VOLUME LI UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1049 NUMBER 40 Scripps' President To Speak Tonight Dr. Hard to Discuss 'Frontiers of Culture' In Second Talk of University Lecture Series Dr. Frederick Hard, president of Scripps College, will speak at 8 tonight in 207 Chapman Hall on “Frontiers of Culture.” The speech will be the second of the University Lecture Ser ies, sponsored by the University Lectures Committee. Prof. R. H. Ernst of the Department of English is chairman. Mr. Plard is well-known as an educator and college adminis trator, and is considered an authority in the field of Elizabethan literature. He has been presi ^ dent of Scripps College in Claremont, Calif., since 1944. He is a member of the Na tional Council of Teachers of English, the Modern Humani ties Research Association, and the Modern Language Association. WRITES FOR JOURNALS He has contributed extensively to professional journals and is a member of the editorial board of The Pacific Spectator. The book, “Reading and Writ ing' English Prose,” was written by Mr. Hard with R. R. Kirk and H. L. Marcoux. Tonight’s speaker received his doctor of philosophy degree from Johns Hopkins University, and holds honorary doctor’s degrees from University of the South and Occidental College. FORMER DEAN Before going to Scripps College, Mr. Hard was dean of Sophie New comb College, the women’s liberal arts college of Tulane University for six years. He was a member of the Tulane faculty for 15 years. His other teaching positions have been at University of the South, and Johns Hopkins Univer sity where he taught in the field of English letters. He was an in structor in music at the University of North Carolina for two years, and taught graduate literature courses at Columbia University as a member of the summer faculty. Besides his administrative duties at Scripps, Mr. Hard teaches a course in literature of the Eng lish Renaissance. Tonight’s lecture is open to the general public. No admission is charged. Dr. Frederick Hard Sigma Chi Names Sweetheart Finalists Five finalists for “Sweetheart of Sigma Chi” were announced Wed nesday night following a fireside dance for the semi-finalists. Finalists are Barbara Calvert, Chi Omega; Jo Martin, Carson Hall; Rosemary Vaught, Alpha Chi Omega; Pat Laney, Kappa Alpha Theta; and Joyce Rathbun, Delta Gamma. The girls were serenaded by Sigma Chi members last night. The "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi” will be named at the annual Sweet heart Bali in December. Weather . . . Partly cloudy today with fog in the morning. High, 56; low 38. Frosh Guard Fire 'Makings;' Neglect Dates, Sleep, Tests By Bob Funk Patriotic Oregon frosh men will ignore coke dates, mid-terms, and sleep this week in order to guard the “makings” for the Homecom ing bonfire, the ignition of which Friday night will serve as part of the kick-off for the coming week end. Freshmen will enjoy all-night sessions of peering deep into the fog at possible interlopers on the intramural field. In most cases these will be revealed, under the flickering light of a cigarette-light er, merely as incoming patrols from Hayward field or the Side. However, it could be a band of ever-expected hoodlums from Ore gon State—and that's why the ^freshmen are there. NIGHT DIVIDED The nights will be divided into two shifts—before midnight and after. Everyone is expected to stay awake and watch as dusk thick ens into dark and dark pales to dawn. It will be cold, too. Reason for all this furor, which seems to border on early Chris tian martyrdom, is that OSC stu dents have been so bold in the past as to prematurely light the Homecoming fire. Needless to say, this occurrence is generally a cause for much embarrassment. 1946 ‘VANDALS’ This has happened twice since Homecoming was revived in 1945. In 1946 the bonfire scrap pile was ignited four days in advance of (Please turn to page eight) Gates to Open at 11 For U.O-.OSC Tilt Student gates will open at 11 a.m. for the Oregon State game to facilitate close checking of athletic activity cards, the Ath letic Business Office announced Wednesday. All student sections except those reserved for Order of “O" alums will be open. Four hun dred and fifty bleacher seats have been added to handle the overflow. House presidents arc requested not to have seats saved. How ever the Athletic Department stated that they cannot assume the responsibility of controlling this practice since it is a matter to be resolved among the houses and the student body officers. U.O., OSC Back Hands-Off Plan A hands-off policy concerning band instruments was decided upon by faculty and student offi cials from the University of Ore gon and Oregon State College at a meeting i n Corvallis Tuesday night. Schools will assume full financial responsibility for any damage