Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 28, 1949, Image 1

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Fifty-First Year of Publication and Service to the University
Studenfs Aid Firefighters
In McKenzie Bridge Area
Approximately 60 University
men students are among firefight
ers battling two fires in the Mc
Kenzie Bridge area covering
around 1500 acres. The fires have
been burning since Monday.
“There are miles with no line
around,” Arnold Porter, senior in
journalism, reported by long dis
tance from Vida last night.
“Everything depends on the wea
ther,” according to a ranger at
McKenzie Bridge.
Most of the fire fighters are bat
tling the blaze along Foley Ridge
which runs parallel to the South
Side of the McKenzie Highway
above McKenzie Bridge.
An estimated total of 300 men
^tt'rom Portland, Corvallis, and Bend,
as well as from the Eugene—
Springfield area are working on
the fire lines now, with the last
group leaving by bus yesterday
afternoon at 2 p.m.
One unidentified University stu
dent injured his hand and was re
turned to Eugene, but no other
injuries have occurred, the ranger
station reported.
Fire weather conditions have
improved considerably and the sit
uation is not nearly as serious as
it was Monday night and early
Tuesday morning reported the
Willamette National Forest Office
late yesterday afternoon. Rain is
reported An. the Cascades, but not
in the immediate fire area.
Weather officials announced an
increase in humidity from 20 per
cent Monday to 58 per cent Wed
nesday. Also, aiding the fire fight
ers was a decrease in the intensity
of Monday’s strong east wind.
Recruiting of fire-fighters is be
24 Rally Girl
Finalists Picked
Twenty-four girls were picked as
finalists for the 1949-50 rally*squad
last night. Over 90 aspiring cheer
leaders turned out for the tryouts
at Gerlinger annex.
# Final tryouts are scheduled for
this afternoon at 4:30 in the annex.
Six rally girls will be picked for the
permanent squad.
Entering this afternoon’s tryouts
will be Jessie Bennett, Adelene Er
lich, Carol Irvine, Maxine Kirsch,
Elaine Nemerovsky, Georgene Nis
sen, Sally Pitman, Joyce Rathbun,
Delores Rich, Jan Shaw, Starly
Sparks, Lois Taylor and Marcille
Margie Wells, Mary Ellen Ever
ton, Joyce Sommerlade, Ann Brown
hill, Tita Vincent, Barbara Cox, Pat
Husband, Wilma Hamilton, Kay
Keller, Muriel Craig , and Carla
mg handled by the U.S. Employ
ment service and, at last reports,
no more men were needed. The last
group left by bus yesterday after
noon at 2 p.m.
The fires are called the North
and South Santiam burns, with the
former burning from Frissell creek
to the old Sims burn and the latter
along Roley ridge. Burning of
slashings started the fires Monday.
Largest gains were made by the
flames between 6 p.m. Monday and
3 a.m. Tuesday.
Team Welcome
Rally Planned
For UCLA Tilt
Women’s and men’s living orga
nizations will pair off on a snowball
rally to welcome the Webfoots back
from the UCLA game Saturday af
ternoon, chairman Art Ross of the
rally board announced last night.
Men will pick up women at their
houses and join in a police-escorted
parade to the Eugene airport at 1
p.m. The route of the snowball will
be announced in a later Emerald
edition this week.
Mrs. Golda Wickham, director
of women’s affairs, paired the
houses yesterday afternoon with
the help of two members of the dis
ciplinary committee.
Pairings follow:
Alpha Chi Omega and Alpha Tau
Omega; Alpha Delta Pi and Beta
Theta Pi; Alpha Gamma Delta and
Campbell club; Alpha hall and
Cherney hall.
Alpha Omricon Pi and Chi Psi;
Alpha Phi and Delta Tau Delta; Al
pha Xi Delta and Delta Upsilon.
Ann Judson House and French
hall; Carson hall and Hunter hall,
Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha
and Phi Kappa Psi ; Chi Omega and
McChesney and Merrick halls.
Delta Delta Delta and Phi Gam
ma Delta; Delta Gamma and Phi
Delta Theta; Delta Zeta and Min
turn and Phi Kappa Sigma.
