VOLUME L UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1949 NUMBER ISft Retailers Open Meet Tomorrow business Men, UU Students Gather for Annual Conference Some 500 to 600 Oregon busi nessmen and University stu dents are expected to attend one or more sessions of the an nual Oregon Retail Distribut or’s Institute conference which will begin with a banquet to morrow at the Osburn Hotel. Of this number, approximately 200 are businessmen. Four hundred invitations have been sent. Dr. N. H. Cornish, professor of business administration and secre tary of the organization, stressed that all merchants are welcome to attend the banquet Sunday or the general sessions Monday. “All types of merchants in the state are invited to attend, as in the case of all past conferences,” he said. Newburn to Address Group University President Harry K. Newburn is scheduled to deliver the welcome address at the Sunday ban quet. This will be followed by a speech on “Problems in the Busi ness Expension of Oregon,” by Vic tor P. Morris, dean of the business school. Problems to be discussed by Morris include the greater in crease iri population than eco nomic activity, and the shortage of power resources in the Pacific Northwest. On Monday morning the confer ence will resume with an informal i breakfast at 8 a.m. in the Osburn Hotel. Peter G. Cosovich, proprie tor of the Astoria Stationery com pany in Astoria, will preside. Registration at 9 Registration of merchants will begin at 9, followed by a welcome address by ORDI president Reese Dooley in the reception room of Gerlinger Hall. Election of officers will be held at 9:45. At 10 a. m., M. K. Lucas of the M. K. Lucas Furniture company in Klamath Falls will preside, and the conference will hear addresses by W. L. Swearingen of Portland and Paul Lafferty, Eugene. Panel Discussion A panel committee of four will hash over the speeches. Members of the first committee are Harry Wright, of Wright’s Furniture, Springfield; H. J. Iredale, assist ant manager, J. C. Penny company, Roseburg; C. E. Hall, proprietor, Waldport Public market; and Keith Fennel, proprietor of the University Pharmacy here. Presiding at 11 a. m. will be A. L. Green, manager of Bedell's in Port land. The address will be made by G. Vandenynde, manager of the R. L. Elfstrom company, Salem. Members of the panel committee are Harold Wendel manager, Lip man Wolfe, Portland; C. E. Snell, merchandising manager, Home Furnishing division Meier and Frank company, Portland: Ray mond L. Miller, proprietor, Forest (Please turn to page tlnee) Four More Days Till 'Mysties' Sale Just four more days remain be fore the secret of the "mysties will be revealed. Booths will be opened at 8:45 Wednesday morning. Bernice Gar trell and Tekla Arthur, co-chair men of decorations, are putting fin ishing touches to the booths in preparation for the midweek sale. Plans are progressing in good form, according to Georgie Ober teuffer and Betty Simpson, general chairmen. Committee heads will meet at the Pi Beta Phi house Monday to discuss final procedures for Wednesday and Thursday. UWF Seek 75 New Members During Drive The Student World Federalists on the campus began a member ship drive yesterday aiming at the goal of signing 75 new members, according to Chairman Bob Miller. A booth was placed in the Co-op yesterday to distribute UWF lit • erature and the campaign will re sume next week. The booth will be set up again on Monday. “We' will try to use every means at our disposal to acquaint Univer sity students with the United World Federalists and -particular ly what we can do here to further world peace,” Miller said. The organization is offering to make speeches putting forth the principles of the United World Federalists to any other interested organization or any group of indi vidual students on the campus. Herb Weiss, phone 3672-J may be contacted on this. “Further literature including books written by Cord Meyer, na tional president of the UWF, Ver non Nash, both of whom have ap peared on the campus will be at the disposal of studel s in the browsing room of th> library,” Weiss said. Wesley Chorus The Wesley chorus will present a concert Sunday evening May 15, at 7:30 in the First Methodist church. The proceeds from the con cert will go into the Wesley fund for sponsoring a foreign student on the campus. Soloists for the concert will be Barbara Detrich and Lynn Sjolund. Campus Millrace Drive Ends With $3500 Goal in Sight Plans Told For Rating Of Faculty 'Opinionnaire' Slated To Sample Opinion On Faculty Members Letters to deans and department heads were sent out yesterday by the faculty rating committee ex plaining the procedures to be used in obtaining student rating of fac ulty members. An opinionnaire has been drawn up by the committee and will be handed out in all class es on June 1 and 2, according to Laura Olson, chairman. On those two days, members of campus service honoraries will visit every class where the pro fessor has requested the rating and hand out the opinnionaires to all students at the beginning of the period. The professor is asked to be absent from fbe room while the sheets are being filled out. When the opinnionaires are col lected they will be sealed in a des ignated envelope in the presence of the class and the professor. The committee will keep the sealed en velopes until after final exams at which time the professor’s envel opes will be returned to him. The commttee decided in a meeting Thursday that only the professor will see the results of his own rat ing. The opinionnaires will contain questions on all phases of the classroom, including organiza tion and presentation of subject matter, examinations, and grad ing. The faculty rating committee has been working