Sixteen Copies Of Early Diaries ‘Presented Libe Sixteen handwritten volumes of the diaries of Moses Aaron Wil liams, a Presbyterian minister who founded the first church in Jack sonville, Oregon, have been given to the University library by Mrs. A. F. Sandlin of San Bernardino, California. Leaving New York in 1852, Wil liams reached southern Oregon in 1856. At that time, Jacksonville was the metropolis and mining cen ter of southern Oregon. The diaries cover the period be tween 1852 and 1897, the year in Which Williams died. They give a history of the early churches in Oregon, with emphasis on the Pres byterian, and describe Pioneer life and places which have since faded from the maps. The volumes are a record of the day-by-day life of Williams, includ ing all of he marriages, burials, and baptisms he performed. One vol ume contains the topics of all the sermons he preached up to 1849. Williams’ account records his period of acting as a circuit rider between Jacksonville and Salem two years spent in Valpariso, Chile, and a trip up the Columbia river as far as Wallula in 1870. During the latter trip, there was a circus train complete with lions aboard the boat. Theta Art Grant Applications Due Kappa Alpha Theta art scholar ship applications are now available at the Office of Student Affairs. Any single woman, under 25 years of age, and majoring in fine arts is eligible, if she has complet ed two years of college and will be entering her junior or senior year at the University of Oregon art school by fall term, 1949. Applications are due at the Of fice of Student Affairs by April 16. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE — ’47 Cream colored convertible. Radio and heater. One owner—A-l shape. $1475. Contact Harold Hall, 383 E 11th, 5-7 p. m. 113 LOST—AJ house pin. Initials RSW Phone 4922R. Hildegard Wagner. TAILORING and ALTERATIONS Work done promptly. Mrs. Trout (with Erna) Applewhite, reweav er. 1060 High. 116 FOR SALE—1940 Chev. club coupe R&H excellent condition. Orig. owner. $800. 2676 University. Ph. 4697-R after 5:00. 118 LOST—Glasses on 13th street on Wednesday. Needed in order to get four point.Jackie, 1461-W 112 FOR SALE—1947 Maroon Mercury Convertible $1950. All accessor ies, original owner. Inquire even ings. Gene Fleener, 2190-13 Pat terson Drive. 114 WANT—One slide rule (Log-Log) Notify 111 French Hall 112 FOR SALE — Black Buick road master convertible. Excellent condition. Call 3332-R. 118 » FOR SALE Whight-Ditson Davis cup tennis racket. 10-ply nylon stringing. Has had little use. See G. Palandri, 1208 Beech St. 112 FOR RENT—Room for 2—Kitchen privileges. Use of living and din ing rooms. $20 per month—1134 Ferry. 116 Choir to Present Modern Cantata “The Garden and the Cross,” a new cantata by Alec Rowley, will be presented at 8 p.m. April 15, at St. Mary’s Episcopal church at 166 E. 13th. The choir director will be Milton Dieterich and the organist will be Lyall Gardener, Jr. The choir includes 24 voices, among which are several students of the University. Five soloists are: Clyde Everton and Eldon Penttila, tenors; Janet Anderson and Barbara Dieterich, sopranos; and Earl Anderson, baritone. There is no admission charge; however an offering will be taken. Crumbaker to Lead Conversation Hour Dr. Calvin Crumbaker of the de partment of economics will lead the conversation hour in a discussion on “Views of Economics” at Friendly house Friday evening at 8 p. m. Roy Andrews will furnish record ed music for Friendly’s recorded concert from 7 to 8 p. m. A cosmopolitan party will begin at 9 p. m. Coffee and cookies will be served. Everyone is welcome. Warm weather came just in time to save the shorn taxpayer. Kwama Initiates Ann Gillenwaters Initiation of Ann Gillenwaters into Kwama, sophomore women’s honorary, took place last night be fore a regular meeting of the group at the Delta Gamma house. Miss Gillenwaters was tapped for the organization last week, to fill a vacancy left by Barbara Hamilton. TAKE HER OUT TO DINNER EASTER SUNDAY • SIZZLING HOT STEAKS • FRIED CHICKEN DINNERS • FRESH SEAFOOD GEORGE'S GROTTO 764 Willamette Phone 4527 tf-lxuAtete for EASTER SUNRISE SERVICES An ORCHID CORSAGE from you will be the crowning touch for her Spring Outfit Easter Morning ORCHIDS delivered anywhere in Eugene for $2.50 and up Exclusively at fylaweAA 'Unlimited 193 E. Broadway Phone 6290 * Princess Mio suit in dazz ling California colors. * 10.00 Seersucker puckerette thaf adjusts to brief aa^ briefer coverage I 8.00 World-Famous I <5 / (\! ¥ Designed These Exclusively For Catalina ... and You! Swim surfs in the French manner... designed by famed Schiaparelli expressly for Catalina — to make you the target of all eyes this summerl All Catalina Convertibles* *can be worn with or without straps' u . v festered EXCLUSIVELY IN EUGENE AT Vttl A M I TTI AT THtHTIflini, Baby Pants model of Latoi3 taffeta Lastex — that ad-* lusts for sunning. 14.00