Gamma hall and Nestor hall and
Pi Kappa Alpha; Gamma Phi Beta
and Omega hall and Phi Sigma
Hendricks hall, Sigma Alpha Ep
silon, Sederstrom hall, and Pi Kap
pa Phi; Highland house and Sigma
Alpha Mu; Kappa Alpha Theta,
Sigma hall, and Sigma Chi.
Kappa Kappa Gamma and Sig
ma Nu; Orides and Sherry Ross
hall; Pi Beta Phi, Stan Ray hall and
Sigma Phi Epsilon; Rebec house
and Stitzer hall.
Sigma Kappa and Tau Kappa Eu
silon; University house and Theta
Chi; Zeta Tau Alpha and Yoemen.
Campus Chest Quota Set at $4000
Today marks the beginning of the
campus Community Chest drive
which is distinguished by the fa
miliar Red Feather. This year’s goal
has been set at $4000.
Personal solicitation will keynote
the drive, with plans to contact all
faculty members and student living
organizations. Alpha Phi Omega,
national service fraternity, will lead
the student appeal, while Paul R.
Washke, professor of physical edu
cation, heads the faculty drive.
House representatives and a facul
ty committee of 50 members will be
working under them.
Brian Graves, president of Al
pha Phi Omega, requests that all
house representatives for the
Community Chest drive pick up
campaign material at the Emer
ald business office this afternoon.
The Community Chest is not a
single organization, but is ccynpos
ed of 28 agencies in Lane county.
Benefiting from the Chest are such
groups as the Girl and Boy Scouts,
YWCA, YMCA, including the camp
us branches, youth funds, and the
American Cancer Association.
“You do not give to the Communi
ty Chest, but through the Chest to
many organizations,” Frank E.
Wheeler, assistant director of the
Lane county campaign emphasizes.
The campus campaign, beginning
a week later than the city drive, will
last one week. Donors will receive
metal red feathers and are asked to
wear them.
Culture Arrives;
Bacteria, That Is
Micrococus lysodeikticus arriv
ed on the campus Monday. Hous
ing has been provided in the
physics department of Deady.
These bacteria sent from the
National Type Culture Associa
tion will be used in scientific
experiments by students. The
“bugs” must be magnified at
least one thousand times before
they can be seen under a micro
scope .
YWCA Solicitors
Begin Drive for
New Members
Striving to make the Oregon
campus YWCA again one of the
nations's larger associations, so
licitors tonight begin an intensive
drive for new members.
Mary Stadelman, membership
chairman, last night announced the
names of the solicitors. Under a
new system this year, these work
ers will act as year-round YWCA
representatives in their living or
“Last year over 50% of all Uni
versity women were members of
the Y,” executive secretary Lois
Greenwood stated yesterday.
“At least two-thirds of this num
ber took an active part in the pro
gram of the association. This is an
outstanding record for any campus
Flying speech chairman Marilyn
Thompson is sending out groups to
publicize the drive. Solicitors will
speak at firesides in women’s liv
ing organizations, the majority to
be held tonight and tomorrow.
House representatives are Alpha
Chi Omega, Nancy Wright; Alpha
Delta Pi, Barbara Williams; Alpha
Gamma Delta, Barbara Eveling;
Alpha hall, Sue Mitchel; Alpha
Omicron Pi, Marian Christensen.
Alpha Phi, Karla Van Loan; Al
pha Xi Delta, Donna Anderson;
Ann Judson, Betty Jane Sutton;
Carson hall, Eileen Lemley; Chi
Omega, Bev Ostrum.
Delta Delta Delta, JoAnne Hew
itt; Delta Zeta, Joan Cavey; Delta
Gamma, Lois Williams; Gamma
hall, Betty Nachter; Gamma Phi
Beta, Pat Devers.
Hendricks hall, Roberta Child
ers; Highland house, Bev Newsted;
Kappa Alpha Theta, Georgie Ober
teuffer; Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Virginia Kellogg.
Pi Beta Phi, Larilyn Thompson;
Sigma Kappa, Bernice Gartrell;
Rebec house, Betty Wyckoff; Uni
versity house, Ann Thompson;
Zeta Tau Alpha, Ann Houghton;
and Orides, Dorothy Christenson.
