Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 17, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    Aesthetics Conference Closes;
Large Student Attenda nee Noted
i - Delegates to th eannual meeting
f of the west coast division of the
American Society for Aesthetics
‘closed their conference here Sat
- urday with the general conclusion
.that the getting together of crit
ics of art, philosophy, and drama
brings muual profit through the
•discussion and evaluation of con
. troversial ideas.
I A better understanding in the
total community of the arts was
attempted, according to Bertram
E. Jessup of the University philoso
phy department, who arranged the
Jessup said the society was par
ticularly impressed by the unusual
ly large degree of student attend
ance at the sessions. Delegates
were also highly appreciative of
special presentations arranged by
the school of music, the school of
art, and the drama department.
Campus Calendar
(Notices for Campus Calendar should be turned in, in typewritten form, to the Emerald
| News Editor’s office by 3 p.m. of the day preceding publication. Notices will not be accepted
j .on Saturdays or Sundays.)
.4:00—YWCA membership meeting at the “Y.”
6:30 p.m.—May 17—Chorus rehearsal—YVesley house,
j 7:00 p.m.—May 19—'49 Seniors meeting—105 Commerce.
I May 20—Picnic—Benton-Lane park.
| 7:30 p.m.—May 17—Die Deutsche Gesselschaft—Gerlinger sunporch.
7:30 p.m.—May 17—Christian Science organization meeting—YWCA.
7:30 a.m.—May 18—Chapel service—Wesley house.
7:00—Inervarsity Christian Fellowship meeting in John Straub dining
University of Rangoon Position
In Anthropology Offered Barnett
H. G. Barnett, associate profes
"sor of anthropology, received last
. - week an offer of a position on the
faculty of the University of Ran
goon, Burma.
The offer, coming through the
'committee on International Ex
- change of Persons of the Confer
j -ence Board of Associated Research
Councils, is a part of the Fulbright
j -Program of the state department,
j - Under this plan Dr. Barnett would
spend one year in Burma and would
hold a visiting professorship in an
Dr. Barnett will be unable to ac
cept the position because L. S.
Cressman, head of the department
there, will be on a leave af absence
next year.
The letter Dr. Barnett received
said this would be the first time in
struction in anthropology would be
offered in Burma.
(left) and E. E. Bolles, of University of California, test
• of an electronic, “brain” that solves JO nrnhlems a
L. Morton
Tickets Go on Sale
For 'The Show Off
Box office for “The Show Off,”
last production of the University
Theater’s 1948-49 season, will open
Monday for season ticket holders,
and Tuesday, for the general pub
lic. The play, directed by Charles
Ingram, instructor in speech, will
run six days—May 27, 28, 30, 31,
and June 1 and 2 .
Students who wish to work in the
box office may sign up in room 204
Villard hall for the hours they de
sire to serve.
Picnic Chairman
Petitions Due
Petitions for chairman of the
annual U. of O. picnic at Jantzen
Beach should be turned in to Los
Anderson in the alumni office be
fore Friday.
No date has been set but the
picnic is usually sometime in
August. Parents, friends, and
high school seniors are invited.
The chairman will pick his own
Group to Bring
Foreign Student
To UO Campus
Anne Woodworth, senior in gen
eral arts and letters, has been
awarded one of the two national
scholarships to the Katherine Gibbs
Secretarial Schools.
Miss Woodworth plans to attend
the Boston branch of the school
with her $820 grant, beginning next
September. The awarding includes
$520 tuition and $300 extra for the
nine months course.
After graduation, she will be
placed in an executive secretarial
position. __
Joan Pitcher of Grinnell College.
Iowa, is the other national winner.
Oregana Staff
Attends Banquet
More than 60 Oregana staff
members will attend the annual
yearbook banquet tonight at 6 p. m.
in the Persian room of the Eugene
Certificates for meritorious work,
will be presented by Editor Trudi
Chernis and Business Manager Ol
ga Yevtich.
Dick Williams, educational activ
ities manager, will present a plaque
to the senior staff member whose
work has been “most inspirational.’'
Services Arranged
For Morris Child
Theresa Morris, infant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Morris,
died Sunday a few hours after her
birth. Mr. Morris is an instructor of
speech. Interrment will follow pri
vate services at the Veach Hol
lingsworth England Funeral Home,
According to a Nationwide survey:
Doctors smoke for pleasure, too! And when three Heading independent research organiza<
tions asked 113,597 doctors what cigarette they smoked, the brand named most was Camel!
Prove for yourself what throat specialists
reported when 30-day smoking test revealed
due to smoking CAMELS!
In that test, hundreds of men and women, from coast to coast,
smoked Camels, and only Camels, for 30 consecutive days—an aver
age of one to two packs a day. And the noted throat specialists who
examined the throats of these smokers each week—a total of 2470
careful examinations—reported not one single case of throat irrita
tion due to smoking Camels!
Make the Camel mildness test. Test Camels yourself for 30
days in your own "T-Zone”. .. T for Taste and T for Throat.
... Let YOUR OWN TASTE tell you about the rich, full
flavor of Camel’s choice tobaccos — so carefully aged and
expertly blended. Let YOUR OWN THROAT tell you the
wonderful story of Camel’s cool, cool mildness.
You’ll enjoy the test...every puff of it. You’ll enjoy Camels.
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Try Camels and test them as you smoke them. If, at any time,
you are not convinced that Camels are the mildest cigarette
you ever smoked, return the package with the unused Camels
and we will refund its full purchase price, plus postage.
(Signed) R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C.