’Herald Why Study—Religion Head of Religion Department There ate many reasons why the modern educated man should be informed about the field of religion, but the main reason is prob ably that religion is related to so many fields of study. Religion is closely related to art and liter ature, to the social studies, history, anthro pology, sociology, psychology and philoso phy. Evidence of the relation between the natural sciences and religion is the increasing interest which the most eminent scientists to day are taking in religious problems and tbe various expressions of religious faith by these scientists. However, the problem of religion in higher education is particularly acute because of the crisis in which contemporary civilization is now involved. It is widely recognized that the great need today is not for more highly trained technologists but for more persons who understand what the purpose and des tiny of our civilization should be. Individuals and civilizations become cre ative to the extent that they have an integrat ed philosophy of life and are conscious of the goals toward which they are driving. Down through the course of history the profound and far-reaching influence of religion upon culture and civilization has been evident. But religion is no mere antiquarian and historical interest. Every man mho is con cerned about ultimate values, that which has to do with supreme loyalties, must be con cerned about the great problems with which religion has dealt perennially. Dr. H. N. Wieman has recently emphasiz ed the intellectual and yet the practical na ture of curricular courses in the department of religion. “The problem of religious thought is the problem of what is most im portant for human living; what should com mand the self-giving of religious faith by rea son of its importance; what will carry human life to its highest possibilities of value when given first place; what will save from disinte gration and destruction of human good when its required conditions are met.” Although the Department of Religion is a non-major department on the campus of the University, it recognizes its obligation to supplement the university, curriculum by af fording students the opportunity for dis ciplined and. scientific study in this field. V They Were Hellions To show you that girls will be naughty girls this year and every year, we pass on this interview with one of the found ers of Pi Beta Phi written up in a December 1936 Emerald. The good woman was 91 when she met the Emerald reporter —and she thought girls were slipping. She said: “Modern cocktail drinking, cigarette smoking girls don’t compare with the standard set by the 12 girls who started Phi Beta Phi. Why, I walked into one chapter house to find them gambling. They were playing for small stakes, it is true, but in my day, girls would never dare to think of doing such a thing.” She was additionally bothered by reports she had heard that modern coeds stand up to a bar and drink with men. She felt young men would be disgusted with such a girl—and she thought, too, that the 1936 college girl would be better off if she went back to the voluminous skirts of the Victorian era. The clear eyed lady who still did her own housework at 91 took a definite stand against slapping paint on the face. “The only time I wore powder was when I was married, because I thought I should look white. But I found I was white enough with fright, so I didn’t keep it on.” Those 1936 Oregon coeds must have been hellions!—B.H. • • • • We heard recently of a new organization that was almost born on campus. The presidents of three honoraries sat together discuss ing the impossibility of holding meetings. None of the members could ever get together at the same time; they belonged to too many, other clubs. So the presidents decided to form a Society for Disappointed Presidents, which would meet for the sole purpose of being woeful. But when they tried to find a meeting time they couldn’t. That’s why there’s not another club on the campus this morning. Wild Motel No Deferred Talent Around This Village by fy>ied rlfou*Uf This talent file should be one of the better ideas that has hit the village recently, and with nothing “deferred” about it eith er. There’s the hope that every and anyone interested in per forming around the campus and town will file a card with the Talent Committee and then allow them to receive the act so it can be catalogued accordingly. Incidentally, to be included in any future c-mpus show the act or single must be on file with the Talent committee. The fun starts this Monday night at the Gerlinger annex. A very pretty King Cole thing heard recently, pleasantly combines originality with the intimate Cole voice for an Ha waiian “Nalani.” Backed by his trio plus studio vocallers which lend this the “must be heard" quality not always located in the commercial Cole works. A feeling that there’s probably even a litcle more rhy thm and originality in the “Daylight” than in the current fad “Mule Train.” Maybe, after all, there’s still hope for that ridicul-. ous bebop. You have to listen closely to the “Mule” to get nothing, maybe when the listeners get that habit for bop they’ll realize there's still a lot of music being played. That’s interesting to the purists: Bud Freeman and Mug sy Spanier, who headlined the Second Annual Dixieland Jam boree recently held in Los Angeles, proved disappointing to the two-beaters while 1’ete Dailey’s Chicagoans never seemed to get in the spirit of their tunes. One of the outstanding groups to appear on the show was the unknown Castle Jazzband of Portland which always im proves with the audience, (6,b00 attended the show) and has received limited attention due to the sparse marketing of their Castle records. Hear them on the weekends at the Creolized PIv-Mac in Portland. The Orf.oon Daily Eukxald published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays and final examination periods hv the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Subscription rates; $.1.00 a term, $4.00 for two terms and $5.00 a year. Entered as second class matter at the postoflice Eugene, Oregon. Don A. Smith. F.ditnr Joan Himkuku F’tsir-rss Managr* (11 i’N \ [ill ’ i> Riti+t' At Random The Jack of All Tracies, Master of One-Fowler by fJo-Qilbe'it May I be pardoned if this week I rob my own book shelves for a review? The reason is that this week I did some re-reading of an old favorite-—and I am a great exponent of browsing through books. Else, why buy them ? One of my favorites is Gene Fowler—his writing has the comfort of an old shoe that you constantly wear. Possibly my affection for his work is a result of my interest in jour nalism and Fowler is a product of the FRONT PAGE era. And the guy can « rite and does it well. The English department may sneer at an author coming from a sensation alist school, but weren’t Addison and Steele Mearstlings in their day? And Defoe who wasn't exactly appreciated by the best of so ciety ? So back to Gene Fowler. The book is his autobiography—A SOLO IN 1 OM-TOMS (A iking' Press.) It is, in my humble estimation, not as good as the autobi ographical novel, TRUMPET IN THE DUST, but Fowler would have a long, long may to travel to reach that peak, much less excell it. SOLO is good, well written, and full of the usual collection of anecdotes that fills any of his works. The man seems to have an inexhaustible store of fine stories—be good for a party. Hie basic search in Fowler's 0fe was that for a father, whom he finally met after he had left his home town, Denver, and was in New A ork. 1 he father, as a result o.f a subtle feud with his wife's mother, the Granny who rais ed Fowler, walked out previous to the boy’s birth and all because of a cuppa coffee. Ill's mother married again (after a divorce) and (Please turn to page three)