Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 26, 1950, Image 1

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McKay, Newburn Main Speakers
For Dads' Day Luncheon Saturday
Three Prizes
To Be Given
Living organizations with the
greatest percentage of fathers reg
istering for Dads’ Day will receive
three trophies during half-time of
the Oregon-Washington game Sat
urday night, Herb Nill, awards
chairman has announced.
Going to first-place winner will
be the J. C. P. Merrifield trophy,
replacing the A.W. Norblad award,
which is now the permanent pos
session of Delta Delta Delta, after
three successive wins.
The Paul T. Shaw coffee set will
be presented to the house with the
second highest total. The third
prize, given by O. L. Laurgaard, is
for the house with the highest per
centage of freshman dads coming.
Dads are urged to register as
early as possible at the four regis
tration booths, which will be han
dled by Kwama members. Times
and places are Johnson Hall,.9 to
5; Osburn Hotel, 9-11 a.m.; Eugene
Hotel, fl-5; and John Straub Hall, j
Voting for hostess candidates
will be done at the registration
points and basketball tickets for
Saturday’s game may be bought
Registration fee is $1. This year’s
collections will be used for schol
Welcoming Program
For Dads Outlined
Downtown Hospitality Chair
man Dave Palmer’s committee is
planning a "bang-up welcome” re
ception for dads who arrive on the
Shasta Daylight at 10:10 Saturday
Special taxi service will be do
^nated by students who plan to
have from 10 to 15 cars at the
depot, Palmer said. Bob Heffernan,
freshman in pre-law, is in charge
of the service.
Skull and Dagger, sophomore
men’s service honorary, will sup
ply 12 student "redcaps” to carry
luggage at the station.
Dads arriving on the Shasta will
get- a chance to see their Dads’
Day Hostess finalists in person
before voting for them at regis
tration booths. Finalists Bobbie
Bagley Chambers, Harriet McGill
O’Toole, and Joanne Johnson
Thompson will join the greeting
party at the Southern Pacific
Eugene merchants, particularly
those in the campus area, are to
be commended for their coopera
tion in putting up Dads’ Day win
dow displays, Palmer stated. Jack
Pyle is in charge of merchant con
As a sign of welcome, all stu
dents on campus will wear lemon
and-green paper ribbons proclaim
ing “Hi Dad!” Ribbons will be
distributed to all living organiza
tions Friday night by Roger
Nudd’s promotion committee.
IDC to Meet Tonight
The Interdormitory council will
43eet tonight at 6:30 in the Side.
Smoke in Infirmary
Brings Fire Trucks
Smoke caused by a short in wir
ing in the basement of the Infirm
ary brought two fire engines and
a ladder truck through the campus
at the break between 1 and 2
o’clock classes Wednesday after
Negligible damage was reported.
Total time spent by firemen at the
Infirmary was under nine minutes.
Several hundred students lined
13th street as the fire trucks
roared past.
Senator Files
For Re-election
SALEM, (UP)—Wayne Morse of
Eugene filed for re-election as U.
S. Senator from Oregon Wednes
day. He will seek the Republican
nomination at the May primary
Sen. Morse dropped in at the
office of Dave O’Hara, chief of the
election bureau, at 10 a.m. to make
his filing. Then he crossed the
street to the Willamette Univer
sity campus to address students
of that school.
On his busy schedule here after
the Willamette appearance were:
Rotary Club; and conference with
local campaign supporters before
his return to Portland this after
Sen. Morse stated as his plat
form "continue to work for a for
ward looking program for the
Republican party aimed at carry
ing out the principles of our con
stitutional form of government.”
His ballot slogan will be “prin
ciple above politics.”
Frosh Nomination
Assembly Feb. 1
ASUO freshman class officers
will be nominated at a class as
sembly 4 p.m. Feb. 1, student body
vice president Ed Anderson an
nounced Wednesday.
Polling places and the site for
the assembly will be announced
later, Anderson explained.
KOAC to Air
Noon Affair
Governor Douglas McKay and
President Harry K. Newburn will
be the principal speakers at the
Dads’ Day luncheon at 12 noon
Saturday in John Straub dining
Broadcasting of the luncheon
program will be from 12:45-2 p.m.
over KOAC, Corvallis, and KERG,
Eugene, in order that those not
able to attend may hear the event.
Ernest Hayeox, president of the
Oregon Dads, will act as master
of ceremonies for the program.
Greeting will be brought by Mrs.
George Swift, president of the Ore
gon Mothers. Art Johnson, ASUO
president, will speak on behalf of
the student body.
Vocal solos and duets will be
given by Mary Hawkins, sopho
more in music, and Phil Green,
senior in music.
Decorations for the luncheon will
carry out the motif “Dad—Ore
gon s Man of the Half-Century,”
Donna Buse, luncheon chairman
“We have a terrific program
planned for the fathers and know
they will enjoy it,” Miss Buse de
clared. “We regret the. limited at
tendance, but next year everyone
desiring tickets will be accommo
dated in the new student union
building dining room.”
The 500 available tickets were
reported sold out Wednesday. How
ever, there may be a few more
before Saturday if students turn
tickets in if theii' fathers are
unable to come. These would be
available in Karl Onthank's office,
Emerald Hall.
Miss Buse asks that students
check their tickets to see which
door of John Straub they are to
enter, to avoid confusion in the
main entrance.
Weather . . .
Western Oregon—Snow' Thurs
day, except rain or snow along
coast and south portions. Inter
mittent snow Thursday night with
low of 15 to 25. High both days
25 north to 35 south portion.
