LawReview Lists Staff Appointment of the editorial board of the Oregon Law Review has been announced by Charles G. Howard, professor of law and ed itor-in-chief of the publication. The board, composed of Profes sor Howard and four third-year law students will direct this quar terly publication of the Oregon Law School student body. Morris J. Galen, will be 1949-50 student editor; Robert L. Myers, note and comment editor; A. T. Goodwin, recent case notes editor; and H. Dewey Wilson, book review and statute editor. The Review, containing various articles of interest to the Bar, is sent to every member of the Bar in Oregon and to other law schools. Contributing to it are the Univer sity faculty, judiciary, and mem bers of the Oregon bar. In the opinion of Professor How ard, the Review is an excellent method for assisting the faculty in instructiong the students to write legal briefs and to think in a lawyer-like manner. Ralph Johnson, now a member of the Oregon State Bar, was last year’s editor. New Inter-Racial Fellowship Meets Inter-Racial Fellowship, organ ized at the end of last year, will have its first meeting of the term today at 4:30 in Westminster House. The group will discuss campus racial problems. Everyone is in vited to attend this one hour meet ing, according to Merv Hampton, secretary. LOST—Phillips Bible college gradu ate key on tie clasp, initials “REO” and degrees on back. Call Osborn, 5-9380. 6 ROOMS for University men. Clean, comfortably furnished — near campus bus line. 2691 Harris— Phone 5-5623. 6 LOST—Tan leather purse contain ing billfold, pen and glasses. Identification and glasses badly needed. Phone 4-5251. Mary Paulsen. 6 LOST—Will the person taking the girl's season skipper coat from Uni-Hi please return it to the office and claim theirs. 7 FOR RENT—Girl wanted to share house. Phone 5-3197. 6 LOST—Between Villard and Jour nalism bldg.—glasses in blue case, Wednesday. Call 4-7557 or leave at Journalism office. 6 LOST—Brown and gold Sheaffer fountain pen. Initials JCC on cap. Joan Caruso. Dial 4-6021. 7 FOR SALE — Balanced action French Selmer saxophone. Call 4-6060. 7 FOR SALE—Fur evening jacket. Black Eastern skunk. Size 14-16. Excellent condition $35. 1945 Oak St. Dial 5-2739. 8 Student Registration Of Autos Continued Registration of student cars will continue this week and next in the Office of Student Affairs. Students ■without registration stickers on their cars should apply in room 201, Emerald Hall, declares Dick Neely, Student Traffic court mem ber. Only cars displaying the regis tration sticker on the front window may park in designated parking lots. Fines will be assessed for violations. Faculty members will continue to register their cars in the office of the physical plant. Artists j Travel During Summer Many far-away places were view ed by Oregon art instructors during the summer. M. D. Ross, architecture instruct or, spent his summer in England, France, and Spain, doing research on various types of architecture. Mark R. Sponenburgh and his wife returned this fall from visits to Paris and Holland, where they did special research on contempor ary sculpture. Lynn Alexander, weaving and jewelry instructor, spent six weeks teaching weaving at the summer workshop of the University of Ten nessee in the Great Smoky moun tains and later attended the La Es cuela Bellasartes school in Mexico. Exhibits Explain Library Usage Purpose of the king size catalog card in the circulation lobby of the Library has been explained. It is part of an exhibit to ex plain use of the Library to stu dents, says Miss Elizabeth Findly, head reference librarian. Besides the giant card and its explanation, the exhibit features a display of three new books with catalog cards, arranged to show various uses of the catalog in I finding books. Also graphically explained is use of periodical indexes. A booklet explaining the ar rangement, facilities, and regula tions of the library is available to all students. Civil Rights Rally Slated Tonight A civil rights rally, sponsored by the Eugene Civil Rights Com mittee, will be staged at 8 tonight in hall A of the Hampton Build ing, 610 Willamette Street. The speaker will be Mrs. Bessie Mitchell, sister of one of the “Tren ton Six,” a group of Negro men who were arrested by the Trenton police, tried, and sentenced for a crime they allegedly had not com mitted. Mrs. Mitchell won support of