Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 28, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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By Tom King
Emerald Sports Editor
“Hold onto your hats, boys—here we go."
That's one way of saying it. Others, less emotionally upset
and more accustomed to the general frenzy that inevitably ac
companies it, would simply call it "the crucial," "the timing
point" or the “jumping off place," and let it go at that.
\\ hatever the viewpoint, it all boils down to one es^ntial
fact, namely, that Don Kirsch’s Webfoots have currently em
*13.' :
barked on a road trip that will
make or break them.
They must tackle three Nor
thern Division opponents in
twice as many games. All of
which is going to keep every
body about as busy as the fa
mous one-armed paper hanger.
By the time the Ducks nestle
homeward chances are they’ll
be in or out—in the middle of a
tightened up ND race, or out on
their collective feet.
This six-game whirliwig does
to a large extent hold the key to
Oregon’s hopes, and the key to
those resides in the pitching
staff. Kirsch is angling to at
least break even—it's virtually
a must. And how he rotates his
pitching stair, unpredictable at best, is going to be a determining
At the present, Kirsch plans to send Mel Krause and Sid Mills
against the Washington State Cougars on Thursday and Friday.
How Krause delivers in that first tilt carries a lot of weight, and
here is the reason why.
If he falters, like he did against Washington here in his last
time out, Kirsch will have to pitch Mills in relief, and that will
leave the staff in a pretty butchered condition for the second
game of the series.
It will be remembered that in the Husky two-gamer Kirsch
refused to send in Mills after Krause got battered from pillar tc
post and back.
Idaho's Vandals to Be Nobody's Pushovers
This, of course, was to save him for the climax game, but that
bit of strategy failed to pay off when inclement weather made for
a cancelation.
Kirsch, now confident that he can expect no cooperation from
Jupe Pluvius, figures that he'll have to risk Mills this trip if the
occasion arises.
Thus, if Krause gets shelled heavily, Oregon’s chances of
winning not only the first but also the second game will decrease
The Idaho pair, coming on the following Monday and Tues
day, will find Oregon playing out its string to the fullest. Either
Dick DeBernardi, Homer Bropst, or Jim Hanns will get the nod
against the Vandals.
In the last two games of the trek, coming as they do against
Washington, Kirsch wil be able to pitch Krause and Mills again.
Host of Husky Transfers Do Disappearing Act
Just returned from a quick
dash around to all the coast
spring football training camps,
the weazened little guy with the
trim black goatee says that the
calibre of football played in these
parts is about equal, but certain
ly no better, than that of last fall.
“Washington, which gushed
forth with a raft of sure-fire jun
ior college flashes, is presently
dripping with tears,” he states.
“Seems as how almost as many
JCers as turned out when spring
drills began, also turned in a
short time thereafter. Howie
Odell still has Hugh McElhenny
around, though—so he still has
“Most impressive bf the husky
Huskies is George Bayer, a 235
lb. senior tackle who looks like
he has what it takes.”
Another Version: Jensen Definitely Not to Return
“Stanford is harassed by some of the same ills that plague
Washington. One of their top halfbacks, a good enough track
man to win the California 100 yard dash title in high school,
dropped out of school.
"The weazened little guy figures he'll wind up at Southern
The Indians’ freshman quarterback sensation, Gary Keko
rian, completed 9 out of II passes in a recent Red-White game.
Concerning Cal, our informant claims that Rube Samuelson,
who does a spot of writing for a top grade Pasadena paper, has
the inside dope on Jack Jefison, to wit: the big blonde will sign a
professional baseball contract as soon as school ends this spring.
Rube says Jenson definitely won't be back for another fling.
Which is a major body blow to Pappy Waldorf.
In the independent ranks, San Francisco, bolstered by Roy
Barni, Ollie (now he's here, now he isn’t) Matson and John Fin
ney. is laying claims to,the .fleetest backfield on the Coast.
Beta Theta Pi, DU, Delts,
Theta Chi, SAE Cop in IM
North field Fizzeds vs Omega Hall
South field Merrick Hall vs Nestor Hall
Upper field French vs Minturn
North field Phi Delta Theta vs Pi Kappa Phi
South field Merric Hall vs Nestor Hall
Upper field Chi Psi vs Tau Kappa Epsilon
Beta Theta Pi trounced ATO, 12-2; DU clubbed the Legal
Eagles, 18-4; Phi Psi and Campbell Club tied 6-all; Theta Chi
took the Yeomen, 11-2; the Delts nipped Phi Kappa Sigma, 2-0;
and SAE beat the Pi Kapps, also 2-0 in a full schedule of IM
ball games yesterday.
The Beta’s rolled out their heavy artillery in pounding the
ATO’s, 12-2. The ATO’s used Eastburn, Hobe, and Gehr on the
mound in a vain effort to stop the
Beta hitting spree.
