Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 10, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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    m daily 5
Two of the hottest statistical outfits in the PCC will clash
when the Oregon Ducks venture down to Strawberry Canyon
this Saturday for their fray with the bowl minded Golden Bears
of California. Lynn (Pappy) Waldorf's aggregation has rolled
over eight straight opponents so far this year to have the inside
track to Pasadena. In so doing, the Bears have racked up a neat
378.6 net yards a game average
to lead the Coast Conference in
total offense. On defense the
gilded Bruins have dominated
the play so well that their ene
mies have penetrated them for
a mere 232.9 yard per game fig
The Ducks, on the other hand,
have the fourth best offense on
the coast and a terrific scoring
attack. Oregon 1949 team has
broken the previous total scor
ing for a season with two games
remaining to be played. Top
ping this off and surprising as it
may seem after the Washing
ton game, the Ducks are second
in total defense among the
teams in the PCC. Their record
on defense of 248.5 yards relin
quished per game is only bested
bv the Bears.
Individually, the Ducks are a great outfit with several men
having strong claims on all-coast recognition. Bob Sanders,
\\ oodley Lewis, Johnny McKay, George Bell, and Bill Fell all
will rate some mention. From the line Sam Nevills, Ed Chrobot,
Steve Dotur, and Chet Daniels are names that will be knocked
back and forth when the polling starts.
Defensive Line Must Stop Celeri
How the Ducks will fare against the Waldorf warriors is any
one’s guess. They want this game more than many that they’ve
played. If they can dump the Bears off their unbeaten limb, that
fact ah^ne would prove this year’s organization ranks among the
greatest to represent the University. However, that defensive
line of Oregon will have its work cut out for it Saturday. Stop
ping a man named Bob Celeri is a big order that must be filled
if the Ducks want to avoid four straight setbacks.
* * *
To get both sides of the question of the fortunes of the Ore
gon football squad, the following letter in answer to Kirk
Braun’s comments in yesterday’s Emerald is printed.
OREGON FOOTBALL PLAYERS—This is a letter to you!
I intend this as a supplement to Mr. Braun's letter to you in
yesterday’s paper. In my opinion there was something he over
looked and something that is very important in the makeup of
# any football team. In our case THE EIRE IS LACKING AND
I don’t deny we have a great football team here at Oregon
or that each man is somewhat a perfectionist in his position.
The drive is present and no man fails to run at his top speed
in the execution of a play or to throw blocks and tackles when
called upon to do so.
But what has become of the DESIRE to make that block,
tackle or touchdown??? After making a perfect block (what you
have been ably coached to do) do you feel that your job is done?
After making a fair attempt to tackle an opponent do you feel
you have done your share ? Do you wonder why the students do
not raise a cheer on high when you have played a ‘perfect' game
of football yet lost?
The answer should be plain by now. Team fire and the will to
win is analogous to student spirit—You lack the former.
You have been successfully coached in your positions, you
have demonstrated that you are next to perfectionalists in
these positions. Now the job is yours. You can not be coached
in this .department. You must not do your job and walk off the
field knowing that you did this job to perfection. Get excited
in a game. Do something that will carry this great Oregon
team we have on to victory rather than having this great Ore
gon team go down in defeat.
You have all the capabilities. Can you exert this extra effort
in these next two games? We’ll know by Saturday night whether
we have a team of perfection or a fighting team of perfection.
This is soniething you can develop—Can you ?????
Name withheld by request.
BERKELEY—(UP)—The University of California worked
out on Edwards field yesterday. The track field has a firmer turf
than the regular practice area in the drizzling rain.
Star quarterback Bob Celeri was in a sweatsuit and favored
his injured leg. It was doubtful that he will see action in the Ore
gon game here Saturday.
Conference Teams Readying
For Weekend Gridiron Battles
SEATTLE—(UP)—The Univer
sity of Washington Huskies drilled
under lights for the second time
last night, concentrating on offen
se, as they prepared to meet UCLA
in Los Angeles Saturday.
The Huskies, in good physical
shape, will depart for the South by
airplane tomorrow morning.
rULLMAN, Wash. — It was
back to work with a vengeance
for the Washington State Coug
ars yesterday after a two-day lay
Coach Phil Sarboe sent his
team through a rough offensive
and defensive drill in the field
house followed by defensive ma
neuvers to be used against Wash
ington’s vaunted aerial attack a
week from Saturday. The Coug»
ars draw a bye this week.
MOSCOW, Ida. — Coach Dixie
Howell said today he doesn’t expect
his University of Idaho football
team to beat Stanford Saturday.
“But we’ll throw everything we've
got into that game.”
Howell said he will resort most
ly to his running attack against the
Indians. Despite eight men on the
injury list, the full Idaho squad of
35 will leave Friday morning by
plane for Palo Alto.
CORVALLIS — Oregon State
College’s football squad continu
ed their “easy” workouts yester
day for Saturday’s Portland con
test against Michigan State Col
lege. The Beavers and Spartans
use the same style of offense.
Top threat to OSC will be the
passing of Gene Glick and the
running of Lynn Chandnois.
PALO ALTO—A dark, cold and
wet day gave Stanford’s cripples a
chance to forego contact work to
day in preparation for their game
Saturday with Idaho.
Halfback Bob White returned to
the practice session but wore no
* our Key men in uregons DaCK
field, George Bell, Woodley Lewis,
Johnny McKay, and Bob Sanders
have only two more games to play
for Oregon.
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