Herald Oreaon Set for Golden Bears Aiken to Send Team Through Light Workout Today on Bear Turf By JOHN BARTON Head Coach Tim Aiken will put his Duck charges through a ■workout in the University of California Stadium today after ar riving in Berkeley at 10 a.m. on the Southern Pacific Cascade. The Oregon squad left Eugene at 7:30 p.m. yesterday. Headquarters for the Ducks during their stay in the South land will he an estate in the Berkeley Hills. Aiken originally to lionse his suuad in a downtown San hrancisco hotel, but decided against it early this week. A deciding factor in tomorrow’s Bear hunt will be the condition of Bob Celeri, star California quarter back, who has broken just about every offensive record ever kept on the Cal campus. According to the United Press sports reports of Wednesday, Ce leri definitely will not be able to play Saturday. On the other hand, word comes just as em phatically from the Cal athletic news bureau that Celeri will be in shape for the contest. Another factor in the battle could be the presence of a wet field. Drizzling rain has been visiting the Bay area for the past week. Oregon’s closest touch with a wet field this season was in the Colo rado game, where a slight trace of moisture was on the turf from an early morning rain. That slight bit of water failed to impede Duck progress against the hapless Buffaloes, however, and is no real indication of what they would look like on a really muddy field. A wet turf in the Cal game would It's not too j early to be thinking about Christmas gifts. We have everything dear to the heart of a sportsman. HILLS Sportsman's Supply 56 13th W. 4-0551 j__ not necessarily give either team an advantage. The Webfoots are de pendent upon fast backs and line bucks, also put plenty of stock in their passing, especially with the heavy Cal line in front of them. California, as well, is depend ent upon passing, with some tricky running on the side. Any mud on the grass is just as likely to hamper the lumbering of the Bear as it will the strutting of the Duck. In the Cal line-up for the second time this season will be All-Pacific Coast Halfback Jack Swaner. The tricky runner will not start the con test, but will, according to the Cal Student News Bureau, see plenty of action. Swaner was a running mate of Jacky Jensen’s last year. As was the case in the late Wash ington game, both teams will prob ably use the flat kick for kick-offs. California will be booting to keep the ball away from Woodley Lewis, who now has a kick-off runback average of 49.3 yards per try. Oregon will try just as hard to keep the kick-offs from Bear Halfback Frank Brunk, who is no slouch at returning the oval in his own right. While the flat kick-off, almost as short and dangerous as the on-side kick, gives the other team the chance of starting their scrimmage near mid-field, it also cuts out the chance of a fast man getting the ball. Captain for the Ducks tomorrow will be George Bell, who will start the game in his own home town. Aiken listed the veteran right half as a starter yesterday. Bell’s ankle, injured in the Colo rado game, is now completely heal ed. Other injuries, however, have Aiken badly worried. Gentleman Jim said Wednesday that the hump list is the worst it has been this season. Among the suffering are Bob Sanders with a bruised side, Darrell Robinson with a sore leg, and Johnny McKay, who also is dragging a lame limb. All are expected to play, however, Traveling squad making the trip for Oregon is as follows: (Please turn to page seven) NEW RECORD RELEASES Mindy Carson— Lonely Girl You’re Different Fran Warren—• Fnv v You're Tn Love With Someone Vic Damone— Through A Long and Sleepless Night Mv Bolero Tony Martin— " Give “Me You're Tired, You’re Poor Thursdav W ould Have Been A \ ear "New Glenn Miller Album “Starlight Serenades” RADIO LABORATORY 768 K. 11th Phone 4-4431 Starting Again ^ — ...^*. A...\. &4fcw^w> ^ GEORGE BELL, powerhouse right halfback of the Oregon football team will return to his regular starting berth Saturday when the Ducks invade the haunts of the California Bears. Bell, who was in jured in the Oregon-Colorado game October 15, has been named captain of the Webfoots for the Berkeley game where he will be performing before a hometown crowd. Frosh Tackle Rooks In Corvallis Today By Clyde Falilman Coach Bill Bowerman’s Duck lings will draw down the curtain on the 1949 edition of Frosh grid-gun ning today at 2 p.m. when they tackle the Oregon State Rooks at Corvallis. From all indications mire with intermittent precipitation will be the setting at Bell Field for the little Civil War. Bowerman announced his start ers after Thursday's practice ses sion. From left to right on the line the starting roster will read Monty Brethauer, left end; Jerry Shaw, left tackle; Rod Fitzbrewer, left guard; Bill Mills, center; Ron Brown, right guard; Emil Brand aw, right tackle; and Jack Lust, right end. Carl Ervin will start at fullback; Don Sloan at right halfback; Ron Lyman at left halfback; and Hal Dunham at quarterback. Thursday’s workout featured HEY! If your watch should Fail, Don't hang it on a nail, Just bring it down to us We'll fix it up . . . no mess or fuss! BRISTOWS Jewelers C20 Willamette light tactics. The practice session was shortened to an hour and a half of dummy scrimmage, place kick defense, and going through several new plays originated ear lier in the week. Defense for the OSC “single wing” formation plays was also stressed in the light workout last night. Although the Ducks took an ear lier decision over the little Beavers by a convincing 33-6 score, all in dications point to a tighter game this afternoon. An authority says ale is good for hay fever. And champaigne for the hey, hey variety. Upsets Mark WAA Action Major upsets in intramural vol leyball during the past two days saw Alpha Delta Pi trounce Alpha Xi Delta, University House down Delta Delta Delta, and Hendricks Hall defeat Zeta Tau Alpha in the only Wednesday game. Led by Norma Lamoreaux, who paced her team with 16 points, the Ad Pi’s led at half-time, and remained on the victory ledger with a smashing win over the Alpha Xi Deltas, 51-22. In the second court, University House behind the high scoring of several of its team members de feated the Tri- Delts, 43-39. High scorer for the losers was Liz Er landson with seven points. Yesterday’s games were high lighted by the victory of Hen* - dricks Hall over ZTA 38-22, and forfeiture of the Pi Beta Phi game to Kappa Kappa Gamma. Ann Moore accounted for 12 of the points for Hendricks, while Bobbie Murray scored seven for the los ers. BOWLING Meet your friends at the al ley and enjoy the evening. • Refreshments • Shuffleboard DORSEYS U-BOWL Downstairs 11th & Wil. When it comes to good things to eat— You Name it We have it. ACROSS FROM SIGMA NU