Mil I race Dunking
Said Disastrous;
Water Polluted
Oregon’s newly opened millrace, usually a focal point for
campus traditions and recreation, now looms a large menace to
student health, according to Dr. F. N. Miller, director of the stu
dent health service.
A number of cases of illness stemming directly from the sew
age-contaminated millrace waters have been reported since the
re-opening of the race last week.
This includes a case of a very severe type of sinus infection,”
stated Dr. Miller. “Only one such
case has been reported so far, but
there will probably be more.” The
contaminated race waters are also
a source of ear trouble and pneu
Contamination of the water is
caused by sewage dumped in the
Willamette River,” explained Dr.
Miller. ‘‘Springfield dumps all of its
sewage into the river above the
point at which the water is divert
ed into the millrace.
“If the students realized that
they are swimming in what
amounts to practically an open sew
er, I am sure they would think twice
before going in.”
Dr. Miller also expressed concern
over the practice of some millrace
living organizations of forcibly
throwing their members into the
“This is no joke. It isn’t just a
case of someone getting wet and
cold. It’s a very definite health haz
The student health service con
tacted Dr. Triolo, County Health
Officer, yesterday afternoon con
cerning the sewage situation. It was
learned that such pollution of rivers
and streams is against the state
law. However, many communities
have not yet had time to change
their system of sewage disposal.
“This will take a period of two to
four years,” stated Dr. Miller.
“Plans have already been submitted
to the state from most communi
ties concerning new sewage plants,
so we can look forward to a cleaner
river and millrace in the future.
However, at the present there is al
ways sewage in the river.”
Contamination trouble was also
experienced in previous years when
the race was running. At times dur
ing the past the country has forbid
den bathing—voluntary or other
wise—in the historic Oregon land
For the present, Dr. Miller ad
vises an “out of bounds” policy on
millrace swimming and dunking. In
addition to the various diseases
present, there is also a danger of in
jury from debris on the race bed. A
number of cases have already been
Wickham Plans
Schplarship Meet
All scholarship chairmen from
women’s houses have been request
ed by Mrs. Golda Wickham, direc
tor of womens’ affairs, to attend
a scholarship meeting at 4 p.m.
Thursday in Gerlinger Alumni hall.
The chairmen will meet with
women students who have speci
fied GPAs or whose cumulative
or spring term GPAs are below
a 2.00.
Student Traffic
Court to Judge
UO Violators
Student traffic violations on
University of Oregon property will
be cited to the Student Traffic
Court beginning today, Steve
Church, court member, announces.
The court will meet each Tues
daj evening at 7 in room 6, Friend
ly Hall. Bail, .$1 for most first
violations, may be posted with the
Office of Student Affairs. If this
is done, students need not appeal*
in court. If they wish the court to
decide the case they need not post
bail. Bail will be forfeited if no ap
pearance is made.
If a student fails to obey the
decision of the court, the case will
be fully investigated, and the find
ings and student's argument will
be sent to the Office of Student
Affairs for disposition of the case.
The court will have jurisdiction,
over campus property, primarily
student and faculty parking lots,
but including drives.
Vehicles parked in or blocking
University driveways or cross
walks or blocking fire hydrants
will be towed away and a com
plaint will be filed in District
Court. Cars towed away may be
located by owners through campus
police or Eugene City Police. Stu
dent traffic violations on city
streets will be cited to Eugene
Municipal Court.
Cars parked in student parking
lets not bearing the yellow and
green student registration stickers
will be liable to fine. Registration,
of student cars will continue in the
Office of Student Affairs, Room
201, Emerald hall. Students who
have lost stickers should check
with Student Affairs for another.
Faculty violations will be cited
to the faculty.
injured Student
Improving Rapidly
Bob Kingsbury, who was hit by
two steel tent poles protruding
from a rear window of the car in
which he was riding Monday, is
reported to be "coming right
Kingsbury, president of Wesley
Foundation, suffered a very slight
concussion and other minor head
injuries in the freak accident. He
will probably be released from the
hospital this morning, and may be
able to return to classes Monday,
said doctors at the Eugene hospital
where the senior is confined.