various organizations in her two year fight to obtain the release of the “Trenton Six.” Her speech will also include other aspects of dis criminations and civil rights. Students may attend this meet j ing, which is open to the public. ATTENTION! All Off Campus Men Get in on your campus social life with your independ ent mens organiaztion . . . the Yeomen Your organization for your pleaseure Monday, Oct. 3, 7 P.M. GERLINGER HALL Parties Highlight Church Night The University Religious Council, through its member organizations, is sponsoring Oregon's annual Church night Friday, Sept. 30. Council President Sherman Hol mes urges all students to visit the various houses and religious clubs on the campus. All organizations are open to all students, regardless of religious preferences. Planned to acquaint students with University religious groups, Church night will feature house parties, with emphasis on fun and fellowship. Dancing, other forms of entertainment, and refreshments will highlight the evening’s pro gram. A new feature that most groups will offer will be the broadcast of the Oregon-UCLA football game. This will allow students to attend Simpson, Gartrell Elected by Kwama Betty Simpson was named sec retary and Bernice Gartrell tem porary historian at the year’s first •meeting of Kwama, sophomore women’s service honorary, Tues day night. Miss Gartrell will fill the spot left vacant by Lois Sharkey until the latter returns to Oregon winter term. Beginning next week, the Kwa mas will resume their tradition of wearing their white uniforms every Monday. Fall Dance Planned Catholic students and their friends are invited to attend New man Club's Fall dance Friday night at 8:30. For those who wish to hear the Oregon-UCLA game, a radio will be provided. The dance will be held in Gerlinger Annex. A Hawaiian dancer canceled an engagement because of foot trouble. There’s one thing she couldn’t shake Dff. parties and follow the play-by-play account of their football team at the same time. Holmes emphasized that both old and new students are invited to participate, visiting any group of their choice. A schedule of Church night ac tivities will be printed in Friday's Emerald. English Department Adds Instructors!!! Nine new instructors and six graduate students have been named to the staff of the English Department, Dr. P. W. Souers, department head, disclosed Tues day. New instructors are Frank Bliss, John Church, Miss Rose Coleman, Merrel Clubb, Donald DeBrodt, Robert DeMaria, Mrs. Debrah Le Sage, Ezrel Wages, and Eugene Zumwalt. Graduate assistants include John Ellis, Richard Lodwig, Richard Schultz, Ralph Sherman, Gilbert Stewart, and Luster Williams. New Faces Seen On Language* Staff Nine members have been added to the staff of the Foreign Langu age Department, according to Dav id M. Dougherty, head of the de partment. New assistant professors are Dr. Bernando Gicovate, who will teach Romance languages, and Dr. Will iam A. Roecker, who will conduct German classes. New instructors, to teach Ro mance languages, are William Myer and Miss Raymonde Richard Graduate assistants will be Miss Barbara J. Fisk, Miss Marilyn J Carpenter, Salvador J. Macias and John G. Snow. Dennis G. Hannon has a teach ing fellowship and will also work on his doctorate. The Genuine ALL WHITE BUCK SADDLE $10.95 COLLEGE GALS MUST HAVE 'EM WHEN YOU NEED SPALDINGS YOU NEED OPEN FRI. EVES 1060 WILLAMETTE BURCH'S Old Students Counsel At UCLA a special training program is offered to old students who wish to help new students fit, easily into campus life. The only prerequisite for counseling is a de sire to help novice Bruins. Attend ance at one of the student counse lor classes qualifies any old stu dent as an interviewer. 3UTLIFF TOBACCO CO., 43 Framsnt, 3. F„ CallF. Follow the Trend to HEINE’S BLEND The Smoking Tobacco with a B.L.* DEGREE *Bites Less! U of O CO-OP STORE featuring • • • SHEAFFER3 Easiest pen in the world to fill. Only one light down-stroke empties—cleans—refills com pletely! Smoothest-writing pen you ever put to paper! Sheaffer’s Touchdown takes top honors in every class. Stop in and try Touchdown to day. Priced from $10.00 SHEAFFER’S SENTINEL THREESOME. A writing instrument for every student need. Touchdown Pen, $15.00; Pencil, $5.00; Strato* writer, $10.00. Complete in leather* grained case, $30.00; no fed. tax* Choice of five sparklinjz color*. U of O CO-OP STORE