Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 12, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Discipline Next?
Just a Beginning
(Editor’s Note: The following editorial in answer to a letter on
this page yesterday is written by Diana Dye, one of our associate
editors. Besides her duties on the Emerald Miss Dye is secretary
treasurer of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon and
in that capacity has had an opportunity to study and observe at first
hand the formation of the traffic court this year.)
In answer to a letter received from two students who are
for “more and more student government,’’ we would first like
to say that the student traffic court is more than a “kangaroo
court in a Girl Scout camp.”
Although the traffic court at the.present time will have jur
isdiction over only University violations on University prop
ertv, it is hoped that gradually the city will give more juris
diction. First, though, the court will have to prove its worth.
Tickets given to University#students are now handled by
the office of student affairs. It is within the power of the Uni
versity to fine students for parking violations while on Univer
sity property. If these fines are not paid, a student’s registra
tion may be cancelled.
The administration does not intend to stand like an ogre
over students when they have committed small violations, but
the administration insists on just punishment. The court is be
ing established to administer the sentences. It is also intended
to develop responsibility so that in the future more disclipi
nary problems may be turned into student hands.
But first steps have to be taken first. What appears to be the
acquisition of a lot of red tape, the handling of tickets and fines,
is intended to be the start of student handling of student dis
cipline problems. It may seem far fetched right now, but the
administration is going to release its authority over student
discipline only when students have proved conclusively that
they are capable of handling their own problems.
One more point should be answered. When a traffic court is
set up, it must have some type of organization. A research
committee, F,d Ladendorff, June Goetze, and Bob Pearce, set
up the tentative court which the}' felt would operate in the
most efficient manner. “The deserving students” who are ap
pointed have to be more than deserving. They have to be cap
able and competent. They may be recalled at any time by the
executive council.
We'll admit that there are many loop holes in this court. It
doesn’t seem impressive, but we do feel that it is a step in the
right direction. Practice only will prove whether or not stu
dents can be trusted with more of their disciplinary problems.
Hit The Sack-And Learn
A LEADING UNIVERSITY recently compiled the sat
isfactory results of teaching complicated subjects to students
while'the students were asleep. It sounds strange, but here’s
how it’s done: a speaker, attached to a record player, is slip
ped under the pillow of a sleeping student. A record is played
through the night conveying impressions to the brain. That is
the complete and simple setup.
Just think, a student can leave school at 2 p. m., go home to
cut a platter on history or English literature, attend a movie
or night ball game, return home, jump in bed, turn on the re
corder, and contentedly visit dreamland while King Fertiiand
battles Queen Elizabeth to see which country controls the oys
ter beds.
The onlv catch is, how can a student do his homework if
the electricity fails? and what about the electric bills?
JViondavs, hoWdavs, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University or
Oregon’. Subscription rates: $.'TJ per term and $-4.00 per year. Filtered as second-class matter
«t the post office, Eugene, Oregon.
VIRGIL TCCKF.E, Business Manager
Associate Editors: .Time Goetze, Boblee Brophv, Diana Dye, Barbara Hey wood
Advertising Manager: Cork Mobley
BOB REED, Managing Editor
Assistant Managing Editors: Stan Turnbull, Don Smith
BOB rWEEDEU • City Editor
Assistant City Editors: Ken Met/ler, Ann Goodman
Chuck Gveil, Hal Coleman, Steve Loy, Vic Fryer, Diane Mecham
Tam King, Sports Editor
Connie Jackson, Women’s
\\ alter Dodd. Feature Editor
Editor Warren Collier, Chief Night Editor
1 >11L Lemon, >a'es -Mgr.
Eve Overbeck, N.u’l Aviv M^r.
Leslie Toaze, Ass't A A Mgr.
ilelen Sherman, Circulation M^r.
JL>.. i i i auv. .us;.
l ick Schnaidt, Ass*t Adv. Mgr.
Donna Ureniian, As<’t Adv. Mgr.
Rae Kvans, Ass't Adv. Mgr.
Joan Mimnaugu—Assist. uusmess manager
Oncaatia Policy 2.ua&tio*ied...
To the Editor:
What procedure is followed for
letting contracts for Oregana
pictures? Are competitive bids
called for?
The policy of the Oregana in
this matter might bear review
ing, because the graduating sen
iors each year can be expected—
nearly all of them—to want
mounted prints of their cap-and
gown pix. Everybody has a ma
ma or a papa or a Better Half, so
extra business is a sure thing for
whatever studio gets the con
tract. It’s also a sure thing that
expenses are of keen concern to
seniors, to whom entrance into
the cold Outer World is an im
minent disaster. So the graduat
ing class certainly should not be
expected to subsidize the Ore
gana. But that is exactly what
happens if the photog contracts
are let merely on the basis of
“Who will give the Oregana £he
lowest rates,’’ without including
a stipulation, too, regarding max
imum prices to be charged stu
dents for additional prints.
As one poverty-stricken grad,
I couldn’t go for the price of
$7.50 made by the studio which
took the cap-and-gown shots this
year for the Oregana—this price
to cover two 5x7 prints, and one
additional proof. One proof and
three 5x7 prints would have cost
me $9.00, or four smaller prints
(x5) $5.50. This studio had al
ready been paid for the Oregana *
pix, remember.
I didn’t shop around, but went ,
to only one other studio down
town. Result: four new proofs,
one 5x7 and three 3x5 prints— "
good pictures, and nicely mount
ed—for a total cost of $4.00. Two _
5x7 prints by this commercial
photographer, with four new
proof s (not just one) would have -
been $4.00—not $7.50. i
Did the Oregana make any ef- .
fort to get students the best
deal in this matter? j
John F .Valleau.
