Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 30, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Let’s Cjo Shopping
By Alicia Peters
Spring at the U.—or spring any place—means picnic time, and
one of the best things about going on picnics is the freedom of being
able to wear comfortable clothes in the style of one’s choice. This
usually means jeans or shorts, a shirt of some kind—Hawaiian print,
T-shirt, or sweat shirt—an old rain hat and a swimming suit. How
ever, there is fashion’s idea of style under the sun, too, as witness a
few items selling in just one downtown department store:
In bathing suits—and one particularly—a two-piece Jantzen in pink,
elastized stitching making the trim—and more space exposed to sun.
Price: $14.95.
“Stunners” by Cole are considered the new thing. This is a two
piece terry cloth sun suit, with string straps, $3.95. It can’t be ex
celled for sun bathing but is not suitable for wear in the water.
Two old standbys for many seasons and for many more to come are
the Jantzen corduroy pedal-pushers and shorts. $8.95 for the pushers,
$5.95 for the shorts. The pedal-pushers have a placket in front, and
come in green, three shades of blue, maroon, red, beige; the shorts,
lemon, coral, blue, green, beige. Add a wide-striped Jantzen T-shirt
($2.95) to a pair of these and you have an outfit.
Thedenim play clothes under the label of Sailing Blues are worth
special mention. Originally this line made only a sailor dress with a
wide lay-back collar, inset belt and insignia pocket. While they still
make this dress, they have added to their line two other sun dresses,
a golf shirt, slacks, shorts, vest, halter and knockabout jacket.
Because these clothes are made of denim, they will .stand a lot of
wear, sunshine and tubbing. The knockabout jacket ($7.95) with its
Vvhite buttons and stitching, button cuffs and two big pockets is prac
tically a picnic indispensable.
Neptune Reigns Supreme
In Dance Theme Popularity
Last Saturday’s house dances
presented a variety of themes and
costumes. However, sea themes
prevailed with three out of the
nine dances displaying marine de
Imitation “Scarfaces” and gun
molls reigned at “Lambda Chi Al
phatraz.” Guests were summoned
to come to trials, which were held
in an atmosphere of bars and drab
cell blocks. In front of the house
there was a searchlight and a
scaffolding and noose, guarded by
the prison gates.
From a gangplank through a
Window into a dark, eerie maze,
guests were led into the midst of
Sigma Alpha Mu’s “Deep Sea
Drag.’’ Downsairs in “Davy Jones’
Locker” costumes could be seen
Which included old-fashioned bath
ing suits, divers’ outfits, and pi
rates’ garb. The outstanding fea
ture of the decorations was a min
iature waterfall, hidden in ever
greens, which fell into the tiny
pool. The display was made ef
fective by the use of lights which
gave the pool a clear blue hue,
and dry ice which caused a mist
to form around the fall.
“Pig Alle” attracted Apache
dancers and French dolls to the'
Sigma Chi house last weekend. A
hot jazz band accompanied the
couples who, by means of a slide
into the basement, reached the
main part of the house to receive
their favors, lace garters. An all
red dining room represented a
French cafe, and the den, a hotel.
Surrounded by murals of Parisian
streets was a boat attached to an
imitation wharf.
Sherry Ross hall depicted the
last ten years in music at “The
Hit Parade.” Oversized music
sheets illustrated popular band
leaders, vocalists, and such songs
as “White Christmas” and “I’ll Be
Seeing You.” Hal Hardin and or
chestra felt at home among the
huge treble clefs on the bandstand.
Guests were presented with long
stemmed carnations at the infor
mal dance.
A variety of sea foods were
served at “Beachcomber’s Ball” at
the Delta Upsilon house. Outside
were fish nets, a rowboat, and a
scenes with fish, coral, and logs
dominated the inside of the house.
The decorations were set off by
black crepe paper which covered
all the walls.
E. Z. Zarones supplied music for
Pi Kappa Alpha’s formal “Spring
Fever.” White gates, picket fences
and ivy trellises surrounded the
lovely lilac gardens.
Clowns, Raggedy Anns and An
dys, and representatives of the
young set ran amuck at Fiji’s “Fun
House.” Guests were entertained
by sliding, crawling, and climbing
through series of mazes. Balloons
and fun house scenes decorated the
Floors of the Alpha Tau Omega
house were littered with seaweed,
logs, and fish nets at “Cannibal
Isle.” Various animals, among
them an immense hippopotamus,
were depicted on the wallpaper.
Spotted in the crowd were sar
onged girls, shipwrecked- sailors,
beachcombers, and even a pair of
Norman Lamb Wins
KEX Scholarship
Norman Lamb, senior in speech
and radio was recently awarded
the annual KEX radio scholar
ship. The award gives Lamb the
opportunity to work for two
months at the Pbrtland radio sta
tion. Applications for the schol
arship were submitted by stu
dents from many schools in the
northwest area. Lamb is a mem
ber of Kappa Rho Omicron, ra
dio honorary, and Sigma Chi fra
Frosh To Get
All women who petitioned to be
Duckling counselors are expected
to attened one of three training
meetings beginning next Monday,
May 2, at 4 p.m. in the YWCA
Other meetings are scheduled
for Tuesday, May 10, and Wednes
day, May 11. Prospective counsel
ors may attend any one of the
three meetings which they find
most convenient.
Counseling program Chairman
Ann Darby, Davida Riddell, Lois
Williams, and others will explain
the counseling system and duties
of counselors.
“Several house representatives
have not yet turned in petitions
from their organizations, “Lois
Greenwood, Y executive secretary,
said yesterday.
