Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 09, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    Professor of Music to Continue
Series of Historic Organ Recitals
A series of historic organ reci
tals continuing winter term will be
given by Donald W. Allton, profes
sor of music, beginning this even
The recitals, tracing develop
ment of organ composition from
the 16th century to the present,
will be presented at the music
auditorium each Monday at 8 p.m.
and carried over KOAC.
Divided into four parts with two
15-minute programs devoted to
each part, the series will be pre
sented in the order of the pre-Bach
school, the Bach school, the ro
mantic period, and the contem
porary period.
Compositions by Italian com
posers Gabrieli and Friscobaldi
and the Dutch composer Sweelinck
will be offered as the first of the
This will be Mr. Alltoh’s second
presentation of these historic re
cC.als. He had previously given the
series when with the music fac
ulty at the University of Kentucky.
Cressman Plans
Study in Mexico
Dr. L. S. Cressman, head of the
anthropology department, will
make a three month study of Mex
ican archeological supplies during
February, March, and April.
Cressman is now on leave from
the University. He will leave at
the end of the month for Mexico.
He plans to spend most of his
time in the Mexico City and
Oaxaca area studying the Mexican
material at first hand.
His findings will be used for
background material on which to
view his study of the Great Basin
of the Southern Oregon country.
After the Mexican studies he
will examine some Maya collec
tions in Yucatan and Guatemala.
A monograph covering his re
search on the prehistory of the
Great Basin in relation to the
American southwest will be writ
ten by the anthropologist. The
Klamath area will be given special
emphasis in the study.
Dr. Cressman has written an
earlier study entitled “Archeolog
ical Researches iti the Northern
Great Basin."
Quartet Gives
First of Concerts
The University String- Quartet
presented its first concert of win
ter term Sunday afternoon at the
Portland Art Museum under the
.sponsorship of the Portland Sym
phony Guild and the museum.
The program is one of a group
sponsored by these organizations,
featuring musical ensembles from
colleges or universities in this area.
Members of Sunday's quartet
were George Boughton, Mary K.
Allton, violins; Edmund A. Cykler
and Milton Dieterich. cello. Guest
artist in Faure’s piano quartet
No. 1, and Shostakovich string
numbers on the program include
Haydn's string quartet, opus 76,
No. 1, and Shostakovitch string
quartet No. 1.
Next concert in the series will
be January 29.
Clubs Will Present
Films on Surrealism
Four films concerning surreal
ism and experimentalism, spon
sored jointly by the Foreign Movie
Club and the Journal Club, will
be presented at 3:30 p.m.. Thurs
day, in the Mayflower Theater. .
The movies are silent, and will
last approximately 90 minutes.
Admission price is 25 cents.
Dr. Peterson Writes
New Calculus Text
Dr. Thurman S. Peterson, pro
fessor of mathematics, is the
author of a new calculus text,
“Elements of Calculus,” recently
published by Harper Brothers.
Dr. Peterson has written two
other boks which are used by more
than 400 colleges and universities
in the United States. They are,
“Intermediate Algebra for College
Students” and “College Algebra.”
Camp Jobs Open
For College Girls
Women looking for experience
working with young girls and an
opportunity to spend a summer
camping in the mountains may
apply for work as a camp counse
lor in the Billings Girl Scout camp
near Redlodge, Mont., Mrs. Edith
R. Jacobs, counselor for women,
reported Saturday.
A leadership training course will
be held from June 21 to 27, with
the regular camping periods be
ginning on June 28.
Girls from the second to twelfth
grades will attend the camp.
Counselors will receive board
and room plus additional com
pensation, depending upon their
Additional information may be
obtained at the Office of Women’s
Affairs, 201 Emerald Hall or by
writing to the Billings Council of
Girl Scouts, 301 North 27th Street,
Billings, Mont.
Gilkey to Speak
For Religion Week
Charles W. Gilkey, named main
speaker for this year’s Religious
Evaluation Week, Feb. 12 to 16,
has served as visiting' speaker on
religion on campuses all over the
nation for the past 30 years.
Bob Kingsbury, senior in history,
is chairman for the annual week
emphasizing religion and life on
the campus. He will announce the
names of his subchairmen next
Dr. Gilkey, fomer dean of the
University of Chicago Chapel, has
been awarded seven honorary doc
torates by American colleges and
The well-known lecturer num
bers among his speaking experi
ences a journey to the universities
of India as Barrows lecturer from
the University of Chicago.
