Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 16, 1949, Image 1

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    m Daily
Set Nov. 28
Winter Term Process
To Involve Four Steps
Registration material for winter
term will be given out Nov. 21
through 23 and Nov. 28 through
Dec. 2 inside the center door of
Emerald Hall in preparation for
advance registration, smarting on
Nov. 28.
“We don’t anticipate a rush for
registration material since it may
be picked up during so long a
period of time,”, stated James D.
Kline, assistant registrar.
Processes of securing advisers’
signatures and enrolling in classes
will take place Nov. 28 through
Dec. 2.
Students may check with the
Student Affairs Office, pay fees,
and check with the Registrar from
Nov. 28 through Dec. 10. Those
not completing the latter two pro
cesses may still do so on Jan. 3,
the first day o f winter term
'Tkline emphasized the fact that
students must complete the first
four steps by Dec. 10. They are
securing material, advisers’ signa
tures, enrolling in classes, and
checking with the Student Affairs.
Students who fait" to complete
these four steps will be assessed
the entire late fee of $5 on Jan. 3.
Regular registration will be held
on Jan. 3, with late registration
continuing through Jan. 14.
Veterans will follow the same
procedure as regular students in
steps one through four, but must
wait until Jan. 3 to complete reg
On Jan. 3 veterans may obtain
validation on their fee cards and
supply cards in the west balcony
of McArthur Court.
Next, they may fill out the sup
ply card list and submit it to the
Co-op store. Fee cards must be
shown when supplies are obtained.
Veterans willing to postpone ob
taining books and supplies for a
week may come to the Veterans’
Office in Emerald Hall on or after
Jan. 9 for their supply cards,
Final step in registration for
veterans will be the assessment of
fees and checking with the cashier
on Jan. 3. A special cashier’s booth
will be set up in McArthur Court
for veterans only.
<r-Late fees will be assessed and
must be paid personally by all
veterans except those under Public
Law 16.
Veterans will not be able to pick
up books and supplies before Jan.
3. Supplies returned by veterans
during fall term will be distributed
first. When these are gone new
supplies will be available.
Water Pageant to: OPjJjJjJlSLSno
C Wen's Poo* Wes
Bales of hay and saddles will
transform the interior of the Men’s
Pool into a Western setting for
the Amphibian water ballet which
will begin tonight at 8.
A special feature of this year’s
pageant, “Western Melodies,’’ will
be a square dance performed in
the water. During the second act
Jim Stanley and Patricia Nielsen
will give a diving exhibition. Stan
ley is Northern Division diving
All numbers have been designed
by student choreographers.
Tickets for the event are on
sale at the Co-op for 50 cents.
They may also be purchased at the
door. The program will be pre
sented both tonight and Thurs
day night.
Joan Carr, general chairman,
has announced that the program
will consist of three acts.
The first, “Pitchin’ Hay,” will
include three scenes: “Jamboree,”
by Barbara Ebeling with 10 mem
bers and pledges participating;
“Cowboy Waltz” by Joan Skor
dahl, a trio; and “Down by the
Barn” by Barbara Ebcling. Tech
nical adviser for this scene is Mrs.
Margaret Logan.
Act two, “Hickory Hat Days,”
consists of four scenes; “Cool
Water” by Jo Anne Gilmore with
16 members and pledges partici
pating; a duet by Shirley Smart
and Tcddie Miller, “Single Saddle"
by Jo Anne Gilmore, a sextet, and
the diving exhibition.
“On the Trail,” third act, in
cludes three scenes by Joan Carr.
The first, “The Whistlers,” is done
by eight swimmers; the second is
“Trail Blazers,’’ a trio; and the
third is a solo by Joan Carr.
Special lighting; effects have
been devised by Bob Morton, and
“something new" in costumes and
decorations have been promised by
Nancy Wright and Joan Skordahl.
Miss Jeanette Masilionis, instruc
tor in physical education is director
of the production.