Winds off shore southeast 30 to
40 miles an hour Thursday,
Don't Rejoice Now
Says Bill Shirer,
Prominent Analyst
Mac Court Lecturer Warns Nazism Rising {
In Germany; Communists Will Not Retreat
Reviewing the state of the world since January, 1949, Williant
L- Shirer. noted news analyst informed an audience in McArthuf
Court last night that the United States has very little grounds
for rejoicing.
"We must recognize the fact that the Chinese Communists
have conquered China, that they are not going to be driven out
ot there or anyplace else where they now exist as rulers. We must
Robert D. Clark, assistant dean
of the College of Liberal Arts, will
be moderator at a forum tonight
on the topic, "Should Parents Be
Responsible for the Delinquencies
of Their Children?”
Jack R. Parsons, professor of
sociology, will be one of four
speakers on the forum, which
starts at 8 p.m. at the Congrega
tional Church.
Parsons will speak on "Social
Worker's Evaluation of the Eu
gene Ordinance.”
Eugene recently passed an ordi
nance that would hold parents re
sponsible for delinquent acts of
their children. The ordinance has
received widespread criticism from
social workers and others in the
Eugene area.
The forum is a session of the
Eugene YMCA “Little Town Hall.”
Other speakers on the program
are Keith Jones, chief of police,
Lewis Sherman, chief juvenile offi
cer for Lane County, and Stanley
R. Darling, attorney.
A question and answer period
will follow the speeches.
March of Dimes' Dance Scheduled
After Oregon-Washington Contest
A benefit dance for the March
of Dimes campaign will be held
Friday night at Willamette Parle
immediately following the Oregon
Washington basketball game.
Johnny Lusk and his band will
furnish music for the evening.
Campus clothes will be in order.
Tickets, priced at $1 a person,
may be obtained today and Friday
in the Co-op and through represen
tatives in men’s living organiza
tions. All profits from the dance
will go into the Eugene March of
Dimes campaign fund.
Records Offered
An album of records will be giv
en to the living organization buy
ing the most tickets, according to
the number of men in the house,
Kay Kuckenberg, campus drive co
chairman reported Wednesday.
Campus talent will be featured
during the dance intermission. In
charge of entertainment is Fred
Young, University talent commit
tee chairman.
“Since it will be Dads’ Day week
end, why not bring the dads out
to the ‘Park’ too,” Miss Kucken
berg suggested. She urges as many
students as possible to support the
March of Dimes fund by attend
Jaycees to Sponsor
Official sponsor of the dance is
the Eugene Junior Chamber of
Commerce. A Chamber of Com
merce committee, under the direc
tion of Chairman Marshall Glos,
salesman for Parmenter Pontiac,
is directing the Eugene drive.
The Willamette Park dance will
imitate the March of Dimes bene
fit dance given each year in Wash
ington, D.C., on Franklin D. Roose
velt's birthday, Miss Kuckenbcrg
University students have been
active throughout this week and
last week collecting dimes for the
drive. Each night during dinner,
flying speeches, “blind men," wom
en's trios, and other skits have
been entertaining residents of
campus living organizations.
also realize,” Shircr continuecf,
that Germany is once more a
hot bed of rabid Pan-German,
nationalism, and Nazism is
once more on the march.”
Policy Shaken
Shircr further declared that
the whole structure of Ameri
can foreign policy has been rudely
shaken in this last year by threo
significant events:
1. The collapse of Nationalist
China and the succeeding rise of
Communism in that country.
2. The collapse, or near-collapso
of "our friends abroad, particu
larly those in the sterling block.”
3. The development of the Rus
sian atomic bomb.
Shirer envisions no real reasons
for hopefulness in attempting to
bolster Chiang's sagging Nation
alists. He supported the decision of
the United States State Depart
ment in refusing further aid to the
Nationalists, declaring that "aid
given to Chiang when he controlled
most of the Chinese mainland
proved useless. There is no reason
for supposing that further aid now
that the Nationalists are entrench
ed on the island of Formosa will bo
any more useful.”
Bad Leadership
Shirer denied that America is to
blame for the Chinese debacle. Ho
said that "the world’s worst lead
ership, leading to a complete losa
of will to fight, combined with
disasterous corruption in the
armed forces led to the Chinese
Nationalist defeats.
“The loss of China," Mr. Shirer
continued, "cannot be minimized.
It now means a Communist Em
pire stretching from the Elbe to
the Pacific.”
Shirer deplored the situation
now existing in Germany. He brief
ly reviewed the occupation of that
country and stated that with all
the money, time and energy poured
into the recovery and rehabilita
tion of Germany, "the German
people remain fundamentally un
changed. They are merely waiting
for another Hitler. They are utter
ly contemptuous of democracy, re
gretting not that they fought tho
war, but that they lost the war.”
Nazis Take Over
They still believe, Shirer contin
ued, that Nazism is a good thing,
but that under Hitler it was just
badly carried out. Since the war’s
end, the Nazis have completely
taken over all the lower posts in
both eastern and western Ger
many, Shirer said.
Shirer could give little hope for
an immediate reconciliation of the
world situation. He cited the Tito
revolt in Yugoslavia as one of the
more pleasant aspects in the world,
pointing out that not since 1917
have the Russians been so wor
ried over the fate of their Commu
nist organization. He went on to
declare that the losses suffered by
Communism in western Europe
will not be regained by Russia.
Both Italy and France, said Shirer,
owe much of their present condi
tion as far as governmental poli
(Please turn to page seven)