Ducks Lose Second Straight to Pilots Up, Up and Away NEW HOLDER of the Texas Relay pole vault record, Webfoot < ieorge Rasmussen here demonstrates how he cleared 14 feet 2 >4 inches Saturday in Austin, Texas Saturday to set the mark. Webfoot Ace Sets Vault Reord in Texas Relays By Dave Taylor George Rasmussen, Oregon’s star pole vaulter, established a new Texas Relays vaulting record of 14 feet 2U inches last Saturday in Austin. His mark was eight inches better than his closest competitors, all of whom were brought to the meet by invitation from various parts of the nation. He was expect ed to reutrn to the campus late last night. Rasmussen's spectacular leap broke the old meet record of U feet inch set l»y Harold Hunt of Ne braska in 11)42. most OUTSTANDING Oregon pole vaulter since former world rec ord-holder George Varoff left the campus in 1939, Rasmussen is the defending Northern Division cham pion and co-NCAA titleholder. He was also a state high school cham P on while attending Bend high school. Over 9000 people watched the Webfoot vaulter rack up his record shattering jump in the University o! Texas Memorial stdium in Aus tin in the second running of the fa :-oils Lone Star State Relays. Bill Bowcrinan, head track coach at the University, said when he learned of Rasmussen's Texas per t •rnianee, “This is onl\ a preview „* what George will do this season, il believe lie’ll cross the bar at bet ter than 15 feet before the season is up.” KASMl'SSKN NOW holds the N u thern Division record with a 14 f et 2'j inch leap set last year. However, he cleared the bar three t lies in 194S at 14 feet 7 inches, but knocked down the crossbar with his bond each time during his descent. Besides being the first University i oi Oregon man to enter tne texas ■ Relays, Rasmussen is the first Ore j gon athlete to ever enter a national ! outdoor event before the start of i ; the conference season, and the first to compete out of the Northwest be fore the regular season since Geor ge Varoff went to the Boston Gar dens in 1939. Burgher Paces Coast Batsmen SAN FRANCISCO, April 4— IAP)— Bill Burgher, Portland catcher, hit for a perfect average og 1,000 in four games against San Francisco last week to top Pacific coast league batters for the season’s opening baseball se ries. Infielders Joe Damato, Los Angeles, playing in two contests and George Genovese. Hollywood, in one game, also had perfect plate averages. The week's best slugging per formance, however, went to Luke Faster, giant Negro first baseman of the San Diego Patres, who hit three homers and knocked in ten i uns while walloping the ball for .500 in six games. Joe Marty, Sac ramento outfielder, also drove in ten markers while batting ,34S in six games, Frosh Tennis Meeting There will be an organization meeting this afternoon at three for all Frosh tennis hopefuls. Coach Saal Lesser has asked for all inter ested to report to the University tennis courts at that time. Games Broadcast Home conference games of the Oregon baseball team will again be broadcast by station KOAC, James M. Morris, program man ager announced First broadcast will be on April 13, at 2:55, when the Web foots meet Idaho at Howe field. The station will carry a 16-game schedule, airing eight Oregon games, and a like number from OSC. Broadcast time for all weekday games will be 2:55, with Saturday games coming on the air 30 minutes earlier. The schedule will close with the 4-game Oregon-Oregon State series to be played May 13, 14, 20, and 21. Oregon Held in Check As Portland Goes Wild Don Kirscns uregon vveuiuuw, taking it on the chin for the second time in a row, left their slugging tools in the dugout yesterday, and left their pitching there too, as a scrapping Portland University nine rang up a 10-3 victory. This afternoon at 3 o’clock the Ducks will host Lewis & Clark Col lege on lower Howe Field. Dick DeBernardi and Rube Be sada served up the offerings to the highly geared Pilots, but the hits, 15 of ’em, rained back rather fast. Portland got to DeBernardi for 3 Grid Drills Start as 101 Aspirants Draw Suits It was either-flinging time out on the lower practice field yester day afternoon as 101 spirited pig skinners pranced through the open ing drill of the grueling 30-day spring practice schedule. Included in the turnout was a batch of 16 returning lettermen from last year’s ball club, 17 re turning squad members, 18 trans fers, 23 freshmen and 27 newcom ers. The boys didn’t waste much time in getting around to that afore mentioned leather-slinging. The quarterbacks were pegging passes (and in handsome style, too), while the linemen were flailing away in the front line trenches. Earl Stelle, letterman, and Frosh hope Jim Calderwood exhibited WAA Briefs Oregon women will have their first chance to participate in an In tercollegiate Play Day on