Wild Notes. Juf, Thanksgiving passed—there came a new month and the good Lord blessed the Dixie landers. There are revolutions, it is said, and then there are revolutions. Probably for the first time in its rollicking existence the old “U” is promoting a popular music spectacle in Mac Court. But none of us mind having this “crammed down our throats. ’ The Dizzy addicts might attend this nomi nally-priced event Monday night for the great showmanship that will undoubtedly ac company these good old jazz musicians. Mu sically, these eight men and “thrush’’ will probably present as accurate account of two beat dixie as can be found anywhere. Not practicing a close communion with the dixieworld we’re not altogether familiar with all names promised present; but, Nappy La mare has long been one of the foremost pro mulgators of the two-beat style, Zutty Single ton has consistently rated among the top most jazz percussionists, and Brad Gowans with his valve “bone” still tickles even the progressively minded listener. Decca reactivating its Brunswick masters with some fine new releases by the jazz greats of the ’30’s and since. Art Tatum and his im mortal piano lend considerable brightness to “Moonglow” and “Honeysuckle.” Stuff Smith, one of the two or three suc cessful jazz violinists, with a tasty and clever “Ghost of a Chance” and “Desert Sands.” Worthy additions to any type collection. Dormitory Foob To The Oregon Daily Emerald: In answer to your editorial beginning, “We sit around and scream and holler foi moie responsible student government, ,.appear ing in Tuesday’s edition. I applaud the choice of the verb, ‘sit’. Responsibility is never giv en. It is always assumed. The letter mentioned in the editorial would never have received so large a number of sig natures iu its brief circulation had it not stat ed that it would be submitted to the state newspapers. In the opinion of those who signed it, there was no point in taking it to a student government or an administration both of which had met previous complaints about the food with explanations and nothing else. If the publicity which the letter brought to the university was unfavorable it is indeed unfortunate, but the loyalty engendered by an institution is directly proportional to the degree that it fulfills the needs of the individ uals which comprise it. One wav to get more responsible student government is to have that government le sponsible to the students as well as to the administration. Glenn 'W inklebleck Student government will have a difficult time of Iccing responsible to the students, Mr. Vtinkle blecli, if the students are unwilling to place before it matters which they think need attention. The attitude “student government lias never done anything, therefore 1 will not give it a chance to do anything” is certainly not a constructive one. If you are dissatisfied with student govern ment, then you might try to develop that govern ment to what you think it ought to be. It is the students who make, or break, student government. Incidentally the matter is now In the hands of the agency to which it should first have gwne—the luter-Donuitory Council.—Editor. Oust Readebl Speak. Fodder for OSC Dear Editor: For a school that is supposedly of as high standards as the University, there are some pretty raw deals being handed out to undeserving students. I am referring to the women phy sical Education majors who are being dropped from their ma jor for merely disagreeing with some of the department’s poli cies. Several weeks ago, a meeting was called for the purpose of hearing the students’ side of the question. They were encour aged to present their views and were told it would not be held against them. Now, the girls who expressed their opinions in that meet ing are being told they haven’t the right “attitude” to major in that field. Some of these students have been in PE for two or three years and have high GPA’s. Now they must go to an other school or change their majors. This is not the prejudiced opinion of a PE major. I am in no way connected with PE, but I object to students being treated so unfairly for merely exercising the right of free speech and opinion. Jo Morton The Emerald fully agrees with you in your belief that stu dents should be allowed to express their opinions about the administration of any phase of the University which affects them, without fear of punishment. This seems a rather inopportune time for the School of Health and Physical Education to be running into difficulties, with Oregon State crying for a major status for the PE de partment. The advisers, Miss Marjorie Murray and Miss Myrtle S. Spande, who seem to be doing most of the advising of girls to change their major, referred all questioning by the Emerald to R. W. Leighton, dean of the school. Dean Leighton says girls are requested to change their major because of two reasons: 1) Some girls have indicated they do not intend to take the complete Physical Education requirements. 