Safe A LADDEB, shown in New York, is said to be safe from tips or slides, and folds for storage. (AP Wi rephoto), Final Plans for (Continued from page three) ganization. Final plans for rating are being worked out by her com mittee at the present time. A major decision of the council last night was to attempt to open the installation of student officers to the public. If he council’s plan goes into ef fect, an installation banquet will be given for all ASUO and class officers on the evening of June 7. The general student body may make reservations to attend the banquet, which in the past has been private, with only the ASUO officers being installed. Wild Notes (Continued from page six) an interesting addition. "Guara chi Guaro” sports a Cuban rhythm section and is more fas cinating jazz of the American Afro-Cuban texture. We person ally still haven’t heard enough of the wealth of Gillespie, Fuller, Lewis, and Dameron ideas to say that a Dizzy record isn’t good. Incidentally, to those of you who couldn’t make it, the Count was gone. Advance reports sed he wasn’t bopping. Maybe he was n’t then. Credit the Basie band with being among the best—one of the rarest band treats in a very long time for our college town. Thank KWJJ’s Bill Sawyer. Coming next to Amory: Les Brown band with Kay Starr. IN PERSON The World Famous GENE KRUPA His Orchestra with Roy Eldridge ' WEDNESDAY MAY 18th ALBANY ARMORY 9:00 to 1 :00 a. m. Campus Calendar (Notices for Campus Calendar should be turned in, in typewritten form, to the Emerald News Editor’s office by 3 p.m. of the day preceding publication. Notices will not be accepted on Saturdays or Sundays.) 6:30 p.m.—Tuesday—Phi Theta Meeting—Alpha Delta Pi house. 6:30 p.m.—Tuesday—Beta Alpha Psi dinner—Eugene hotel. 7:30 p.m.—Tuesday—Chess club—207 Commerce hall. 4:00 p.m.—Tuesday—Missionary meeting—Gerlinger annex. 7:00 p.m.—Tuesday—Talk by Paul Beckwith—John Straub dining room. 1:00 p.m.—Tuesday—Business meeting Phi Alpha Delta—311 Fenton. 7:00 p.m.—Tuesday—Frosh Jnterfraternity council meeting—Chi Psi lodge. 12:00 noon—Tuesday—Order of O meetitng—SAE house. 6:30 p.m.—Tuesday—Deutsche Gesselschaft—Friendly hall. 4:00 p.m.—Tuesday—Browsing room hour—Library. 7:30 p.m.—Wednesday—Lecture forum—P. S. Dull—Library. 7:40 Tuesday—Christian Science organization meeting—YWCA. 7:30 a.m. Wednesday—Chapel service—Wesley house. Wednesday—Skull and Dagger scholarship petitions due—Alpha Tan Omega house. Comic Operas (Please turn to pni/e tliree) as Herman Gelhausen, associate professor of voice. Assisting him are Florence Vanderwicken, as sistant professor of voice, and Ed mund A. Cykler, associate profes sor of musicology. University orchestra members will furnish accompanying instru mental music for the opera per formances. >■=■■ —•■'—-.L-1.' ■' ■ '~i—LJ NOTICE: I will pay $10.00 each for $5.00 Ipills with Serial Nos. N 195207618 A. and G-8712* 6539 A. Also, $6.00 for $1.00 bill Serial No. L 38548738 K. This offer good until 5 :00 P. M. May 3, 1949.. Wm. W. Strong P. E. Basket Room The Junior Prom lor a very good time FRIED CHICKEN STEAKS & SANDWICHES our specialties open until 1:00 A. M. WHITE PALACE 47 10th E. Phone 172 a. w{ POME Don't be backward Ask a girl (com.) SHOWER. PROOFING ffiAf. '/ ■■?*■> INSTANT PRESSING-/ 821 K 13th H Buy Mother tasty cakes or cookies for Mother's Day She'll like the pastries at HOME BAKERY 86 K. Broadway Ph. 4118 NOW! IT’S Flowers For Mother FOR JUNIOR WEEKEND Your War Surplus Store Order Them At The Booth In Co-op tylameSiA, Unlimited 193 E. Broadway riione 6290 —By Air—By Wire—By Sedan Delivery—By Flowers—