Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Cody Kids Win Swimming Honors
r k7
These three stars swept the Multnomah club of Portland, Oregon, to victory in the AAU national
women’s indoor swim championship held at Day tona Beach, Florida, by winning the 330-yard med
ley. They are, left to right: Sue Zimmerman, Nancy Merki Lees and Billie Atherton. (AP Wirephoto)
By Fred Young
(Author!! This is a very rea
sonable facsimile of that copy
handed to the woman’s page a
week ago and which was last seen
chasing little girls.) February 26
—Another big house dance week
end past with the weather permis
siable—clear and dry. Themes were
keynoted by cellars and sellers.
No cave-ins reported. Several
No flashlight — no report from
the Tau rumpus room. Although,
they mention that Dick Lee could
be seen planting a Maltese Cross on
Alpha Chi Jeanette Houf. Also,
Ed Chrobot left his ATO pin with
Alpha Phi Nancy Pollard again.
Proving that it’s not always get
ting there first with the most that
counts—Sig Ep Bruce Urey re
ceived his pin from Delta Zeta
Boots Korn, second-year math stu
dent, at 3 p.m. last Friday as Fred
Schneider left her his Delt pin
pin that evening at 7. And maybe
double delt — Miss Tooze? More
from the hill-top with Donna Mul
larky recently possessing Duke
Ewing’s Pi Kap pin.
Told to mention that Phyl Stew
art receives such thrill from last
Monday (Feb. 25) phone call that
the juniors hold gala celebration
for her. They say she hasn’t man
aged to wangle a date from him as
yet. Also, Pi Phis tell there’s been
a great deal of steadiness with
Jean Simons and Beta Jerry
'Hen hall’s Ardetta Daniels with
mitts on Barney Barnes’ PiKPhi
The Lambda Chis never forget
ting the politics as they invite 11
Alpha Gams to their house dance.
Though Yvette Sweet headed to
wards Aggie land as usual. There’s
such an air about it.
Theta Barbara Fagg glimpsed at
the Basie dance with OAC Beta
Bruce Cowan. Also, Kappa Cyn
Griffin tripping lightly with Phi
Delt lum, ex-ASUO President Tom
Other Kappa diggings uncover
Marilyn Hillman gaining on Phi
Delt Lyle Janz. Paige Laird await
ing Gil Toome’s weekend trips
from Medford. And, Joannie Mow
att celebrating her 21st birthday
again. Ask Max.
Alpha Chis mention that Lucy
Holloman finally gained Jack Belt’s
Sigma Nu pin. And, belatedly,
Norma Duffy with big Bill Ander
son’s Kappa Sig badge.
The Tri-Deltas helping Phyllis
Higgenbotham celebrate her re
Co-ed Clothesline
By Maryfran Lorain and Kay Kuckcnberg
Warm sunshine for just a few short days encourages even the most,
pessimistic suntan seekers to take last year’s play clothes from the
back of the closet, and to begin planning this season's sun wardrobe.
Unusual hues and sturdy fabrics combine with functional designs
to make new play clothes both striking and practical. Amber and
steel gray are being used extensively to accent summer pastel shades
Contrasting plain colors with stripes and plaids adds interest to strictly
tailored shirts and shorts.
Thick toweling has come into its own for not only beach robes, but
also luxurious stoles and brief sun suits. Remember the previously
limited uses of^enim and butcher lineh? The two are now interchange
able—linen shorts and pedal pushers, denim skirts with matching
Chinese tops.
The cool freshness of sleeveless blouses places them high on the
list of new styles. Extreme necklines—very high, wide, or plunging add
variety to their' basically simple design. Taffeta, cotton, pique, and
chambray have transformed the winter bolero dress into an appro
priate beach or country costume.
Smart vests over gaily checkered skirts top any and all play out
fits from skirts top any and all play outfits from skirts to shorts. Sun
dresses with matching or contrasting stoles, which may be worn as
scarves or sashes—depending upon he way the wind blows_are a
must in the well-rounded play-time wardrobe.
Bathing suits are brief again this year, but not so scanty as in
the past. Straps are detachable, thus providing many possibilities for
additional variety. The new suits are keynoted by becomingly simple
lines which do not detract from glittering metallic materials in silver,
gold, and copper tones.
Many of the basic styles that were smart last year have been re
tained this year, so think twice before giving away your older play
clothes—they may have a bright future for this summer!
former AF Writer Will Speak
At Theta Sigma Phi’s Matrix Table
Dorothy Carew, former wo
man’s finance writer for the As
sociated Press in New York,
will be the principal speaker at
Theta Sigma Phi’s annual Mat
rix Table, according to June
Goetze, president of the wo
men’s professional journalism
fraternity. The formal dinner
will be given May 19 at the Eu
gene hotel.
cent engagement to Ed Urstadt of
Canandaiga, N. Y. Betty Bagley
acquiring Arnie Slenning’s Chi Psi
badge. Gloria Merten, bop-cellist,
Despite the social pressures we
discover old Swede Johnson still
sitting them out. And Sig Dave
Holloman leaving his cross with
Sacred Heart student nurse Ar
line Michels.
