Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 06, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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    All Cambus Sing, Coronation
.Headline Tonight's Activities
(Continued from page one)
Janet Davis Cooperative award.
Miss Elizabeth Nelson will sing
and the Lambda Chi Alpha Short
Jean Symphonette will entertain to
complete intermission.
Mr. Moremen, the Sing judge,
will arrive in Eugene by plane this
afternoon from California. He is
considered “one of the foremost
■choir directors in Los Angeles,”
where he leads the UCLA choir and
a city choir.
Trophies Offered
Ten trophies will go to the win
ning organizations at the close of
the program. Mr. Moreman will
award a rotating cup and a perm
anent trophy to the winner in both
the men's and women’s divisions.
Judging for the all-campus sing
will be based on the following
20 per cent—tonal quality (har
mony, intonation)
20 per cent—interpretation (in
cluding audience appeal)
20 per cent—diction.
20 per cent—musical arrange
ment (including suitability for the
voices, general suitability of the
song, i. e., song selection)
10 per cent—stage appearance
(way in which group approaches,
leaves stage)
10 per cent—following the song
Winning song leaders will re
Arabian Picnic
(Continued from page one)
An honor guard for the queen
will be furnished by Scabbard and
Food will consist of hot dogs,
potato salad, pickles, potato chips,
dixie cups and cokes, according to
Co-chairmen Margie Peterson and
Larry Davidson.
Float Route, Order
(Continued from page one)
the next group consisting of 7, Phi
Sigma Kappa-Hunter hall-Hend
ricks hall; 8, Sigma Nu-Highland
house; 9, Stan Ray hall-Chi Omega;
10, Phi Kappa Sigma-Alpha Delta
Pi; 11, Kappa Sigma-Beta Theta
Pi-Kappa Kappa Gamma; 12, Fren
ch hall-Campbell club-Ann Judson
house; 13, Susan Campbell-Sigma
Phi Epsilon.
Another princess will lead the
second group of 14, Phi Delta Theta
Zeta Tau Alpha; 15, Sherry Ross
hall-Chi Psi-Delta Zeta; 16, Phi
Kappa Psi-Alpha Omicron Pi; 17,
Sigma Alpha Mu-McChesney hall
Sigma Kappa; 18, Merrick hall
Yeomen-Alpha Xi Delta; 19, Sigma
Chi-Delta Delta Delta.
A third group will be followed by
another princess. It will include 20,
Lambda Chi Alpha-Sigma hall-Ze
ta hall; 21, Alpha Tau Omega-Del
ta Gamma; 22, Min turn hall-Alpha
Gamma Delta-Phi Gamma Delta;
23, Pi Kappa Phi-Pi Beta Phi; 24,
Sederstrom hall-Alpha hall; 25,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon-Chetney hall
University house.
Last, but not least, the fourth
princess will lead the group at 26,
Omega hall-Delta Upsilon-Alpha
Phi; 27, Westminster liouse-Wesley
house; and 28, 13tli Street Athletic
LOST Clear rimmed glasses with
out case Tuesday. Vicinity cam
pus. Clay Myers 6620. 127
LOST Parker 51 Blue In vicinity
of library. Call Shyun Daw Shaw
Ph. 481. 128
FOR SALE G. I. Double Bunk bed
with mattresses $15.00. Call 4642
M or see at 749 E 13th, Apt. 5
celve two cups, and rotating plaq
ues will be given to the second and
third place winners in each section.
This is a record number of awards,
according to the sing chairman.
Preceding the sing, one of the
princesses, Donna Masterson, Phyl
lis Morgan, Virginia Thompson, or
Harriet Vannatta will be crowned
queen of the 59th Junior Weekend.
Miss Orr and Miss Michel will
announce the winner. The envelope
holding the queen’s name will be
carried to the stage by Michael
Newburn. Rickie Fogdall will be
crown bearer. Flower girl will be
Suzanne Johnson.
Procession at 8
The coronation procession is
planned to begin exactly at 8 p. m.
Details of the ceremony will be
broadcast by radio station KUGN.
Bob Allen, ASUO president, will be
master of ceremonies for the entire
“Snow White Medley” by the Chi
Omega chorus will open the sing
ing. Twenty houses will compete,
with men’s and women’s groups fol
lowing in alternate order.
