Daily EMERALD Fifty-First Year of Publication and Service to the University VOLUME LI UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1949 NUMBER 47 Ken Lewin Wins Grant Of $1000 MacKenzie Award Goes To Premedical Student Kenneth W. Lewin, junior in premedicine, is the winner of the annual MacKenzie Memorial Schol arship, the Office of the President announced Friday. The scholarship has a potential value of $1000. Lewin receives $200 now and this is renewable each .year for four years if he enters the University o f Oregon Medical School in Portland and maintains a high scholastice record. Lewin is completing his premedi cal studies here this year and’ plans to continue his training at the school in Portland, where he will receive his Bachelor’s Degree. Plis home is also in Portland. The Premedical and Predental Advisory Committee unanimously recommended Lewin and this choice was subsequently approved by President Harry K. Newburn. Book Turnback By Vets Slow Only about 12 veteran students ha . e returned books issued by the Government for classes they have dropped, G. L. Henson, manager of the Co-op, disclosed today. Under a new Government ruling, all books and supplies for courses not completed must be returned, regardless of their value. The Em erald carried a story giving details earlier this week, but response has been poor. The registrar’s office is now compiling a list of students who will be affected, and letters will be sent notifying them of the re quirements. Workers in the registrar’s office expect the list to be large as they were only as far as the “l’s” Friday afternoon and had accumulated a large number of cards. identity Mistaken As Reporter Grilled, All In Day's Work A reporter doing a history feature on the Oregon “O” ap proached a receptionist in the Office of Student Affairs. “May I help you?” the recep tionist asked sweetly. The reporter mentioned the “O.” “Ah ha! You want to confess to blowing up the ‘O’ eh?” That wasn’t the idea at all, the reporter said. “Why did you dynamite the ‘O’?” she asked. Telephone rings. ‘‘Hello, Madge,” she said. “A student just confessed to de stroying the ‘O’.” She hung up the telephone. “That’ll be 30 days,” she said. The reporter left. To heck j^vith the feature. KEN LEWIN Total of$861#832 Given by Board In Portland Friday Contracts totaling $861,832 for the new University heating plant were awarded Friday at Portland by the State Board of Higher Edu cation. Work on the plant is expected to begin next week. An appropria tion of $1 million has been set foi the project. It will be in operation sometime during the 1950 school year. Lee Hoffman of Portland was awarded the general contract with a low bid of $216,896. REJECT TURBINE BIDS P. S. Lord of the same city was given the contract for boilers and auxiliaries after submitting a bid of $558,323. W. S. Grasle, also of Portland had a successful bid of $70,983 for the electrical contract. Condensing equipment will be in stalled by R. H. Brown & Co. of Portland who bid $15,629. The board voted to reject all turbine contract bids after a ques tion arose as to whether the equip ment offered in the successful bid of the Worthington Pump and Ma chinery Corp. of New Jersey met specifications. Worthington under bid 19 other organizations with a $142,500 estimate. CARNEY ADVISES New turbine bids will be called at a later date. Robert R. Carney of the attor ney general’s office in Salem ad vised the board on the contracl bids. Funds for the new plant were appropriated by the board Iasi spring when it was shown that the present plant could not take the load now needed due to the Univer sity building expansion. Plans call for the new building to be built with the idea of blend ing it in with the architecture oi nearby campus buildings. Payments Due Nov. 15 For 1950 Oregana Space Payment for club and honorary space in the 1950 Oregana is due Nov. 15, according to Jim Sanders, Oregana business manager. Checks may be mailed or brought to the Oregana office from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. 'O' to Enforce U.O. Traditions As of Monday University of Oregon traditions will be enforced by Order of the “O” members beginning at 8 a.m. Monday in preparation for Home coming Weekend, Nov. 18-19. All University students, both male and female, will be affected by the week’s rules. THE RULES Traditions to be observed throughout the week are: 1. Class pants — Freshman men may wear tin pants, nut not cords or levis; sophomores may wear levis or tin pants, not cords; jun iors and seniors may wear cords or anything else they wish. All classes may wear slacks. 2. Yellow and green rooters’ lids must be worn by freshman men. 3. Freshman women must wear green hair ribbons. 4. “Hello” greetings will be in order for all students while on the Hello walk between Fenton and Villard Halls. 