Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 30, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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    Things Take the Up-grade
It looks like student government might pull through after
When the committee appointed by ASUO President Art
Johnson meets today to discuss deferred living, the students
will at last be taking action. Things will most likely not work
out too smoothly at first.
We doubt if the solution to any of the problems of deferred
living magically unfold after five minutes conversation. In
fact, it might be quite some time before there is any concrete
example of the work the committee must do.
But anyway it is a starter, and a mighty important one.
The students have shown their intention of working out their
problem. It will take hard work and conscientious thought. It
will mean that each individual on the committee must think
not only of the effect on his or her own group, but of the over
all effect on all students. There will be plenty of tough prob
lems to tackle. We think students can solve them better than
anyone else.
People in Glass Houses
There was a rather nasty editorial concerning the Univer
sity in the Oregon State Barometer last week.
It was about the “attack on Oregon State College rooters
at Eugene by a drunken, brawling bunch of hoodlums in their
premeditated actions following the OSC-UO football game.”
The editorial makes several remarks about the integrity
and quality of Oregon students, and even goes to the extent of
terming us yellow.
“Swarms of Oregon students ran in front of the OSC sec
tion to challenge any possible attempts of the Staters to take
down the goal post,” the Barometer editor writes, apparently
in shocked horror at such action.
“The Staters, heeding the word of Coach Kip Taylor to
‘act as gentlemen ... made no attempt to take down the posts.”
Whether or not an attempt would have been made if the
posts hadn’t been guarded is a matter the Barometer did not
take up.
The OSC editor continued to paint his charming picture
of the pure-as-freshly-fallen-snow students at Cow College.
"We don’t have to be a psychologist to realize why the Ore
gon students made such an infamous attack Saturday on a
surprisingly” (you bet it .was surprising) “well-behaved OSC
rooting section. For weren’t we the ‘alleged’ Oregon O dyna
miters, for weren’t we the ‘alleged’ burners of OSC on Hay
ward field, and weren’t we the kidnappers of the large Oregon
wooden Duck?”
wnats an tnis anegea ousinessr course, we kuuw h
wasn’t OSC students that did those things. It was undoubted
ly grade school kiddies from San Francisco that came up to
Eugene for a riotous evening.
“For the alleged burning of OSC on Hayward field, the
OSC student body will be asked to pay for the damage and re
turfing. We say ‘to heck with that!’ Not unless the Several
Orange O jackets and OSC rooter lids torn and stolen are paid
for from the U of O student body treasury.”
Dear OSC students—as you well know the gathering of
rooters lids after games is indeed an established custom. We do
not condone it, we merely mention the fact. As for jackets,
we agree that is going a little too far; there is no telling what
item of clothing may be next if we don’t draw the line some
But in drawing your picture of the poor OSC students who
were taken advantage of, may we remind you of your rather
short memory?
Were the rotten eggs that OSC students threw in the Ore
gon rooting section at last year’s game thrown because you
felt we were hungry ? Or did you think we needed an egg sham
poo? And did we make you pay for the cleaning of the clothes
ruined by those eggs?
I suppose the OSC individuals who attacked the Oregon
band were really only running over to congratulate them on
their fine playing? One of our boys was unduly rash, when he
bashed in the head of a marauding Stater with his coronet?
And the fights after the game last year—the Staters were
merely attempting to shake hands with their city cousins, and
we misunderstood?
It is nice of the OSC editor to say that he hopes “every
loyal Beaver fan will remember this affair" (at Oregon's
Homecoming) “not with revenge on an eye-for-eye basis, but
with the intent of not creating any similar impressions when
the annual Civil War is played on Bell field next year."
We hope they remember too, but their memory will have
to be better than it was this year.
"Best remark fitting the occasion," said the editorial, “was
made by a unidentified middle-aged fan fan" (that’s what was
written) "witnessing the one-sided ‘battle.’ He was heard to
say, ‘I’ll never send a boy of mine to Oregon!’ ”
Well, we don't want any sons of fan fans at Oregon! You
can keep them at Oregon State.
Rilin' at Random
A Long Way to Get
A Quiet Library
by fja QUbelt
Another Two-bits Worth on deferred liv
For probably the oddest reason yet on rec
ord, I’ll add my vote to the DuShane if it in
cludes deferred rushing. Why? Bluntly, there
will be a year of peaceful studying in the li
brary with no houses sending over no hund
reds of pledges who do no studying. In other
words, no longer will one have to beg, bor-*
row, or steal a stack permit and trudge his
weary way into the narrow channels to
study. One may quietly and happily seat
one's self in the rooms designated downstairs
with others who will be there for the same
The house ruling, enforced by many orga
nizations on campus, seemed to me one of the
silliest on record. It was a farce, for in some
cases no libe study was needed for the class
and just as much might be accomplished at
the house. The result was a group of shriek
ing, date-happy jokers interrupting the peace
of those there with honest intentions of try
ing to accomplish something academically.
