheating impossible.
These are the measures we advocate and they
are measures which will be approved by most stu
dents, who are tired of watching the classroom
grade-stealers at work: /
1. Professors should make up new tests each
term the course is taught. We realize that this will
take more time, but the whole purpose of testing
and grading is destroyed when professors use old,
invalid tests. We also feel that make-up tests
should be different from the original, since stu
dents frequently obtain sick excuses in order to
miss an exam, then get that test from their friends
and pass the make-up with flying colors. Past tests
should be used as study guides, not as answer
sheets. In some schools, files of past tests are kept
Second Column ly MojUgsi Baa fid
for the use of all students. Why can’t the Univer
sity keep such a file ?
2. When tests are given, students should be
seated in alternate seats if there is any fear of
cheating. This applies chiefly to large lecture
classes where objective tests are being given. If
two rooms could be obtained for the test, the prob
lem of overcrowding would be solved. Then there
should be no need for additional proctors.
3. The problem of new tests falling into student
hands before the exam is more difficult to control.
One precaution is to give the test to no one, includ
ing graders, before the exam. If a professor giving
an essay test fears that his test is out before the ap
pointed time, he should mark the blue books which
he passes out in order to keep students from hand
ing in blue books which they have filled out before
the class hour.
5. Students caught cheating in tests should be
turned over to the director of men’s or women’s af- '
lairs, who will send them on to the Disciplinary
Committee if necessary. The penalty of losing a
term’s credit would be most effective.
Although these measures may seem severe to
students who have stolen their grades, not earned
them, we feel they are the best means of cutting
down on the cheating—now.
Let's have a VALID testing system instead of a
—Members of Mortar Board