Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Look Here, Mr. Braun
USA Platform Was Not 'Fantastic'
To the- Editor:
In the interest of our govern
ment, vve feel that the following
comments are in order in answer
to those of Kirk Braun in Satur
day’s Emerald, when he labeled
the AGS and USA platforms as
sure confessions of immaturity.
We see neither constructive criti
cism nor logical arguments in his
statements. However, the fact
that he took time to review the
platforms, plank by plank is
gratifying. It is in the interpre
tation that we disagree. Let's
look at the “fantastic” USA
' platform.
Ilis first two comments con
cerned our reconunendations for
the Student Union. The idea that
everybody ought to get into the
act is exactly what we were try
ing to get across. From the size
of the building itself, it's eaSy to
see that the program is going to
be a big one requiring the par
ticipation and leadership of more
students than are now activity
minded. So, we say, the more
leaders, the better.
The Student Union board, as
wo want it, will bo responsible for
the planning of a well-balanced
program—well-balanced in the
sense that the revenue-producing
activities (dances, shows, etc.)
are sufficient to support the non
revenue producing ones (art ex
hibits, music listening rooms,
etc.). The inevitable student turn
over makes it desirable, of course,
that this grqup be mainly a poli
cy-forming body, and that full
responsibility for the operation
of the building be left to the per
manent director. As for the 2500
off-campus students mentioned,
v,-e want the Union to serve them
just as much as it does the on
campus students. This is quite
possible without establishing a
“private student union’’ for them.
A close tie between the ASUO
council and the Emerald was one
of our points under “more cam
pus consciousness of student gov
ernment.” It remains that the
Emerald is the sole contact be
tween the students and their gov
ernment, and the only way that
student leaders can obtain their
cooperation and hear their voice.
Certainly they are entitled to
complete reports of what their
government is doing.
Unless there is a close tie be
tween the council and the Emer
ald, student responsibility cannot
be broadened. The fact that Kirk
did not know that student body
offices have been moved froln
McArthur court for the past year
and a half indicates the very lack
of knowledge we are talking
Finally, regarding the millrace.
It is true that the Millrace Devel
opment association has been do
ing well. However, they have
done so with the cooperation and
aid of not only individual stu
dents but their leaders as well.
To insure that the millrace will
be in by fall, it will be necessary
to raise considerable more funds.
This will require the unified ac
tion of both political factions, the
student government, and the Em
erald. In this way, we hope that
the millrace will again become an
integral part of campus life, just
as our long-awaited Student Un
ion will next year.
It did not occur to us until we
read it in Kirk's column that we
were not obligateed to carry out
our platform. In this we fully dis
agree, even more strongly than
on the other points. We feel that,
not only are we obligated to carry
out our platform in the bset man
ner possible, but that both par
ties, in making recommendations,
have a responsibility to fulfill.
Also in Saturday’s Emerald
was a letter similar in note to
Kirk's article. Mr. Scullin states
he refused to vote in silent pro
test to the impotence of our pres
ent student government. We won
der if Mr. Scullin realizes that it
is this “silent” indifference that
brings about the very ineffec
tiveness which is being criticized.
The very essence of democracy
prevents anything from being
gained in silent protest.
Student government is charged
with ignoring student interests.
Few problems are brought di
rectly from the student body to
the council, but council mem
bers spend many hours every
week working on campus pro
jects, including such present ones
as Student-Faculty Rating, Ore
Nter, Millrace, and Traffic Court.
We would make the suggestion
that Mr. Scullin and others at
tend an executive council meet
ing to learn more fully what the
council does and what the spe
cial duties of the president are.
Anyone who thinks that the of
fice of student body president is
no more than an honorary title
should know that administrative
duties alone (about which most
of us know nothing) often require
as much as forty hours of work
a week.
It was stated that if the stu
dent officials really had the in
terests of independent govern
ment at heart they would take
steps to change the ASUO con
stitution. Apparently, Mr. Scul
lin lacked sufficient interest to
knew that in the election in
which he abstained from voting
there was an amendment to the
constitution which would per
mit making the necessary chang
This amendment did not get
enough support from the student
body to pass. Rather than wait
ing until student leaders liberalize
the constitution and broaden the
base of responsibility to include
all students, we urged that every
student assist by taking an active
part in such endeavors.
We do not agree that there i3
no truly independent student ac
tivity or publication on this cam
pus. Further check into how
much supervision the Emerald,
and especially the OREGANA,
receive, will bear this out.
Many times our officers have
been nothing more than figure
heads, but we still maintain that
our government is limited only
insofar as the individuals whom
we elect are persons of ability
and integrity.
Art Johnson, '50
Olga Yevtich ,49
We Must Not Fail!
It looks as if the old University of song and sentiment is
just one more fund drive away.