So now at least there will be a period of
quiet descending o’er ye olde libe—that is un
less the dorms decide to utilize the rule for all
frosh. And if that cometh, may the great and
glorious TNE tar and feather the whole lot
of them.
Do you realize:
That there are exactly 11 more days of
classes left? Make ‘A’ while the sun shines.
Dear Exec. Council:
Exactly where are we going to move the
Senior Bench? And what is the sense in ex
tending “Hello Walk” when it isn't taken ser
iously anyway. The Order of the O can’t al
ways be tradition guards all of the year. May
be we need a police force to see that all tra
ditions are unviolated. With uniforms and
squirt guns—for it would be hard to fill the
dunking pond everyday. They could stand at
the Senior Bench (wherever it may be) witlr>
records of all seniors. If one sits down there,
they would have to present a student body
card and be checked. Spies could pace up and
down “Hello Walk” checking as to the into
nation of the greetings. All violators would
be stamped “S” for subversive. Ah, the glori
ous freedom of college days !!
e>&pM&u*osie W<Aaant
From Out of the Darkness They Come
by Bob ty<mh
During the next couple of weeks people
you have never seen before will appear in
classes. They are the people who have been
spending all term in Taylor’s and the Side
wondering whether they should go to class or
not. They have always, heretofore, decided
upon the latter plan. It’s more fun.
However, during the days remaining in
fall term, a large number of people will have
to convince their professors (who have al
ready become cynical and heartbroken by
this sort of negligence) that they have really
been wanting to attend all the time, but are
Really, from a practical viewpoint, every
one should go to class at least twice a month,
if only to gather local color. If sampled only
occasionally, any class can be quite entertain
Studying for finals in never-attended cour
ses is a bit of a problem, admittedly. Catch
ing'iip on Spanish verb conjugations can be
come very trying, especially if it has to be
clone all in one afternoon.
There is the lone-wolf system of reading
all of the western civ book in one joyous ev
ening, or there is another little plan—that of
buttonholing someone who takes the same
course and getting the low down.
You can have someone read you passages
from “The Faerie Queene,” which you are
supposed to eagerly identify. Of course, this
never works out. The person reading the pas
sages always says something nasty and glib
like “Oh, you remember this. It’s from the
most important part. Anybody could remem
ber this.” Anybody, that is, who had read the
And then there are the people who claim"
that they just “couldn’t tell you what it’s
about—I really don’t understand it too well
(Please turn to page three)
/TjaHUUf Kane
Drama Lurks Behind the Yellow Pages
hu Jre+tsuf Kane
Forgotten little dramas and comedies wor
thy of a Chancer are hidden in the law school
library’s collection of the earliest printed
English case books. Little touched by time’s
erosion, they chronicled the common law
which over 300 years ago was already a half
millennium old.
The page margins are yellowed with an
tiquity, but the Old English script strikes the
eve, as compelling in its demand for attention
as a girl’s sigh.
It would be a pity if the casual reader per
ceived mo more than the intellectual swords
plav of the pleadings and oral arguments.
Instead, our gentle reader should conjure
up a mental picture of a bench of ruddy-faced
judges quaffing their stout English ale while
listening to th arguments and obfuscations of
opposing cbunsel. Perhaps some of the
judges or lawyers as young men had helped
defeat the Spanish armada or had gone to see
Shakespeare’s newest play instead of brief
ing- cases.
Say you that tire cases themselves may be
dull? Xot necessarily. How the ribald Chauc
er would have enjoyed the chagrin of a judge
obliged to admit in evidence a lithsome de
fendant s Fleet street marriage register.
^ by such a qualm about a mere marriage
register? Nothing, except that 17th century
Meet street was notorious for its sixtv-odd
marriage houses.” In them a lass needing a
husband for family reasons or to escape the
law could be “married” to a “husband” by a
parson. The “husband” may have been
married a few hundred times previouslv, but
the hello-goodbye ceremony was recognized
in court.
1 hen there is the classic and even better
case of the jilted swain who sued his ex-fian
ce and her husband for breach of promise . ."t