1950 ZditoA. ZxmIcUhA
0 0 0
To the Editor:
In reply to Mr. Valleau’s letter,
competitive bids for Oregon pho
tography are called for; however,
for the past two years only one
studio has bid for the contract.
We would conclude from this,
that other studios do not con
sider themselves capable of han
dling the photography of some
4,000 students. Evidently, the ed
ucational activities board is sat
isfied with the photography, or
they would turn down the one
studio and call for further bids.
It is not the Oregana’s place
to tell the studio what to sell
their product for. We are pri
marily interested in getting pic
tures of a maximum number of
students for use in the yearbook.
At no time has the Oregana re
quired student* to purchase extra
prints, just as it does not require
a stu*f.it to have his picture tak
en for the yearbook.
Furthermore, the students are
not subsidizing the Oregana by
purchasing extra prints. What
business the photographer drums
up on his own, is entirely his af
fut-r. We do not reocive any re
bate from extra pictures pur
chased. I might add here that the
rates charged students for Ore
gana sittings are the cheapest in
the Pacific coast conference.
I can appreciate your desire to
give your picture as a graduation
present, but since there are, at
most, 300 students who make
such purchases, the Oregana is
in no position to tell its photogra
pher to grant bargains to that 7
per cent. Were something like 75
per cent of the students to pur
chase extra pictures for gifts,
then, perhaps, we might have
some bargaining power.
Larry Davidson
, Editor, 1950 Oregana
Oh No, Michael!
Columnist Answers Columnist
By Bill Hurst
Dear Michael:
You are a fraternity brother
and a fellow writer for the Em
erald. You are a man who writes
and talks like he knows what he
wants. Your opinion is respected
not only by myself but by many
others. I like you very much in
every respect—but—
When you advocate splitting
the departments and schools of
this university in two for the
benefit of “non-majors” as you
call them, both you and the
Readers Digest are full of
cracked ice.
Let's be specific to start.
The University has neither the
money nor the teachers nor the
facilities to put such a plan into
tffect. As it is now, the teach
ers of each subject direct their
lectures to the majors and allow
the non-majors to sit in and get
what they can out of the course.
In order to put your plan into
effect it would be necessary to
almost double the load already
carried by the teachers and would
hence detract from the job they
do with the majors.
It would necessitate cutting
almost all classes in half. Where
would you put the other half?
There is only one answer to
that. Build another school. That
would not work but until we can
do it your plan will have to wait.
We’ve been specific. Now let's
be philosophical.
Your plan, when applied to this
University would hurt the major.
Our responsibility lies with him.
to give the average intelligence
precedence over the superior in
telligence is to betray society as
a whole. The same holds true
with regard to the major and the
The classes at Oregon are al
ready loaded down with students
gathering in enough hours to
graduate. They are not interested
in the course in the way that a
good student should be. I agree
that this should be remedied. But
your plan sacrifices the major
for the good of the non-major.
The answer is not in splitting
the departments into sections, or
the schools into departments, but
in starting a new universiy alto
gether. Until we can do this, let’s
try and make the best of the -
blend we have, improving it as
we go.
Footnote: When a rifleman
fires too high, he misses the tar
get altogether.
Respectfully yours,
Bud Hurst
From Our Mailbag
To the Editor:
We’re going to get something
that we've wanted and talked
about all year—restoration of
the millrace. We want the mill
race because it will make “Ye
Olde College Days” full of life,
spirit, and college friendship. We
talked about it all year because
that was the only way to show
the town folk, and maybe our
selves, that we really wanted it.
So, we talked, fought, and fi
nally are going to have our own
private “Lover's Lane.” We’re
going to re-live those days that
our brothers and folks talked
about so much. Those thrilling
“tug-o-wars” on a warm, green
day will bring back good old
competition—class spirit. Canoe
ing in the evening will be some
thing that we’ll never forget.
We'll tell our children all about
BUT, the spirit with which we
talked and planned and really
fought for our millrace has gone
for a lot of students.
Some fellows came around a
few days ago to accept pledges
and money for the student part
of the fund. They took their time
to try and make those good old
days come back to life. And af
terwards I heard, not one, not
two, but over ten FRIENDS who
had the spirit to talk and yell
their darn heads to have such a
plan approved—I heard their side
remarks NOW. “If they think
they’ll get a dollar from me,
they're crazy.” “I can't afford
it.” "Let some one else be the
Yes, when we finally get ac- ,
tion approved, the spirit flies out
the window to 1,he tune of a few
pennies. r
But look at it from this angle.
IF enough money isn’t raised for
something that benefits all, then
we’ve proven to the businessmen
of this town, who also fought
with us that we don’t want our
millrace. If enough money isn’t j
raised because we’re afraid that
§1 will mean life or death to us,
then we’ve proven that money is
stronger than our school spirit,
our spirited talk for a millrace,
And I liked to kid myself that
money wasn't the z-oot of all evils. *
Come on students! We got till
Friday to sign a pledge card.
Make it for a quarter if you can't
afford a dollar. You want one of
the best milh'aces in this whole
Pacific coast because your one
of the best in Oregon—you’re a
University of Oregon student.
Swallow your pride and give a
few of your quarters to save our
school's honor. INVEST your
money and get the dividends of '
canoeing with that sweet girl of
yours, pride that we can boast of
to those jealous Corvallis ter
mites (that don’t have such a
millrace) and living up to the
honor which Doctor Newburn,
the city council, and business men
of Eugene believe is ours.
Bruce Wallace
McChesney hall