Coed Frydenlund
Claims Life Holds
Little of Excitment
By Jo Anne Hewitt
“How could my life be excit
ing,” asked Joanne Frydenlund,
“when all of it has been spent in
Eugene ?"
Since her arrival on the U. of
O. campus from her crosstown
high school, her days have indeed
been active ones. At present she
is president of her sorority. Al
pha Phi, chairman of judges for
the All-Campus Sing, second vice
president of Panhellenic, vice
president of Phi Theta, and a
member of Theta Sigma Phi,
women's journalism honorary.
As to the future, her one de
sire is to seek employment else
where than Eugene, preferably
California, or any place where she
can secure a foothold in the maga
zine world. From this it is easily
seen that she is a journalism ma
jor, and past work on the Emer
ald bears this out.
If all else fails, her work in the
Co-op qualifies her as a bookkeep
er. There is nothing duller, in her
opinion, than the U. of O. Co-op in
summer, especially when not even
summer school is in session. Sum
mer plans this year include a trip
to Cal at Berkeley and Redlands.
Unlike most Oregon co-eds,
Frs.-'die does not knit. She prefers
to play double solitaire with her
roommates or play blackjack pok
With the arrival of spring term,
the popular game of croquet also
returns, and she is an ardent fan
of this sport. In parting, Freedie
would like to give this brief
thought for the day: “There should
be more spring terms during the
school year. Students could then
throw off the feelings of guilt they
have over not studying fall and
winter terms, and frankly admit
where the time goes as they do in
the spring.”
Business Honorary
Pledges 13 Women
Phi Chi Theta, national busi
ness women’s fraternity, pledged
thirteen new members Thursday
night in the men’s lounge of al
umni hall.
New pledges are: Mildred Chet
ty, Bonnie Gienger, Betty Hor
and,Marguerite Johns, Maxine
Landron, Pat McGinty, Suzanne
Michell, Phillis Morgan, Mary My
ers, Dorothy Orr, Dorothy
Thompson, and Mary Vranizan.
For membership in the honor
ary, pledges must meet a required
grade point average and show
leadership in the field of busi
Women’s Page
Panhellenic Actives, Past
Members Gather for Meet
By Gretchen Grondahl
Some ISO Oregon. Oregon State, and Willamette University
sorority actives and alumnae will meet todav in an all-day I'an
hellenic \\ orkshop with the theme " I’anhellenic responsibilities.”
Activities will begin with registration at 9 a. m„ followed by a
welcome address by Golda Parker Wickham, Oregon’s director
of women’s affairs. Margaret Rauch, retiring Panhellenic presi
dent, Fran Robson, Panhellenic
president, and Mrs. Betty!
Smeed, Eugene Panhellenic
^resident, will also speak at the
velcome assembly.
Delegates present at the 12:30
luncheon, scheduled for the
Veterans’ Memorial building, will
hear an address by Mrs. William
Seaman, national vice president of
Sigma Kappa. Mrs. Glenn R. Por
ter, Jr„ members of the Eugene
City Panhellenic are in charge of
the luncheon.
Panel discussions will be led by
sorority actives and alumnae in
four shifts, beginning at 10 a. m.
Oregon student leaders will be
Ann Woodworth, Pat McGinty,
Dorothy Orr. Joanne Frydenlund,
Shirley Lukins, Margaret Wicken
den, Beverly Pererson, Marjorie
Peterson, and Fran Robson.
Eugene alumnae working with
panels are Mrs. W. T. Plummer,
Mrs. John L. Reynolds, Mrs. Glenn
Smeed, Mrs. Frank Reid, Mrs. E.
Charles Pressman, Mrs. H. R. Mc
Combs, and Mrs. Lloyd Payne.
Panels on rushing, and summer
rushing will be conducted by rep
resentatives from the three col
leges: Mrs. Billie Howard and Fran
Robson from Oregon; Marilyn Hill,
and Jean Baker, OSC; and Mrs. C.
R. Nelson and Doreen Praed, Wil
Delegates from OSC and Willam
ette will speak on living- in. Par
ticipating will be Connie Janowski
and Anne Jean Jarvis from Corval
lis and Mrs. C. R. Nelson, Salem.
Today’s panel schedule includes:
10 a. m. “Rushing,” Alumni hall.
11:15 a.m. “Pledge Training,”
Kappa Alpha Theta. (Pledge Train
ers should attend this meeting).
“Leadership,” Alpha Xi Delta,
(House presidents).
City Panhellenic panel, Alpha
Gamma Delta. (Alumnae).
2 p. m. “Living In,” 207 Chap
“Standards,” Kappa Kappa Gam
ma. (Standards chairmen).
“Scholarship,” Pi Beta Phi.
(Scholarship chairmen).
3:15 p. ni. “Summer Rushing,’'
207 Chapman.
Mrs. Gertrude Fariss, national
president of Delta Zeta, will pre
sent a summary of the events of the
day after the last panel, at 3:45 in
207 Chapman.
Alumnae from Portland. Salem,
Corvallis and Eugene Panhellenic
groups are expected for the confer
Lieut, (jg) Clarice L. Pierson, a.
naval reserve officer, is this
country’s first WAVE to he
assigned sea duty. She sail* d
from San Francisco aboard the
navy transport U. S. S. Butt' it1
(April 14) for Pearl Harbor 'jiv
a routine training cruise. She
will NOT have to stand deck
watches, but will spend most
of her time at a desk in an ex
ecutive position. (AP Wirre
• WHERE—Music School Auditorium
• WHEN—May 3,4,5; Performances begin at 8:15 p. m.
• WHO—Presented by University Music Students.
chamber Tickets:
concert series Co-op from 9—1:00
Millers from 11—2:00