agtfsssss* By Tom King Prospects for an improved Ore gon home football schedule in the next few years are as dim now as ever. This was the cold, hard observa tion of Athletic Director Leo Har ris recently, as he drew a fine comb over the Oregon athletic situation, financial and otherwise. A number of road-blocks — too many, in fact—are preventing pro motion of top-notch contests for either Eugene or Portland, which is also considered “home.” They all come under the same heading—fi nances. NO BIG STADIUM . Lack of a big stadium is the ma jor difficulty. Universities with big-name football teams simply will not play in a stadium where a sellout crowd still means a crowd similar in size to one attracted by a soap box orator. Portland’s Multnomah Stadium, controlled by the Multnomah Ath letic Club, seats 31,000. Harris says that ever since he came to Oregon three years ago, stadium officials have promised to enlarge the struc ture. "Before this season began, we were promised 5,000 more seats,” Harris said. “Yet, despite these promises year after year, not one seat has yet been added.” DUCKS LOSE MONEY Harris claims that to bring- teams like Iowa, Southern Methodist, Texas, and Michigan here for home hall games, a stadium with 50,000 capacity is needed. He is confident that Oregon’s Nov. 5 game with Washington could have drawn at least 50,000 fans. That means that limited capacity of MJultnomah Stadium cut "eceipts almost in half. Since the athletic department nets between 60 cents and $1 on every admission, it also means that the universities in volved ate the neck of the chicken, so to speak. MONEY TALKS Schools like Michigan, SMU and other grid powers simply won’t strip themselves of lush gate re ceipts when they have an alterna tive. And "big-name” schools do. Michigan, for instance, has a uni versity-owned stadium which holds 97,000. The Wolverines will never play Oregon in Oregon. Harris recalled negotiations he had with SMU while visiting Texas recently. “We wanted a home-and-home series with the Mustangs,” he stat ed. “But while SMU officials said they would like to play Oregon, they also said they will play Penn sylvania instead.” Franklin Field, where Penn plays its home games, holds 78,000. And therein is the explanation. Before the Multnomah AC will greatly enlarge its stadium, it wants Oregon to promise Portland Talent Auditions Continue Tonight All remaining women s living or ganizations are requested to ap peal1 for their talent auditions at 6:30 tonight in Gerlinger Annex, reported Fred Young, campus tal ent chairman, Monday night. » Those who missed the Monday night activities are requested to appear tonight also. Men’s houses will appear Mon day and Tuesday night of next week. Plans are being formulated for additional all-campus shows which will make use of the new talent file. Single as well as double acts are desired. ., ^ 4 * | jjj two games a year. "We are following a policy now of at least three games for Eugene, and cannot assure anyone of two more games in Portland,” Harris said. “To have less than three games at Hayward Field would not do justice to the students here.” Thus the stalemate. Only two so lutions present themselves. (1) Oregon or Multnomah Stadium of ficials change policy, or (2) Oregon build its own stadium large enough to accommodate at least 40,000 fans. Some progress has been made on the latter scheme. By next season, Hayward Field should seat over 27,000 instead of its present 21,000. Harris hopes to enlarge it grad ually each year, but such a plan depends on gate receipts from year to year. In the past three years, about $100,000 has been spent to improve Oregon athletic facilities. It will still take several seasons to com plete the project. Harris revealed one pleasant i.' note on home games for the Web foots. Beginning next year, a rota tion schedule between Northern and Southern Division teams offi cially goes into effect. One South ern team will play Oregon in Port land each year. None played the Ducks there this season. ATHLETICS MUST PAY This means progress of a sort. But Northern Division teams must prove to Southern schools that they are entitled to the concession already granted. So, for the next several years anyway, the Oregon football schedule necessarily will be re stricted to home games with teams like Colorado, Idaho, and Montana —plus a contest with a Southern Division team in Portland. Why? Finances again, of course. Call it “rank commercialism,” “dol lar phobia” or any other choice bit, but athletics must pay for them selves. And to achieve this, Oregon must rely on dollar intake at the gate, as do other colleges from coast to coast. CAMPUS CALENDAR TUESDAY— 4 p.m.—Girls’ drill team will prac tice on Intramural Field (be tween Hayward Field and the ROTC drill field). 7 p.m.—Christian Science Organi zation meeting. Reading Room, 1251 Emerald street. 7 p.m.—Deseret Club meeting. YMCA. 7 p.m.—Inter - Varsity Christian Fellowship meeting. Miss Olive Slocum will speak on “First Aid for Fainting” as adapted to her Christian experiences. John Straub Hall. 7:30 p. m.—Young Democrats of Lane County meeting. Back room of the Side. 8:30 p.m.—Propellor Club coffee meeting. 207 Commerce. Week's Oregana Pics This week’s Oregana picture schedule is the following: Today, McChesney Hall. Wednesday, Minturn Hall. Thursday, Hendricks Hall. Friday, Merrick Hall. Oregana re-takes will be taken on the 21, 22, and 23 of November. Eighty-one Smiths Populate Campus Examination of the 1949-50 Pig ger's Guide, student directory, dis closes some new facts about Uni versity students. Although fewer students are registered this year than last, there are more Jonses and Smiths. Thirty-eight Jonses are listed this year, an increase of 10 over 1948-49. The Smiths continue to outnumber other names in the di rectory, with 81 now at Oregon. Seventy-five Smiths attended last year. Two other large campus groups, the Johnsons and Andersons, have become smaller. Last year, there were 52 Johnsons, compared to 48 this year. The Andersons have lost six of their clan, retaining 41 mem bers. The Andersens, however, have increased by two. Last year there weren't any on campus. The Guide’s new cover features a cartoon by Arnold Westerman, showing what dream dates with beautiful telephone voices really look like. It will be distributed to day and tomorrow in McArthur Court by Phi Theta Upsilon and Kwama, service honoraries. i • / <» Do YOU Need Anything? READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS WHERE SELLER MEETS BUYER... WANTED—One trunion-bearing spring-release-cam-locking-gear. Call Sam Glottz, Smoo Hall. DOES YOUR MOTHER-IN-LAW WANT TO GET RID OF SOMETHING FOR SALE—One large, as-good- . as-new, slightly used, reddish - blue, size 38 V2, Winter King, long underwear. Excellent for winter serenades. Call Mrs. Schmaltz, Housemother, Signi fy Nothing. CLASSIFIED ADS GET IMMEDIATE RESULTS... Get InJjTouch With Your Long Lost LOVED ONE WILMER — Come back to me, Huckle buck—little Joe has the mumps, I broke my leg and Paw lost his job. We need yo*i bad. Pleaze come home. Your ever lovin’, June. Oregon Daily EMERALD GET RESULTS