At Chicago he served as trustee,
professor, dean of the chapel, and
associate dean of the Divinity
World War II Vets
Offered Army Posts
Direct appointments in the regu
lar army are now being offered to
persons under 30 who served in
active federal commissioned ser
vice during World War II, accord
ing to Col. Frank R. Macrdian,
head of the Military Science De
Applicants may accept appoint
ments in the regular army and,
subject to approval by the depart
ment of the army, be granted
leaves of absence without pay in
order to complete college educa
tion or graduate work, if not more
than two years are required for
Additional information may be'
obtained from the Military Science
Winter Issue of Comparative Literature Magazine^
Features Article on Dryden by University Professor
The winter issue of Comparative
Literature has just appeared with
a new, brighter cover and an
article by John C. Sherwood, as
sistant professor of English, at
Sherwood’s article, “Dryden and
the Rules: The Preface to ‘Troilus
and Cressida,’ ” is the first one
written by a University of Oregon
professor to be published in the
magazine, printed here by the
University press.
Said Sherwood, “The article is
intended to show how Dryden ap
plied the rules of the French neo
classical critics to the criticism of
Shakespeare, and to show that the
rules did not interfere with his
appreciation of Shakespeare.”
Among the other material in
this issue is “Franco-German Lit
erary Relations: A Survey of
Problems,” by Henri-Peyre, head of
the French department at Yale
University, and one or the few
foreigners heading a department
in the United States.
The content of his article is that
“the literary relations between
France and Germany in the last
century and a half are numerous
and important enough to deserve
a great deal of further study,”
according to Chandler B. Beall,
editor of Comparative Literature.
Peyre points out that for schol
ars studying French or German
literature for this period, it is
more important to know both
languages than to know medieval
French or German. He believes
that it is more advantageous to
study the views of German poets
and writers on ancient French
literature than to study the anci
ent French, or vice versa.
A. Lytton Sells, in his article
entitled “Zanella, Coleridge, and
Shelley,” studies the influence of
Coleridge and Shelley on the Ital
ian poet Zanella, in the Nineteenth
The only article in this issue
which is not in English, and the
first one in Spanish to be published
by Comparative Literature, is “Los
tratos de Argel’’ by Joachuin Cas
alduero. The title is that of the
first play by Cervantes and, says
Beall, is “a long, detailed, excellent
study of the play.”
“Edmund Gayton on Don Quix
ote, Andres, and Juan Haldudo,”
by Edward M. Wilson, studies the
attitude of the Seventeenth Cent
ury English writer towards certain
episodes in “Don Quixote.”
Copies of Comparative Litera
ture may be obtained in the office
of the University Editor in
Friendly Hall. Single copies are
priced at $1, and year’s subscrip
tions cost $3.50.
Natural Historian
Sets Speech Here
Dr. George Gaylord Simpson of
the American Museum of Natural
History, New York, will speak on
the Oregon, campus Jan. 24.
Simpson, sponsored by Sigma
Xi and the University Lecture
Series, will discuss “The History
of Fauna of Latin America.”
|Dr. Simpson has won many
awards in the field of natural his
tory, and has published a number
of books, the last being “The
Meaning of Evolution,” published
at Yale in 1949. He has made more
than 10 field expeditions in this
country, Argentina, Venezuela,
and the European continent.
1— —
Oregon Graduate School Offers
FellowshipsRanging up to $1500
Fellowships worth up to 51500
are offered this year by the Grad
uate School at the University.
Five fellowships will be awarded
for preparation of college teachers
in the social sciences. The fellow
ship program, aided by the Car
negie Corporation of New York,
will depart from the traditional
Ph.D. degi’ee plan in two respects.
A broader social science training
and a systematic preparation for
teaching careers by instruction
and teaching experience will be
To accomplish this program,
visiting professors have been add
ed to the regular staff with
special lectures scheduled.
Other fellowships offered are
$1000-$1200 for teaching and re
search, $700-$900 for graduate as
sistants, $500 for the Robert A.
Booth award in public service, and
$500 for the Thomas Condon
award in paleontology.
Applications, due March 15, may
be obtained from the Dean of the
Graduate School.
If and when someone can pre
vent the common cold, we’ll have
little left with which to dread the
i i I.—.—-- .
Orman Daily
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