Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 12, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    Two New Men's Counselors Added
To Office of Student Affairs Staff
Two additional counselors for
men were recently added to the
staff of the office of Student Af
fairs, in order to be of the great
est possible assistance to freshmen
and transfer students, Dr. Vergil
S. Fogdall, Director of Men’s Af
fairs, indicated.
Roy Babcock, formerly a Coun
selor in McChesney Hall in the
Veteran Dormitories, who is work
ing on his Doctor’s degree in the
field of Education, and Si Ellings
ton, formerly President of Camp
bell Club and Vice-President of
the Senior Class on the campus,
are the two men who have assumed
this assignment.
Because of his previous experi
ence as a Sponsor in the University
dormitories, Babcock is acquaint
ed with the dormitory situation and
will be well qualified to assist any
dormitory students who are facing
particular problems at the Univer
sity. He carried the strong recom
mendations of Mrs. Genevieve
Turnipseed, Director of Dormitor
ies, and Mrs. J. June Fendall of
the Dormitory Office.
Ellingson will be able to give
special assistance to University
men who are facing the usual fin
ancial problems of college students
because of his previous experience
in a men's cooperative living or
Babcock will be in the Office of
Men’s Affairs in the mornings and
Ellingson during the afternoon.
They will work on alternate Sat
A graduate of the Eastern Ore
gon College of Education, Babcock
came here in June, 1948 to begin
work on his master's degree. He
now has completed 17 hours to
ward his doctorate, and is taking
12 additional hours this term.
After graduation Babcock spent
four years teaching in elementary
schools in Eastern Oregon. During
World War II he was in photo in
telligence work with the army in
Europe for 30 months.
In addition to counseling in Mc
Chesney Hall, Babcock has worked
with students in Gamma and Zeta
Halls. He is now a member of Phi
Delta Kappa, education fraternity
for men.
In the future Babcock hopes to
continue in college teaching and
personnel work.
Ellingson is a University of Ore
gon graduate and now is working
on his master’s degree in History,
Latin American history in particu
lar. He and his wife, who is an
instructoral assistant in the biol
ogy depertment, hope to teach at
the American Women’s College in
Santiago,. Chile, after finishing
their work here.
His former teaching experience
consists of work with seventh and
eighth grade students at Spring
field Jnuior Pligh School. He taught
mathematics and social studies.
Eventually, he hopes to go into
college administration.
Ellingson also served with the
army during World War II. He was
with the armored infantry in Eu
rope and spent some time instruct
ing illiterate service men in Eng
lish and American History.
Mr. Cyrus E. Anderson, a coun
sellor last year, has now completed
his residence requirements for his
doctorate and his accepted a posi
tion as assistant professor of edu
cation at the University of Florida,
Gainsville, while Mr. Ray Hawk,
the other counsellor, is assistant
professor of education and director
of teacher training at the Southern
Oregon College of Education at
Six Cases Heard
(Continued from page one)
sent themselves before the court
next Tuesday.
When the court was set up, a
trust fund was begun through ar
rangement between the ASUO and
the Student Union Office. A loan
of $60 was made for supplies.
The first $60 in fines collected
by the court will go to repay this
loan. All fine money received after
wards will be used to improve stu
dent parking facilities.
At the end of each term the jun
ior representative on the court
will make a detailed report to the
Executive Council stating the num
ber and type of violations, penal
ties imposed, total fine money col
lected, and expenditures of the
Student drivers were reminded
by the court last night that the
failure to display a student park
ing sticker is a violation in itself.
Furthermore, any student found
guilty of another violation who has
not dispalyed a sticker will receive
a doubled fine.
Two of the cases heard last night
forfeited bail; three appeared and
pleaded guilty.
Theta Sig Open House
Theta Sigma Phi, women’s jour
nalism fraternity, will hold open
house to all aspiring, pre-journal
ism women Thursday night, 6:45
to 7:30 p.m. at the Sigma Kappa
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