this cam pus Saturday. Female sports enthusiasts from other schools in the state will arrive then to compete in tennis, badmin ton and ping pong tournaments; softball; swimming; volleyball and square dancing. Under the local leadership of Mary Stadelman, Pat Mounts, an Janice Neely events will start at noon Saturday and terminate at 6 that evening. All girls interested in participat ing in any of the games are urged to contact Pat Mounts or Joan Mim naugh. Though a similar meet was held last year at Heed College, it is hop ed that a Woman’s Play Day at Ore gon can become an annual event. With Joan Mimnaugh as chair man of the invitations committee, all Oregon colleges have been invit ed to attend. So far, Lewis and Clatk, Oregon State and Eastern College of Education have accepted. Decorations, with Bernice Gar troll as chairman, will center around the theme of “Animal Fair.” Other committee heads include Margaret Edwards, registration; Delight Ko lar, games; Georganne Gettler, clean-up; and Margaret Hunt, tea. Appointed officers of WAA will in future be selected after annual elections instead of before, accord ing to a new amendment to the WAA constitution passed at the end of last term. House athletic managers will meet tonight in Room 121 Gerlinger hall. Information regarding tennis and softball intramural competi tion will be given out at that time according to Janice Neely, head of sports. some classy marksmanship in their first trials for the ’49 campaign. Over 50 per cent of their heaves made connections, and Calder wood’s average zoomed above the .600 mark. Particularly impressive on the receiving end were Darrell Robinson, Bob Anderson and Les Hagen. Working at the wingbacks were Johnny McKay and Bunny Easter at the right half and George Bell, Woodley Lewis, and Dewayne Johnson at left half. Bob Sanders and Bud Boqua went in at full. Particularly noticeable was the burst of speed flashed by Lewis. He seemed a mite faster than he was last year. In the line, Sam Nevills, Bob Roberts and Gus Knickerehm were running on the first string at the tackles; Ed Chrobot, Dick Gaul den, Chet Daniels and Don McCau ley at the guards, and Dave Gib son. The work of Gaulden, Pete De Santos and Hale Paxton, all trans fers, as well as that of MacCauley, a graduate from the frosh, came in for special praise. New IM Team Intramural manager Jim Vitti announced yesterday that the long standing softball team known as the Fizzeds have dropped from this year’s race. Their place on the I.M. schedule is to be taken up by a group of young gentlemen who call themselves the Thirteenth Street Athletic Club. Vitti says he sus pects a strong dark-horse team in the new outfit. digits in the opening two innings, and kept pecking away in medium sized chunks until things got pretty much out of hand. He gave over to Besada after the fifth inning with the score 6-1 against him. Hart Rasmussen led the onslaught with bingles, driving out every thing except a home run —and teammate Leo Grosjacques' took care of that little matter with a circuit clout in the very last inn ing. Leo Keppinger collected three* hits, including a triple. Meanwhile, the Ducks w ere. pretty much held in check by the slants of Rod Owens. This slender star boarder not only went the* route, giving up seven safeties, but also came through with a timely double and single to help himself along. Johnny Kovenz and A1 Cohen were the big stick men for the Lemon-and-Green, each managing to collect two hits off Owens. Rasmussen's doubled in Keppin ger, who had singled, for the game's first run. PORTLAND PUSHED across two more in the second frame, Mor ris Mulhern and Keppinger sand wiching a walk and a triple, respec tively, around Owen’s double. In the third Owens again came through, singling home Rasmussen, who had gained life on an error,, Walt Spitznagle romped in a mo ment later when, with sacks clog ged, Keppinger took a base on balls. In the top of the fifth the Pilots added another marker when Hal McKee’s loft to the outfield with bases full brought home Bob Baker, who had opened the inning wifn a. one-bagger. PORTLAND CAME through for, 3 more runs in the sixth. Walks to Rasmussen and Spitznagle started things off, and matters were not*’ helped any (from an Oregon view point) when catcher’s throw went., wild. This misfire allowed Rasmussen t to lumber plateward, and sent Spitznagle to second, from where _ he scored on Pat Polich’s double. Polich tallied seconds later himself on an infield out by the opportune. Mr. Owens. (Please turn to page eight) Order of 0 Meet Set There will be an order of O meet-* ing this noon at the Kappa Sigma-, house. All members are urged to at tend as elections will be held, ac cording to President Roger Wiley. Winter Clothes Going into Storage? Clean them First! MOTHS ] INSTANT PRESSING-/