Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Somerville Advocates
World Understanding
4. The importance of a calm study of social philosophy is more
. important today than ever before, for failure of understanding in
j ^his field could mean complete destruction of the human race.
This is the opinion of Dr. John Somerville, American philoso
t pher, author of ‘ Soviet Philosophy” and “Methodology in Social
' Science. The Columbia graduate, now a visiting professor at
j Stanford university, spoke on the campus last night on “Philoso
phy and Its Place Today.”
At this important historical
moment, he said, ‘isms’ have
r taken the center of the stage.
| Although they are not the only
-cause of war, they are import
I ant factors.
Dr. Somerville recommended UN
ESCO as one place where conflict
ing world philosophies could be
- reconciled. A main endeavor of
that branch of the United Nations,
he said, is to inquire calmly into
" tensions affecting international
Dr. Somerville believes that with
the right attitudes, conflicting
‘isms’ can be brought to a point of
at least toleration of each other,
just as religions have reached that
We don’t say that the Methodists,
for example, can't send mission
aries to China, said the follower of
philosopher John Dewey. Neither
must we say to the followers of an
other social philosophy, he contin
ued, that since we are right, they
cannot proselytize.
“We must choose in this day be
tween the Christian spirit of honest
Can't Take 'em With You, or
Which Twin Has The Phonies
NEW YORK, April 14—(AP)—Strip tease artists Georgia Sothern
and Joann Collier battled it out early yesterday on a Manhattan side
_ walk—with no holds barred.
Apparently Georgia won, even though flattened three times. At
least, she is still star of the floor show at Bradley’s on East 54th street.
The two disagreed over who gets the closing spot in the show—
and who wears the falsies.
The two punched, scratched and bruised each other until separated
by a couple of brave males.
Arnold Shields, an assistant manager at Bradley’s and a ringsider
- at the street fight in front of the nightspot at 3:45 a.m. told it this way:
Blonde Joann had he closing spot in the show until about a week
ago when blonde Georgia took over her spot. There was a clash of
" temperaments.
Then, Georgia said, Joann “accused me of wearing falsies.”
“In my trade,” she said, “the wearing of falsies is impossible.”
Joann insisted, however. But she admitted:
To be fair, I don’t know if Georgia wears her falsies when she
- strips. But I do know she wears them in her evening dress.”
The last words of the combatants were:
Georgia—“I could have taken her but I really don’t want to fight”
Joann—“She appears puny to me.”
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directly across from Sigma Chi
investigation, and popularity. We
must put forth an effort not just to
improve the future, but to HAVE a
future,” said Somerville.
"Otherwise there may be an act
of cosmic infant mortality," The
human race is too yong to die, he
said. Great possibilities—interplan
etary navigation, for example—are
just ahead. But another war could
destroy this human race that is
less than a million years old.
In speaking of the needs for a
philosophy, Dr. Somerville pointed
out that everyone, in just making
the decisions of everyday life is a
philosopher. His only choices are
whether he will be, a consistent or
inconsistent philosopher, and a con
scious or unconscious one.
Philosophy recognizes the need
of the individual to come to terms
with totality. The only alternative
to this integration, is suicide.
Local Girl Falls
At Symphony
Fifteen steps in McArthur court
will long be remembered by De
lores Robb, 16-year-old Eugene
high school student. She hit every
one of them when she fell down
the Igloo stairs after the Mitrop
oulos concert Friday.
Although taken to Sacred Heart
hospital with extensive bruises the
girl was able to return to school
Monday, the insurance agency j
handling the case reports.
According to Miss Robb's state
ment her shoe heel caught on a
step. Also she said that she was
not feeling well when she left the
Deadline for Guide
Petitions April 23
Deadline for Piggers' Guide edi
tor and business manager petitions
is April 23, Dick Williams, educa
tional activities director, reminds
students. Both are salaried posi
tions—editor receives $100 and
business manager receives about.
Besides Piggers’ Guide execu
tives the top men for next year’s
Emerald will be announced soon.
Newspaper petitions are due today.
Radio Found
A small handsize Zenncttc radio
can be claimed at the educational
activities office if the owner will
identify it. The radio was left in
Mac court last term.
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