ALLAN MANN, Beta pitcher,
struck out eight men and then
slammed one against the stadium
wall for a triple. Pinky Nevill dup
licated the feat, only stretched his
into a homer.
The DU motto was “everybody
hits,” and everybody did, in their
game with the Legal Eagles.
DU batsmen collected 22 hits for
18 runs against four for the law
men. Paul Huntsinger banged out
two homers to take top hitting hon
PHI PSI and Campbell Club put
on a thriller in battling out their al
lotted time to a 6-6 tie.
Tight pitching was produced by
both Phi Psi Chucker Russ Ward
and Campbell Clubber Clay. Phi Psi
Gene Homer lofted one for a homer
to pace his team’s hitting.
Theta Chi had little trouble de
feating the Yeomen, 11-2. Theta
Chi’s Kingsbury Henchen and Nick
elson all collected two hits. Sing
ler’s offerings from the mound held
the Yeomen in check.
WEAK at the plate and strong
on the mound and in the field was
the story of the Delt’s 2-0 victory
over Phi Kappa Sigma. Windmiller
Sanford on the mound for the Delts
looked as good as ever in pitching
his shutout victory. Kehrli, on first,
did a fine job of fielding.
Defending Champs SAE began to
look like contenders again yester
day as they blanked the Pi Kaps,
The mound staff was strengthen
ed by the addition of OSC transfer
Warren Groshong, who allowed
only one hit and struck out six.
WSC Match
On Friday
For Golfers
Golf Coach Sydney Milligan has
been giving his torrid linksmen a
breather as they head into their
third Northern Division match Fri
day against the Washington State
Cougars at the Eugene Country
THE SAME LINEUP that blast
ed the highly-touted Oregon State
divot diggers Tuesday will proba
bly see action against the visiting
sextet from Pullman.
Unless the Webfoots caH man
age to squeeze in a few challenge
rounds between ladies’ day and big
business men’s afternoon at the
country club, Team Captain Dom
Provost will continue as number
one man.
HE WILL be ably backed with
John Eckstrom at the number two
position, Red Omlid, number three;
John Prince, four; Fred Zolezzi,
five, and Jim Donahue, six.
Milligan is pointing his Web
foots for the all-important match
against the Washington Huskies,
slated for May 14 at Seattle.
No Milligan-coached Oregon
golf squad has ever finished fur
ther down in the Northeern Divi
sion race than runner-up, and the
amazing depth of strength on this
year’s crew makes a shattering of
that record almost impossible.
— -a
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In anybody's book, one of them
is hustling, strapping Charles H.
(Chuck) Percy. Said TIME early
this year:
Ever since he was an undergraduate
at the University of Chicago, Charles
H. Percy has been a young business
man in a hurry. To work his way
through college (his banker father had:
gone broke in the depression), Chuck
Percy ran a wholesale business supply
ing the university’s fraternities with
food, coal, furniture and linen. He also
held two other jobs, and captained the
rough, tough water polo team. In the
summer vacation of 1937 he took a job
at $12 a week in Chicago’s Bell St
Howell Co. (cameras). For the next
11^2 years he was in & out of Bell St
Howell, but was seldom out of the
mind of its president, Joe H. McNabh.
It was McNabb who persuaded!
Chuck Percy to work for Bell & Howell
on weekends and vacations, and gave
him a full-time job when he graduated1
from Chicago in 1941. He was put in
charge of a new department to handle
defense contracts. The contracts rolled
in so fast that six months later, when.
Percy was 21, he was in charge of the
major part of Bell & Howell’s business.
Just before he joined the Navy as at
seaman, McNabb made him assistant
secretary and a company director.
New Theme. Stationed on the West
Coast, Percy spent his spare time
studying West Coast industries and
the causes of strikes. His reports soi
impressed McNabb that when Chuck
Percy was discharged (as lieutenant),
he became Bell & Howell’s industrial
relations and personnel director.
Chuck Percy
The reports were impressive.
Percy began to streamline Bell &
Howell’s management. In 18 months,
he reduced the number of departments,
from 189 to 130, hopes to bring them
down eventually to 88.
New Boss. This week, Percy got the
go-ahead to finish the job—and in his.
own way. To succeed McNabb, who
died last week, the directors chose him
president. At 29, he is boss of a com
pany that sold $18 million worth of
motion-picture cameras and equip
ment last year, and earned a net profit
ot some $2,300,000.
Successful Business
man Charles Percy of
I Bell & Howell reads
TIME each week — n<
do more than 1,500,000 other U. S.
college graduate* who find in TIME
the news they can't afford to niss.
To enter your subscription to The
W e e kl y Newsmagazine, see
Weekly Newsmagizine, see
TIME’S representative at Univ.
of Oregon—Co-op Bookstore.