5. No students will set foot on campus lawns. DUNKING, HACKING, Punishment for violation o f these rules will be dunking for women and hacking for men stu dents. Names of violators and viola tions will be published in the Em erald starting Nov. 15. Co-chairmen of the Homecoming traditions committee are Bob Don. Beta Theta Pi; and Herb Nil], Theta Chi. Football Broadcast at 1:45 p.m* Carries Duck-California Game Today’s football name between the University of Oregon and the l niversity of Ciriifornia will be broadcast at 1:45 p.m. over radio station KTJON, Eugene, 1400 on the dial. The broadcast will originate in Berkeley, Calif. Details of the game will be found in the sports section, pages 4 and 5. Talent Auditions To Begin Monday Cataloguing of Women's Houses Inaugurates Drive Throughout Campus for Entertainers A drive to catalogue individual groitp talent on the campus will begin Monday when girls from the first half of an alphabeti cal list of women s living organizations give opening auditions. 1 ryouts start at 6:30 p. m. in Gerlinger .Annex, according to bred A’oung, talent chairman. Remaining women’s houses will be auditioned Tuesday. Phi Beta Kappa To Pick Students For Members The “Senior Six" will be chosen for this year by Phi Beta. Kappa, national liberal arts and science honorary, Monday. Elected by vote of members, the group will be judged on leadership, character, and diversification of studies, as well as high scholastic achievement. Other qualifying seniors are cho sen'for membership in Phi Beta Kappa spring term. New chapter officers will be elected at the meeting of the hon orary, 4 p.m. Monday in 204 Chap man Hall. E. C. A. Lesch, professor of Eng lish, is now president of the organi zation. M!rs. Lois Baker, law librar ian, is vice president; Mrs. Andrew Moursund, secretary-treasurer; P. W. Souers, head of the English de partment, chairman of the mem bership committee; and B. E. Jes sup, professor of philosophy, mem ber of the executive committee. Piggers'Guide Due Nov. 15,16 a Brilliant rod cover will fea ture the 1949-50 riggers’ Guides, scheduled for distribution Nov. 15 and 16. Another change in the new handbook is the addition of emer gency telephone numbers on the front page. Phi Theta Upsilon, junior worn en’s honorary, and Kwania, soph omore women’s honorary, will distribute the Guides at McAr thur Court on both days. They may be obtained between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., including; the noon hour. A booth in the Co-op will han dle late sales. Hostess Pins Chairman CAUGHT IN THE ACT of pinning a Homecoming Button on Chair man Willie Dodds is Marguerite Johns, Homecoming Weekend Host ess. The lemon yellow and green buttons, priced at 10 cents each, are now on sale to University students. Men's organization tryouts aro scheduled for a later date. NO GROUP RESTRICTIONS Acts do not necessarily have to be composed of members from a single group, but may appear as combinations from different ones, Young stated. Cards to be filled in with infor mation concerning the acts have been distributed to all women’s liv ing organizations and all houses have been notified of the auditions. TO FILE INFORMATION Aim of the drive is to have om file information about talent that can perform at rallies and other campus and downtown functions. Following are the organizations being auditioned Monday: ■ Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha. Omicron Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Ann Judson House, Carson. Hall, Chi Omega, and Delta Zeta. Car Kills Teddy, Fraternity Puppy A hit-and-run driver killed Teddy, hot: ?e dog of Delta Tau Delta, at about 9 a.ni. Friday near the corner of 19th and Uni versity streets. A spectator reportedly record ed the license number on the car as it sped away from the scene. One Delt said Friday the driver will be prosecuted. Teddy, a half-grown Collie Shepherd pup, had been with the Delts for three months. About four months old, he wandered into the house one day in Sep tember and has served as mas cot since then. The name of the car owner was obtained within 30 minutes after the mishap when members of the Delt house called the State license bureau i n Salem and asked for identification of the number. U.S. Bureau Reports Recent Rain Normal Recent local rainstorms are nor mal weather conditions for this time of the year, according to a report of the U.S. Weather Bureau. On the other hand, sunny weather which has occurred in the past two weeks is definitely abnormal,. The Willamette River rose al most imperceptibly during the rains, dropping immediately after the rain stopped. Conditions on Willamette Pass are good, on the information of the State Police. Approximately five inches of roadside snow have fal len. The highway, however, is bare and rain is expected. Weather today will continue cloudy with showers.