With success in the coming drive for Millrace restoration
money, the beloved stream should be restored. University bul
letin writers will no longer be frabricating when they laud
canoe fetes on the Millrace and dreamy afternoons spent on
its banks.
The student body’s share of the $25,000 matching funds
should be easy to raise. From the students, $3,500 will be asked.
It will be obtained by pledging over the remainder of the break
age fees.
There are more than 5,000 students, and breakage fees
are—theoretically—$5 per student. That’s $25,000 if you fig
ure nobody breaks anything, which you can’t.
The figure that can be reached in this manner is “variable,’’
to understate. But anything raised in this manner will help.
The important thing is that we keep this matter stirred up,
that we let nobody rest until there is once again water flowing
in our cherished race. If there is a canoe fete in '50, and we pray
there will be, it will not be because University students and
their good friends downtown sat around and hoped for it.
Rather it will be because we have given ’em no peace. We
have agitated, we have speech-made, we have “beat the bush
es” for support.
Nor can anybody overlook the good services of people like
Kieth Fennel and Dr. Milton V. Walker, whose good offices
have been so valuable in pushing this thing. Nor can we over
look the services of William M. Tugman, managing editor of
the Register-Guard, who makes civic beauty and civic im
provement a religion. Fie has been especially valuable to the
project through his good work in connecting millrace develop
ment with the development of beautiful “gateways” to the city.
No student con conscientiously escape doing his best in this
last big push. Too much agitation, too much good work, too
much toil has gone before.—B.H.
Oregon W Emerald
Tur Orsoox Dut y F.mfru.d, published daily during the college year except Sundays.
Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, l.mversity ot
Oregon. Subscription rates: $.*.00 per term and $4.00 per year. Entered as second-class matter
at the post office, Eugene, Oregon. _____
BILL YATKS, Editor VIRGIL Tl'OKKR, Business Manager
Associate Editors: June Goetre. Bohlee Bropiiy. Diana Dye. Barbara Heywood
Advertising Manager: Cork Mobley
BOB REED, Managing Editor
Assistant Managing Editors: Stan Turnbull, Don Smith
BOB TWEED ELL, City Editor
Assistant City Editors: Ken Metzler, Ann Goodman
Chuck Grell, Hal Coleman, Steve Loy, \ ic Fryer, Diane MeeUam
Paddling, Dunking Good Fun ...
iZ&it&i Qu&t GioicUetu, Old fyetefaut
Open Letter to Emerald Editor:
Three years ago, in the spring of 1946, a group
of crochety old veterans, irritated by the pomp and
bustle they called “juvenile,” petulantly cried for
an end to the “brutal” Junior weekend traditions.
The campus laughed them into a red-faced silence.
Judging from Tuesday’s Emerald, it appears as
if the whimperings have started again.
This issue has been hashed over throughout col
legedom for centuries, but tradition, and tradition
grown into custom, has continued to remain an in
tegral part of college life the world over. Without
them a University becomes a cold, mechanical sort
of machine: one that gives off light, but no warmth.
Labeling these traditions—older than the edi
tor himself—as “dangerous” or “brutal” is a rather
old ladyish viewpoint.
For decades Oregon coeds have been having their
heads dunked. None were ever maimed; only &
few ended up bald. Oregon men have withstood the
occasional application of the paddle for years
without permanent ill-effects.
In size, number of students, financially, intel
lectually and athletically, our University is grow
ing bigger each year. These advancements will be
hollow victories if we lose the intimate spirit that
has helped make it a real “alma mater” to so many.
The Order of the “O” is, like so many other
campus organizations, an instrument of custom
previously established, not the inaugurator.
A good-natured acceptance of the few Oregon
traditions that are enforced will be more in keep
ing with the spirit of Junior weekend than sense
less whinings about practices long accepted by the
lemon and green. Cordially, ,
An Editorial...
Are You Building a Library?
Junior Weekend, with all its attendant ga
iety, will not be all frivolity, for one of the
scheduled events is the exhibition of student
At the same time when visitors can see the
college students at play, they can view what
is often closeted in the rooms—the individual
libraries of the students. Probably better than
anything else these books indicate what their
owners are thinking and reading about.
Ever since the student library contest was
started in 1938, interest in it has grown, until
now more han 60 entries are anticipated. Na
tionally, this contest is recognized as the best
in the country for actual participation and for
building up student interest in books.
This creating of interest is just what the
sponsors of the contest have in mind. They
realize that the short college years are hardly
enough to compile an adequate library, but
they like to see a good start of fundamental
What better time could there be for start
ing a book collection than when one is in col
lege, when one has easy access to books and
to advice on good ones? All the rest of one’s
life, additions can be made.
But those who have already made their
start can exhibit it this weekend. Though
these libraries may be only beginning, so is
the education of each owner. J.G.