Committee chairmen for the all
campus sing are Mildred Chetty,
decorations; Jim Sanders, pro
gram; Ron Phillips, publicity; Jo
anne Frydenlund, judges; Paul Ed
lund, seating;' and Bob Hankins,
Panhell Meet
Called Success
Saturday’s Panhellenic work
shop, held with sorority actives
and alumnae from Oregon, Oregon
State, and Willamette, was such a
success that it is hoped that it will
become an annual affair, accord
ing to Oregon Panhellenic presi
dent, Fran Hobson.
Delegates have been invited to a
1950 convention at Willamette
university in Salem. A similar
workshop was held two years ago
at Oregon State.
“The exchange of ideas with
other schools was very valuable to
all of us,” Miss Robson stated.
The workshop was carried out
in the form of panel discussions on
such subjects as rushing, living in,
standards, scholarship, and leader
Junior Weekend
May Be Sans Rain
The Eugene weather bureau
sounded an encouraging note for
the 59th annual Junior weekend,
by predicting “fair weather.”
The prognosticator admitted it
was hard to forecast the weather
three days in advance, but optimis
tically announced that it “looks
OK” right now. Wednesday, the
five-day forecast had listed the
weather as “showers” for the tra
ditional event.
Counsellors Must
Unless women who have peti
tioned to be Duckling counselors
show their interest by attending
one of next week's training meet
ings, they will be disqualified, il
was announced yesterday.
Meetings will be held Tuesdaj
and Wednesday afternoons at 4
p.m. in the YWCA bungalow, anc
will last approximately 20 min
Over 200 petitions have been re
ceived, Barbara Metcalf, sopho
more commission chairman, an
nounced at a recent sophomore
cabinet meeting.
Eight Week Field Trip Planned
On Klamath Indian Reservation
Plans for the eight-week anthro
pology summer field session begin
ning June 21 on the Klamath In
dian reservation have been an
nounced. Professor L. S. Cress
man, head of the department, and
Theodore Stern, assistant profes
sor of anthropology, will direct the
The field work will be divided
into two sections. The larger group
of approximately 20 students will
do archaeology under the direction
of Dr. Cressman, and a small se
lected party of four or five will do
ethnological work supervised by
Dr. Stern.
It will be the third summer that
Dr. Cressman has spent in study
of the Klamath culture in the
Northern Great Basin cultures.
“Evidence so far indicates that oc
cupation of the area goes back be
fore the eruption which formed
Crater lake,” he said.
This study was first started by
Dr. Cressman in 1940-41. Next
September he will begin a year’s
leave of absence from the Univer
sity to continue his research inde
pendently under the Guggenheim
fellowship which he was granted
this spring.
head of G. M. Crocetti Tile Co.,
of New York, one of the na
tion’s largest tile contracting
firms ponders the greatest
ceiling problem of firm’s ca
reer—installing clay tile on the
ceilings of new $80,000,000 tun
nel which will link Brooklyn
and Manhattan. (AP Wire
Dr. Stern’s group will probably
oe working on community analy
sis centered in the small town of
Chiloquin. “We plan to make a
rounded investigation of the com
munity and its physical and social
setting to investigate its place
within the larger community of
the reservation,” Dr. Stern said.
fickets Still on Sale
A few tickets for the Oregon
Mothers buffet breakfast business
meeting Saturday morning remain
in the graduate placement office.
Tickets are 85 cents each.
Corsages Optional
Corsages will be optional for the
Junior Prom, the prom committee
announced yesterday. The prom is
formal except for mothers, for
tvhom the dress is optional.
Campus Calendar
(Notices for Campus Calendar should be turned in, in typewritten form, to the Emerald
Mews Jiiditor s office by 3 p.m. of the day preceding publication. Notices will not be accepted
tn Saturdays or Sundays.)
8:00 Friday—“A Federalist Looks at the Atlantic Pact" discussion
led by'"Glen W. Gregory—Friendly house.
8:00 Friday—Open house—Westminster.
9:00 Friday—Open house—Wesley house.
9:00 Friday—Cosmopolitan Party—Friendly house.
11 a. m.
Broadcast over KASH
7:30 p.m.
Bible School 9:45 a.m. 7 Fellowship Groups 6:30 p.m.
Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor Broadway at High
will get you
As if by magic Flowers Unlimited is presenting to you
the Flower offer of the year.
For only Four dollars you can buy a Five
By Sedan Delivery
tf-l&uje/id, 'Unlimited
193 E. Broadway Phone 6290