:_.*r ^ 1/_vx. . • YT, 5 • ... & "Ya know-our sorority is so crowded this year I meet someone new every day. Zones and Living Groups When a law has conflicts within itself and is in opposition to the people, it should be changed. The new zoning law passed by the Eugene city council last year does both. In fact, it goes further and is in direct opposi tion to the expansion of the city and of the University of Ore gon. A recent survey by the University of Southern California disclosed that Eugene is the only known university city in America that has laws restricting the building of living and boarding houses near campuses. California, USC, UCLA, Northwestern, Columbia, Mis souri, and all of the others are able to have fraternities and sororities as much as a mile from the campus. Not so the University of Oregon. Monday night, the city council voted to refuse to allow the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity to buy a house at 2008 Univer sity street—no more than five or six blocks from the campus and within a block of the tri-Delt house. If the fraternity had tried to buy the house a year ago, it would have met with no opposition. At that time, the area was zoned, and had been for over 20 years, to allow fraternities and sororities to live there. In fact, a sorority built and lived in the very house that the Lambda Chi Alpha chapter wishes to buy. When the city was re-zoned, the committee completely ig nored the building and declared that only single family units could exist there. There are many other flaws in the new law that make life difficult for individuals and groups. Each night that the city council meets, it has to listen to four or five petitions for re-zoning from private citizens and business men who wish to put up signs or redesign their build ings or expand their plants, but can t because of the law. How can Eugene become a large, progressive city if it has such dead laws on its books? Individual members of the city council have expressed dis satisfaction with the existing zoning law and have recom mended that it be changed, but each week they take no posi tive action, but instead express regret that the law is so poor. If it is so unsatisfactory, it should be changed now.—Bill Stanfield. Oregon Daily (EMERALD The Oregon Daily Emkrald published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondavs, holidays and final examination periods by the Associated Students Un.vers.ty of Oregon. Subscription rates: $3.00 a term, $4.00 for two terms and $5.00 a jear. Entered aa second class matter at the postoffice Eugene, Oregon. Don A. Smith. Editor Joan Mimnaugh. Business Manager Gi.enn Gii.i.kspik. Managing Editor Haruara l Iky wood, Hkmn Siikrmax. Associate Editors. Cork Mobi.ky, Advertising Manager News Editors: Anne Goodman. Ken M(trier. Sports Editor: Dave Taylor. Assistant News Editor: Mary Ann Delsman. Chief Night Editor: Lorna I-arson. Assistant Manager Editors: Hal Coleman, Desk Editors: Marjory Bush. Suzanne Oock yic Et yer, Tom King, Stan Turnbull. cram, llob Funk, Gretchen Grondahl, Lorna Women’s Editor: Connie Jackson. Larson. _ SofUtowosie. 'li/tidom An Unusual interview - - At Least £o/i Interviewing great musicians, orators, newspapermen, ad infinitum, for the Emer ald acquires a horrible sameness after awhile —for the simple reason that all great people are written up as being Just Simply Marve lous. As a matter of fact, most of them are. But it would be devilish fun, just once, to slip a mickey to one of the Perfect Reputations. When the world’s greatest yodeler comes to town, for instance. She will give a fine lit tle concert, afid the Emerald will say so. But what couldn’t the Emerald’s yodel critique gain from a paragraph such as the following: "I was in pretty good shape tonight,” yod eler Laura B. Dummd giggled. “We spent an • hour down at Piiuso’s drinking whiskey over ice. They’ve got one heck of an awful combo down there—I’ve heard better in a Portu guese bistro.” This could be termed slander, yellow jour nalism, and a number of other things—but . the Emerald’s concert stories might have bet ter readership. Which, after all, is the import ant thing—or don’t you like the California papers? Another paragraph in the Laura B. Dummd story could go something like this: “Some of Mrs. Uummd s selections wei rendered with triumphant dignity; some si just sort of gargled on. Her stage presence both gracious and simple. The simplicity that of a person who doesn't have a very hig IQ- ' This has the sort of folksy touch that th readers all go for in a big way (this point isn worth arguing). And how about this for grand finale: “Mrs. Dummd, a matronly, dignified wc man, gave a brilliant concert in spite of a fall] ing stocking and a leprosy spot in the sma of her back. ’In addition, I have a heck of case of fag burn in my throat, the artis rasped. ‘Always smoke Egyptian cigarette —an old Arab I met when I was doing m show down in Cairo sends ’em to me.’ “ ‘Don't cigarettes ruin my voice quality burped the woman who is considered th world’s greatest yodeler. ‘When ya yode>Lii) ya have to do is take a deep breath and blast The audience goes nuts.’ ” Which is a very effective way of keepin all concert artists on the East Coast, pro! ably. (litin,' At Randasn j Story of an Average Guy \ by fJo-Qilbe'it ^ A Tale of Truth : Here's a story, true, that I think should be told. It isn’t humorous—in fact, it is prob ably more on- the moralistic side,—but it might hit a few people and help out a cause if told. A vet graduated from the University of Oregon last June, which isn’t news except in this case, for this vet is the subject of the tale. He got through school on the $120 per month, for he was married and had a child. He was an average guy with nothing to set him off from the rest of students—no “brain”, no four-pointer, no drunkard—just a nice guy with a swell wife and cute kid. Like all good graduates he hustled and found a job upon graduation; he liked it and he was liked. Things were looking up. He and his wife de cided to add to their family. The vet had been working about four months when he became ill one day. A doc tor was called and the diagnosis was polio, which isn’t an inexpensive disease. The vet was trundled off to the hospital where he stayed for several weeks. When he did get home, still he had to go to the hospital to have the therapy every day—Sundays off— and also he would have to wear a brace for awhile, though eventually he will completely recover. All that is going to add up to quite a bill— about 1500 bucks. But there is a Polio Fund and it does operate in Eugene, as well as all over the country, and it is paying the bill of this vet. The Fund also is not supported by / Y the government but by us’ns who dig out dime, a dollar, or ten dollars for service v hope we’ll never need. No, this isn’t a paid plug for the Pol Fund. It is a story .of a former student he at the University, and if it proves a point, will make someone think before laughing o community drives, I’ll have done my bit. know it started me thinking, and' when tl time comes, I’ll see the way for a donatio ’Nuff said. Traditions : Am noticing this week all the purty gree ribbons nestling in curly hair and ro lids atop crew cuts. The younger generatioi is taking over. So far none of the yearly gripf letters to the Emerald editor denouncing trrJ ditions—everyone seems quite noncommitt about the whole thing. In the last few year has been more or less of a burning issue b tween the vets and the would-be Joe Cc | leges.But the vets are above it—now beii f juniors and seniors or “out”—and the youn sters were well disciplined in traditions high school. Besides, the traditions we written up in the blurb material sent out the University and are now expected by ci - lege kids. But the shock — people actual j taking “Hello” walk seriously. Someo: 2 cheerfully greeted me when I was trudgiv the path, and I spent the next hour trying place the kid. Was still wondering when met another afflicted with the same dilenm|j and after great thought, we deduced the lution. Rally, rally !! A Lonesome Place Against the Sky By Sr. Mary Gilbert Beauty or the Beast? Beauty, in this^case, was the S5-ioot cedar in front of Deady Hall. The beast'was the dutiful woodman who didn’t "spare that tree.” But the tree had to come down, said I. I. Wright, superintendent of the physical plait:. It was diseased, dying, and might fall at ai inopportune moment if it were not cut dowi . The large trunk was split and each ha E perched at a Tower of Pisa angle. So down the tree came. In scarcely mori (Please turn to page seven) i