Music for the program will be
from records. Elaine Hartung
will be caller for the square dance
A prologue will be presented by
Elaine Hartung and Barbara Me
Program chairman for the event
is Dolores Parrish; publicity chair
man, Joan Manning; and ticket
chairman, Belle Doris Russell.
The swimming show has been an
annual event at the University
since 1943. The first show was
leld on the Millrace.
Last year's show was titled a
'Greek Fantasy.” Other themes
nave been “Evening in Paris,”
'Story Book Wonderland,” “Tho
Story of a Life Guardess,” and
‘Under the Big Drip.”
First Violators
Report at 12:30
For Punishment
First group o f violators o f
Homecoming traditions must as
semble on steps of Fenton Hall
today at 12:30, with men bringing
paddles and girls wearing dunk
ing-type clothes. They were appre
hended by the Order of the O.
Walkers on campus grass . in
clude Cork Mobley, Jim Crismon,
Jim Love, Herb Ray, Pat Springer,
I Don Castle, Tom Mannex, Naomi
Fulton, Carol Erwin, Virginia
Bond, Dick Portwood, Malcolm
Marsh, Herman Lind, and Merv
Freshmen without rooters’ lids
include Jim . Watkins, Richard
Riggs, Chet Noe, and Roger Dock
Caught smoking on the old cam
pus were Tom Mannex, Bill
Schultz, Naomi Fulton, and Glen
Besides the above violations, stu
dents are reminded that freshman
women must wear green hair rib
bons and freshman men must wear
rooters’ lids; passers-by on Hello
Walk between Villard and Fenton
must be greeted with “hellos”; and
underclassmen must wear class
pants—no cords or jeans for fresh
men and no cords for sophomores.
Pants of some other type should
be worn.
Violators who fail to show for
punishment will be “hunted down”
at the Homecoming game Satur
Pi Kaps Pick Twenty Entrants
For Dream Girl Quarter-Finals
Twenty girls were chosen Monday by the members of Pi Kappa
Alpha to enter the quarter-finals of its Dream Girl contest. On Nov.
22, these girls will be entertained at the house and the five finalists
will be selected from this group.
The candidates have been invited to the chapter house on Thursday
evening. Their names follow:
Janet Bronson, Joan Clark, Joann Gary, Wilma Hamilton, Mary
Jean Hathaway, Anne Henderson, Caroline Hill, Beverly Krueger,
Maxine Kirsch, Joanne Kelley, Molly Muntzel, Ida Pack, Janet Paulson,
Barbara Richardson, Sally Seley, Hallie Sterling, Shirley Vander Ende,
Dee Williams, Dolly Withington, and Nancy Weir.
Lecture Series Speech Scheduled
Second speech of the Univer
sity Lecture Series will be given
when Frederick Hard of Scripps
College talks on “Frontiers of Cul
ture” Thursday at 8 p.m. in Chap
man Hall .
Mr. Hard has taught in the field
of English letters at the University
of the South, John Hopkins Univer
sity, and Tulane University, where
he was a member of the faculty
for 15 years.
Students, Townspeople Join Forces
In Paired Football Rally Thursday
Sign Statements
Due for Contest
Itemized bills of sign contest ex
penses must be turned in to com
mittee members by noon Nov. IS
by each livifig organization, ac
cording to Steve Church, Home
coming sign contest chairman.
Houses failing to turn in lists
or to observe the $30 expense limit
will be disqualified, Church said.
Women's organizations may turn
in lists to Elbe Johns, Delta Gam
ma, or Barbara Stevenson, Kappa
Alpha Theta. Men's houses should
turn in lists to Bob Anderson,
Theta Chi.
Signs must be completed by 5
p.m. Nov. 18 the chairman empha
sized, as judging will begin then.
Winners will be announced and
awards presented that night at
the variety show in McArthur
Court following the noise parade.