this term under the auspices of the ASUO execu tive council. According to present plans, another committee will be formed next fall term to carry on the work of faculty rating. The present group is composed of Miss Olson, Trudi Chernis, Olga Yevtich, Shirley Lukins, Bobolee Brophy, Warren Webster, Bob Gof fard, and Herb Kariel. Official All-City Canvass Starts Next Week to Match City Funds By Bob Funk Against a background of music, canoes, and pledge cards, the cam pus mllrace fund drive ended yesterday with a strong possibility that its $3500 goal was met. "I think that we came near making our quota," Warren Davis, campus drive chairman, declared. Actual outcome of the drive will await the final count of breakage fee pledge cards. .nit; urive onus roaay, said Da vis, interviewed yesterday after noon, ‘‘but any pledge cards which have not yet been turned in may be left at the Co-op or with me.” Da vis explained that most of the cards would have been collected as of last night. Thursday evening there was still approximately $1000 lacking in the fund, but campaigning during all of Friday was vigorous, and many cards were signed—"I think every one who is going to turn over their breakage fee has done so,” was Da vis’ comment. City Drive Monday Officially, the all-city drive for millrace funds does not begin until next week. -However, by that time the fund will have been augmented by the results of the campus drive, individual donations from persons in and around Eugene, and funds already in the Millrace Park Asso ciation treasury. A grand total of $25,000 must be amassed to match funds voted by by the Eugene city council. Of this, $4000 was pledged last year by University alums and $3500 by the student body. The pledge-card drive has been an attempt to fulfill the student pledge. Park Project Planned A master plan for beautifying the millrace area has been made, and this will be carried out to the greatest possible extent after the restoration. It includes the con struction of bleachers, bandstand, waterways adjacent to the main race, and cultivation of park area. Weather Partly cloudy with little change in temperature todqy and Sunday. Light showers or possible thun der showers during the afternoons. High today, 78 degrees; low to night about 50 degrees. 'Other Side' Told Wright Explains Restricted Parking By Martin Weitzner The physical plant truck pictured in the Emerald as a violator of the ordinance against parking in restricted areas, was an exception rather than the rule in his department, said Irwin I. Wright, super ■ intendent of the physical plant. A photo featured on page one of an Emerald of two weeks ago, showed the truck parked in an | alleyway in direct violation of a regulation issued by Mr. Wright's department. Kirk Braun, Emerald columnist, charged that while others were being ! penalized for disregarding the edict, physical plant vehicles were proving the chief violators. ♦ 1 In refutation, Wright claimed that the regu : lation had not been strictly enforced. “We : have not tagged cars found parked on sites other than those designated for this purpose,” he said. Wright added that car owners were not using space provided for parking, but rather were blocking driveways, sidewalks, and even going up on nearby lawns. The chief complaint parking in alleys was that cars parked there blocked the road for physical plant trucks engaged in their daily business. ‘‘Our trucks are forced to go out of their way, and are often unable to come up to our building to load up, because of cars parked in their path,” said Wright. “As far as I am concerned,” he added, “the issue is a closed affair.” Judging from lack of student response to Braun’s disclosure, Mr. Wright seems to be “wright.” Discussions Start Aesthetics Confab Friday By Marge Scandling The reading of three formal pa pers followed by discussions yes terday opened the first day of the annual meeting of the west coast division of the American Society for Aesthetics. Fifty were present at the opening session, presided over by Bertram E. Jessup of the University department of philoso phy. Papers by Barnett Savery, Uni versity of British Columbia, Kurt Baer, University of California at Santa Barbara, and Ernest Mundt, California School of Fine Arts, were heard. Afternoon Session Delegates lunched at a. down town hotel and then attended the afternoon session. Two papers, "A Psychological Note on the Theory of Art as Play," and “Dream Paint ings by Children,’’ were read by their authors, Catherine Rau of the Dominican College of San Ra fael, and Rachael Griffin of the Museum Art school, Portland. Chandler Beall, professor of Ro mance languages, presided. A program of contemporary mu sic was heard at the music school late in the afternoon. Two one-act. experimentalist dramas at Guild theater by the University players closed the day’s schedule. Today’s Program Today's session will be held at. Gcrlinger’s men’s lounge at .9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Jessup will read a paper, “Aesthetic Size,” at the morning session. Karl Aschenbren ner, University of California, will discuss “Normative Aesthetics.” Aschenbrenner will preside at the closing session at which Wil liam B. Holther, University of Cal ifornia, will present his paper, “On Communicating Taste.” Another California delegate, Marguerite Foster, will present “Some Ques tions of the ’Artist’s Intention’ and the Work of Art.” Boy Scout Circus Opening Tonight Over 1200 boys will participate in the twelfth annual Boy Scout circus in McArthur court tonight. Lloyd Payne, chairman of the event, reports that a special camp ing and pioneering exhibition will be featured along with the usual circus clowns, tumblers, and wall ] scalers.