Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 24, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wafer at Premium in Fort Worth
Bottles, pans—anything that would hpld water was pressed into service after flood waters polluted the
normal water supply of Fort Worth, Texas. Here Forrest Emory issues water to Raymond Webb, Jim
■< my.Jones and Jack Haight. All available tanks and water wagons were utilized. (AP Wirephoto)
'48 Students Honored
[ With Scholarship Awards
Forty-eight Oregon students will
> receive University fee scholarships !
/or the year 1949-50, the regis
trar’s office revealed Sunday.
( Scholarship winners were Merle
•Bailey, Donna Bernhardt, Cather
ine Black, Julia Ann Butler, Don
nell Clinch, Robert Cockburn,
‘Richard Dahlberg; Joan DeLap,
• Joan Dodson, Shirley Ebbe, Ken
Joyce Everson, Donald Ford,
[ joanne Frydenlund, Corinne Gun
derson, Wendell Hamilton, Janet
[_Hamren, Norman Hanson, Robert
Holland, Betty Ruth Hunter, Mary
^ Margaret Jones, Roland McClure,
"William Maier, Richard Mase, Rosa
IMathes, Sally Moore, Robert
JUoore, Ai'lette Morrison.
Robert Myers, Mary Nash, Leo
. la Odland, John O’Keif, Gerald
[ Paine, Henry Panian, George Per
[ ry, Phyllis Rich, Henrietta Rich
| "mond, Henrietta Richter, Donald
Alum Leaders Due
For Annual Confab
Leaders of University alumni
jgroups from all parts of the state
will meet on the campus May 28
for their second annual confer
A luncheon meeting at the facul
ty club, a tour of the campus, a
business meeting, and a banquet
I at the Eugene hotel will be in
cluded on the program. President
- and Mrs. Harry K. Newburn will
have a reception at their home
Friday evening.
Saturday visitors will see the an
• nual spring football game.
Robert S. Miller of Portland, al
j umni president and member of the
1 class of 1935 will preside.
, Twenty alumni leaders will at
I tend. There is one in each county
in the state.
Chess Club to Hold
Business Meeting
The University of Oregon Chess
club will meet Tuesday evening at
7:30 in 207 Commerce, William
_ Gruman, president, announced to
Tom Young, tournament direc
tor, will discuss tournament re
sults with members of the team.
All members of the club are
requested to be present between
-7:30 and 8 p.m., as there will be a
formal business meeting, and dis
cussion of plans for the next year.
Robison, Kenneth Rosenlof, James
Sanders, Helen Sherman.
Ann Thompson, Virginia Thomp
son, Shirley Williams, Theda Wil
son, Johanne Wong, and Virginia
Log-Splitting Farmer
'Father of Year'
LOCK HAVEN, Pa., May 23—
(AP)—A 78-year-old farmer who
splits logs to “blow off steam” to
day becomes the “American father
of 1949.”
William Casper Peter of nearby
Beech Creek, who has 18 children
and 80 grandchildren, was select
ed for that honor by the national
father’s day committee.
Gifts... Housewares
Sewing Machines
865 Willamette Phone 3260
Before you put your woolen clothing away for
the summer, bring it in to us to be cleaned and
moth proofed.
821 East 13th
Phone 740
After the Movie ...
or any time you
want really good
food... come in to
92 - 8th Ave. West Phone 1782
Hailed as
Tickets go on sale today for the
final University theater produc
tion of the year. “The Show-Off”
will be presented on May 27, 28, 30,
31, June 1 and 2, under the direc
tion of Charles B. Ingram.
Reservations may be made at the
box office in Johnson hall, which
is open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.,
except during the noon hour, or by
telephoning 3300, extension 401.
“The Show-Off,” by George Kel
ly, was first produced at the Play
house theater in New York in 1924.
It was hailed by critics as being
realistic, truthful and very, very
humorous. Heywood Broun wrote,
“The Show-Off is the best comedy
which has yet been written by an
American. He added that human
personality had never been made
more vivid.
Aubrey Piper, a main character
in the play who lives in a fantastic
dream world of his own creation,
will be portrayed by Fred Schnei
ter. Piper is a liar, an egotist, a,
braggart, and he is always him
Other members of the cast are
Marie Di Loreto, Glenna Hurst,
Patricia Boyle, Robert Davy, Jack
Ribaek, Jack Evans, Gordon Erick
sen, and Bob Langley. William E.
Schlosser is teechnical adviser for
the production, and Joan DeLap is'
assistant director.
We are proud to announce
the opening of the new
fully automatic
Phone S282-J
1275 Alder Street
High School — Students — College
$80.00 Per Week & Up
Here is one of those rare opportunities for every
young- man and woman to secure the cash required
for the furtherance and/or completion of their col
lege education.
This program also offers a permanent income of
at lest $80.00 per week and up, not only during vaca
tion months but in your spare hours while attending
classes and after graduation.
Write, immediately, for your registration card
and state in your letter the name of your school, your
grade, age, and the school principal’s or dean’s name.
State what subjects you plan to major in, upon re
ceipt of one of these scholarships.
Address replies to:
Division of Educational Advertising
26 Garden Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Released by Superfilm Distributing Corp.
Merrimee’s Drama of Turbulent Emotions
starring luscious
(Background music hv George Bizet(