Signs will be judged on four
equally-important points. They are
originality, effort, adherance to
central theme (Oregon — Then,
Now and Tomorrow), and impres
First prizes in men's and wom
en’s divisions will be new rotating
trophies, now on display in the
Second prize in the men's divi
sion will include a record album
from Corson’s Music Shop, gift
certificates from Baxter and Hen
ning and from Weisfield and Gold
berg’s, and a recognition plaque
from Fennell’s. Third prize for men
will include gift certificates from
Byrom and Kneeland and from
Kirchoff and Scott.
Second prize in the women's
division will be composed of gift
certificates from Kaufman’s, West
gate Shoppe, and Hermanek's, and
a Ronson table lighter from Skeie's
Campus Jewelry. Third prize will
be a gift certificate from Miller's
and a record album from Thomp
son's Radju Lab.
Judges announced previously are
Loy Rowling, C. A. Swarts, S. T.
Ford, Donald Boyd, and Sidney
W. Little.
Campus Organizations to Join for Get-Together
At Hayward Field to Show Support for Ducks
Last chance to demonstrate to the University of Oregon foot
ball team, if backers and Eugene townspeople that they are
boosting the Webfoots will be given to Oregon students Thurs
day afternoon at a giant city-campus snowball rally.
Members of the Oregon Club, a University-boosting orga
niaztion, are sponsoring the pregame rally tomorrow in cooper
ation with the Athletic Department and the rally board.
Council Blocks
House Purchase
By Lambda Chis
Action by the Eugene city coun
cil Nov, 14 in accepting recom
mendations of the zoning commit
tee will prevent Lambda Chi Alpha
fraternity from buying a new
chapter house.
The chapter house had petitioned
the zoning committee for a change
in zone classification from R-l,
single family, to R-4, multiple fam
ily, for the area near 2008 Univer
sity street, the site of the pro
posed chapter house.
Opposition to the re-zoning came
from families living near the pro
posed site, who objected on the
grounds that there was nothing to
prevent the later abandonment of
the house by the fraternity and
subsequent purchase by an individ
ual for use as an apartment build
Six Traffic Cases
Face Severe Penalty
Six cases of traffic violation
were turned over to the Office of
Student Affairs by the student
traffic court Tuesday night after
violators had ignored their second
warning to appear.
If these students do not pay
their fines to the Office, the court
recommends that their University
registration be cancelled.
One student will be issued his
second warning this week. After
the first warning, students may
either post bail at the Office of
Student Affairs in Emerald Hall
or appear before the court. Ap
pearance at the court is compul
sory after the second warning.
Eugene townspeople find Oregon
Club members will parade from
downtown to Hayward Field at
4:30 p.m. to watch the team work
Alon s and women's living or
ganizations, paired for the rally,
will snowball through the campus
beginning at 4:20, to meet the
townspeople at the field by 5.
Sound equipment will rout out
Jiving groups, who will proceed by
car with a police escort to the
field. Complete arrangements for
parking will be made at the field,
Rally Board Chairman Art Ross
stated Tuesday.
University President H. K. New
burn, Coach Jim Aiken, Oregon
Club President Frank Riggs,
ASUO President Art Johnson, tho
team captain, and Stan Anderson
of the 1919 Oregon Rose Bowl
team will speak on the program,
slated from 5 to 5:30.
Recognition will be given to the
15 graduating seniors on the
squad: Halfbacks George Bell,
Tommy Hines, Woodley Lewis, and
Johnny McKay; Fullbacks De*
Wayne Johnson and Bob Sanders;
Ends Les Hagen, Art Milne, Darrell
Robinson, and Lou Robinson; Tack
les Steve Dotur, Sam Nevills, Bob
Roberts, and Dean Sheldon; and
Guard Ed Chrobot.
"The Oregon Club has supported
the team in every possible way
all year,” Ross stated.
“Here’.s where we can show them
that we're supporting the Web
foots, too.”
House social chairmen should
contact the social chairmen of the
houses with which they are paired
today to complete arrangements,
Ross said.
Snowball route will be an
nounced tomorrow.
Pairings follow:
Alpha Chi Omega, Theta Chi,
and Sigma Hall; Alpha Delta Pi,
Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Gamm»
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