done to the other’s band instruments. Last year Oregon State College paid for damaged University in struments. Agreement was also reached concerning pledge songs. Both schools will sing their songs at the close of the game, Oregon State first and then the Univer sity. Representing the University at the meeting were Vergil S. Fog dall, Director of Men’s Affairs; J. H. Stehn, associate professor of music; Jim Bartelt, Order of the “O” president; and Don Smith, Emerald editor. ASUO president Art Johnson was unable to attend. Oregon State officials were Dan Poling, dean of men; Laurence Darlington, assistant dean of men;. R. B. Walls, music department head; Theodore Mesang, instructor in music; Jim Hankers, ASOSC president; Rudy Ruppe, Orange “O” president; and Jim Barratt, Barometer editor. Variety Program To Follow Fire Student talent ranging from a quartet to a contortionist is sched uled for Friday night's variety show in McArthur Court following the noise parade and bonfire, says Chairman Bob Nelson. Winners o f campus cleanup, noise parade, and sign contest will be announced and presented with awards. No admission will be charged for the show, which will probably be gin at about 8:30, immediately after the freshman bonfire on the intramural fields. Radio station KORE will carry the proceedings from 8:45 to 9:15. At least 10 student acts are promised by Nelson, and Yell King Jim Crismon will be on hand to drum up spirit for Saturday’s clash with the Oregon State Beav ers. Campus, City Join In Snowball Rally For Final Game Paired. Living Organizations to Parade To Hayward Field at 4:20 Today The jumbo Kugene-University rally will snowball {his after noon to I lay ward hicld, getting under way on campus at 4:20. Led by sound equipment and the Oregon rally squad, paired men's and women's living organizations will parade through the campus by car from the Gamma I’hi llcla house, reaching the field about 4 :45. Social chairmen are urged to make arrangements with the houses with which they were paired in Wednesday’s Emer ald. Transportation will be pro vided by men’s groups. Eugene townspeople, backed by the Oregon Club, will con gregate on Willamette street at 4:30 for a. parade from downtown to the field, getting in on the clos ing minutes of the last Webfoot football practice. MAYOR APPROVES Mayor V. Edwin Johnson of Eu gene came out for the rally on the Register-Guard front page Wednesday, calling for “the big gest 'vote of., confidence’ this state has ever seen. This is going to be just a touch of 'that old time re ligion,’ the faith that has made Oregon a great university.” the mayor affirmed. Student rooters will join rally ing townspeople at Hayward Field, where yells and speeches will con tinue until about 5:30. Rally board chairman Art Ross Wednesday recommended that liv ing organizations schedule 6 p.m. dinners so that all students may return in ample time. BUSINESS MEN SUPPORT ” Downtown enthusiasm is being demonstrated by cards placed near the cash registers of leading Eu gene firms boosting attendance at the rally, billed as “a getting to gether of town and campus in the face of the enemy.” University President H. K. New burn, Coach Jim Aiken, Oregon Club President Frank Riggs, ASUO President Art Johnson, Stan Anderson of the 1919 Oregon Rose Bowl team, and the Webfoot cap (Please turn to fiape eipht) [-—_ ^ Amphib Finale Set for Tonight "Western Melodies," a water bal let in the western mood, was pre sented by members of the Amphib ians last night in the Men’s Pool. Tonight at 8 will be the final show ing of the water pageant. The program includes three acts, “Pitchin’ Hay,” "Hickory Hat Days," and “On the Trail.” Joan Skordahl, Judy Bolender, and Jeanne Smith swim the "Cowboy Waltz” in the first, while two num bers by Barbara Ebcling, "Jam boree” and “Down at the Barn,” are done by choruses. In the second act “Cool Water” performed by a large group of mermaids; "Donkey’s Quartet,” by a quartet, Doris Berg, Pat Honl, Teddie Miller, and Shirley Smart; "Single Saddle" with Betsy Erb, Frances Gillmore, Joanne Hite, Sally Pitman, Sally Shriber, and Jane Wiggen; and a diving exhibi tion by Jim Stanley and Pat Neil son are presented. The final act, by Joan Carr, gen eral chairman for the event, in cludes "The Whistlers” featuring Miss Carr and an octet; "Trail Blazers” with Haroldine Filler, Carol Irvine, and Miss Carr, and “On the Trail,” the finale number, which is a solo by Joan Carr. Numbers were designed by the students, and special lighting ef fects were devised by Bob Morton. Jeannette Masilionis, swimming in structor, is directing the event. Amphibian Mermaids 'inij.ii /u<urtiiU aomues are showing as Nancy Smith and Judy Boiender go through their act in the Amphibian’s Water Ballet, showing for the last time tonight at the Men’s Pool.