2) Some girls appear to be of the type of PE major which the school could recommend to administrators after the girls graduate. The dean also stated that it would be better for girls to change their major, if their advisor has so recommended, to a field in which they might meet with more success. These answers do not satisfy, girls who want to know ex actly why they may not meet with success in PE, and who do not want to change their major. The answers do not satisfy us. We hope the dean and the advisers will feel free to elabor ate on the statements they have made when we contact them today.—Editor. The Good Old Days Yesterday, while looking over a 1941 Emerald, we found proof that (1) culinary art in the dormitories has not improved in the last eight years, or (2) human nature never changes, or (3) both. In December, 1941, came not only Pearl Harbor, but an ex plosion about the quality of food in relation to the price of board in dormitories. The immediate cause was a $5 increase in the board bill. One person wrote a letter to the Emerald, and it was followed by a deluge of mail. The students stated their complaints and then asked for action by the University. Said one student, “The food is so doctored up with corn flakes, cornstarch, and other ingredients designed to give it bulk, it’s difficult to figure out what a dish started out to be.” About this time there was a “cottage cheese strike” and then Christmas vacation. The students returned to college to find that cottage cheese had been removed from the menu, but that all else was the same—dorm residents paid for breakfasts they did not eat, they felt they were being rooked because their house bill was larger than that of most Greek houses, and they still didn’t like the food. Said another students, “Breathes there a man with a soul so dead that he hath not to himself said, ‘this is the lousiest food I have ever tasted.’ ” Speaking for 40 other "indigestion sufferers” he continued that the food should not only be up to par on a calorie chart, but should be palatable: “a stringy, dried up piece of beef still tastes like the binding on my grandfather's Bible.” We can ease any heart-pangs we have for these hapless stu dents of yore by remembering that most of the boys were re moved from the dorm table by a summons of "Greeting" from the President, and many of the girls left the bonds of the dorm for the bans of marriage. Let it prove what you will.—B.H. ty?iee. Jlcwicin' by Hill Jlance According to a recent AP press release tel evision has the safety commission in Milwau kee tearing its hair out. Seems as if an indus trial research company has succeeded in mounting a set in a car, and the commission is wondering how the driver can watch the screen and the road at the same time. If television sets ever become standard ac cessories for automobiles there’s the possi bility that the bottom will drop out of the market for traffic victims. Instead of a prem ium seven points, an expectant mother may be worth only two, in which case old folks and children could hardly be expected to draw more than one. However there's no imminent danger in the Northwest. A reliable source predicts that NBC won’t have a coax cable up this way until 1952. I can see it now—all the gay blades wheeling around in their convertibles with tops down and screen intensity all the way up in order to dazzle the coeds. Trouble is, this television is apt to spoil the more simple pleasures of life. Can you im agine being parked up on Skinner’s Butte with a television set in the car and using that faithful old gag about “well—we don't have any other form of entertainment, so—.” Right there, within easy reaching distance, would be science’s latest brainchild to make a liar of you. However, manufacturers are happy. The possibilities for advertising are unlimited. The Polygrip people could not only have their testimonials presented to the public by auditory means but visually- as well. I can conjure up a beautiful vision of it now—the person giving the testimonial being subjected to all soVts of unsuccessful tests in an effort to dislodge his dentures, which have been ce mented fast with Polygrip. Of course it takes an announcer with more gall than sincerity for television—he must be able to look the public right in the eye while making all those fantastic claims for his pro duct. Everybody else is.going overboard for TV, but deodorant manufacturers consider it kid stuff. What they’re holding out for is smelle vision. Qosi Reade/iA §jxecJz Homecoming Thanks TO THE EDITOR: I should like to express the sincere appre ciation of the Alumni Association to the stu dent body for its excellent co-operation in staging the most successful Homecoming Week-end ever held at the University. 1 he united efforts all who served in our be half—the committee heads, the living organi zations, those who served the hundred who attended the pre-game barbecue, the fellows who built and guarded the bonfire—gave the visiting alumni a week-end they will long re member. It all student activity is carried on with such a spirit as demonstrated by those who worked on Homecoming, I predict a bright future for all activities of the University of Oregon student body. Sincerely, Lester E. Ahderson Director. ^