Not to forget the Thetas where
Debe Colton gained a sparkler
from Fiji Stan Hargraves and Jean
Bell now sports Don Ausland’s
Kappa Sig pin.
The Fiji dance found Larry Mul
ligan under the house—directing
traffic in the tunnel he built into
their “Fun House.” Max Angus
and Jack Schnaidt stood in front
of the convex mirrors all night,
John Lewis had a date. Linstedt
| Before the war, Miss Carew cov
I ered fashions for the AP in Paris
| and was one of the corps or re
porters which followed the Duke
and Duchess of Windsor across Eur
ope on their honeymoon. She also
covered the disastrous circus fire in
Hartford, Conn.
Miss Carew, whose husband, Jo
seph Rosapepe is AP world finance
editor, arrived in Eugene last week
and will spend a vacation of several
months here. She is accompanied by
her 7-year-old daughter. Miss Ca
rew is now free-lancing and is writ
ing several articles for the New
York Times.
Theta Sigma Phi, founded at the
University of Washington in 1909,
will celebrate its fortieth anniver
sary at Matrix Table this year. The
event is given annually by all chap
ters of the fraternity to honor out
standing women iin journalism. The
names of outstanding freshmen and
(Please turn to page eight)
Women’s Page
Ex-Comp Teacher Devotes
Spare Time to Red Cross
by Aileen Betschart
1 ot the hist two years Mrs. I’. B. Means has been teaching
freshman composition in the University of Oregon English de
partment. Now that she is no longer with the facultv, she works
with the Red Cross and other organizations connected with her
main interest—religion.
Before the war she and Mr. Means, now head of the religion
department here, spent about 13 years in the Orient. Mr. and Mrs.
Outstanding Junior
To Receive
Schwering Award
“I feel somehow that Mrs.
Schwering knows and is with us
in spirit when the Hazel Schwer
ing award is presented on Junior
weekend," said Mrs. Perry L.
Dolph, permanent chairman of the
A good friend of the late dean
of women, Mrs. Dolph told how
Mrs. Schwering’s last words ex
pressed the wish that a scholar
ship award could be given to a
junior girl. The plan, however, had
been only a dream for so long that
she had nearly lost hope that it
would ever materialize.
At present funds are secured by
contributions from business men
and money collected from the
women’s houses exchange dinners
which are held once a term. It is
hoped that some day a sufficient
sum of money will be left to the
Hazel Schwering memorial so that
the award would not depend en
tirely on these two sources.
Mrs. Dolph, who will present the
award, Is herself very interested in
University activities. Her daugh
ter, Joanne, was a member of Chi
Omega sorority and graduated in
1945. She is now working for the
J. • Walter Thompson advertising
company in New York, and han
dles all ads for Ponds cosmetics.
‘‘This award, as Mrs. Schwer
ing’s dearest wish, is a fitting
tribute to this pretty, charming
and vivacious woman,” Mrs. Dolph
Theta Sigma Phi
Initiates Six Pledges
Theta Sigma Phi, women’s
professional journalism frater
nity, wilt initiate six new mem
bers at 7 p.m. tonight in Ger
linger hall. The six girls, who
have met professional and scho
lastic qualifications are: Laura
Olson and Caroline Griesel, sen
iors in journalism; Barbara Hoy
wood, Helen Sherman, Margaret
Reid, and Joanne Frydenlund,
juniors in journalism.
Graduate students and Eu
gene women who were under
graduate members of the frater
nity are invited to attend.
Saturday Night
Round about nine
Ccont. p-S)
-Means went to Sumatra as
Methodist, missionaries, and
Mrs. Means was kept busy by
teaching- school, teaching home
nursing' classes, conducting' a
choir, training kindergarten
classes, and “almost every
For five years she hole] a private
school in the Orient for five to eight
European children besides the four
of her own. Her main difficulty was
learning the Dutch and Malayan
i languages. The famliy lived in a
i Chinese bungalow, of which the
outstanding feature was charcoal
pots between the house and the ser
vants quarters, which served as a
In Singapore, the Means' lived in
the harem portion of a huge, old
Persian house. Besides their regu
lar work, they edited a religious
magazine during eight of the ten
years they spent in Singapore. "Or
iental customs seemed different at
first, but you gradually come to ac
cept them," Mrs. Means said.
Mrs. Means was active in the Ta
coma YWCA when she first return
ed to the States. Later she was ask
ed to begin religions instruction in.
Eugene high schools. While her
husband was in the Navy, she work
ed for the Protestant Chaplaincy
Commission and the Department of
Interior in Washington, D. C.
An active member of the Lane
County Red Cross Board, Mrs.
Means has been chairman of col
lege activities the last three years.
She is also responsible for a weekly
editorial for the Eugene Regis ter
Guard. Mrs. Means was born in
Spokane, graduated from Washing
ton State College, and took her
graduate work in Paris. She also
has had teaching experience at
Washington State.
\\ lien you show your mother
the town or take her to a tea,
! dress smartly in a new spring
suit with a swing jacket
1044 Willamette