Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 01, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Second Tornado Sweeps State
The town of Blackwell, Okla., was struck by the second of two tornadoes that swept across the northern
..section of that state, wrecking homes, a school and powerlines in he town. Neighbors view the wreck
age of the Verne Finley home ther. (AP Wirephoto)
All Space Used
In Villard Now
Presence of the speech depart
ment in Villard hall will put more
of that building in use than has
been occupied in many pears, Irvin
I. Wright, physical plant superin
tendent, said yesterday.
For the first time in many years,
floors other than the main one will
be put to use. The speech depart
ment plans to use all four floors.
The new theater is taking shape
rapidly, but completion is not ex
pected before June. When finished
the theater will have a capacity
close to 300, twice that of the
Johnson hall theater.
Other work begun last term is
completed or proceeding satisfac
torily. Excavations for the foun
dation of the library extension are
finished. Pouring of concrete
should begin next week.
No new construction is slated
for the immediate future. There
Will be some resodding of grass
around the newer buildings. Con
dition of lawns around the cam
pus was described as “bad,” but
will not necessitate widespread re
April Fool Party
Westminster will have an Aprl
Fool’s party Friday evening at 8
p. m. Entertainment will include a
quiz program and skits. Refresh
ments will be served.
The committee in charge of the
party is Larry Feurstein, Wes
Withrow and Ruth Kilborn.
Everyone is invited to attend.
Column Written 21
(Continued from page six)
The duke, sly young man, pours
his little workmen and little blue
bloods all into his melting pot and
stirs them up until you can’t tell
one from another. What is more
important, the lads can’t see any
difference themselves.
The duke has publicly admitted
that the greatest compliment
ever paid him was when one of
his camp hands referred to him
as a“human being.”
The duke’s camp is a great lev
eler, and it is a shrewd move. His
royal highness catches ’em young,
being mindful of the fact that in
a few short years these lads will
be the backbone of England.
Their democratic influence will
A Thing of Beauty, A Joy
Forever--Also to Swear at
What do leaves mean to you 7
We speak of those leaves that
bud in spring and blossom out in
all their glory in early summer to
give you a few moments relief
from old Sol’s ' rays while you
swing in the hammock and sip
your lemonade.
Those are the same leaves that
later turn to gold and silver. In
the fall they die and come spin
ning to the ground to form a car
pet on the grass.
The same leaves that cause a
silppery footing on the wet side
walks. You see them dammirjg up
the gutters and plugging sewers.
If leaves to you mean a never
ending task of raking, piling, burn
ing; if you dread to see autumn
come because it means you must
borrow the neighbor's rake and
wheelbarrow—you are a realist.
You are the caretaker, the street
cleaner, the hen-pecked husband
who has been dragged away from
his shotgun or golf clubs.
You see only a few hours’ work
to be followed by a few more hours
of the same because you forgot
about the wind. You had them in
a neat pile. Now they are scat
tered as before and reinforced by
several hundred more which have
fallen from the trees.
If you see a riot of color in the
leaves; if you can picture sunsets
in an ash or maple or walk upon a
mountain top and be inspired by
nature’s beauty—you are an artist.
You may be the little boy or girl
on your way to school with half a
dozen leaves clutched tightly in
your first. Or. you may be a pait
er who has traveled far only to
return to paint a scene more
beautiful that all the time was in
your own back yard.
You appreciate a leaf as a thing
of symmetry and beauty. You
would stop to watch it come danc
ing down from up above. You take
pleasure in hearing them rustle
and crackle underfoot as you walk
to class.
Now, if you are one who is in
spired by the never ending meta
morphose, one who pictures the
birth of spring in the budding
leaves and the death of summer
in the rustling carpet beneath the
tree—you arc a poet. You see life
and beauty; death and dispair. To
you they are a symbol of a never
ending cycle.
Perhaps you arc neither realist,
artist, nor poet.
You are just an individual who
welcomes spring with its new life.
You enjoy seeing everything turn
green again after a bleak winter.
You love the smell of trees and
shrubs in blossom and sometimes
relax in the shade and watch the
sun shine through the branches.
Before you realize, fall is here
once more and you are suddenly
struck with the riot of color across
the campus.
Coming home one evening you
see the yard needs raking. The
smell of burning leaves is in the
Two weeks later you damn those
leaves that stopped the gutter and
made you walk half a block out of
your way.
Gamest gambler in the commun
ity is the railroad which will sell
a one-way ticket to Mexico on the
installment plan.
Dilapidated highways are un
comfortable to ride on, but thgy
tend to cut down the speed at
which accidents occur.
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Dance Class Maelstrom
Of Jigsand Injured Shins
By Bob Funk
Deep in the inner workings of
that pile of inspired architecture
known as the PE bhilding, classes
are being held in what seems Ore
gon’s answer to the Ballet Russc
Rhythmics attract women stu
dents, who are in hopes of drawing
PE majors as partners, and men,
who are in hopes of meeting wom
en. It is actually not quite this ba
sic and biological, but really ex
tremely refined—even to the point
of stuffiness.
The class starts from scratch
and works up as slowly as possi
ble. One of the first class periods
is spent in solemnly doing a schot
tische step single-file around the
gym. After about a half hour this
begins to border on the ridiculous,
but the student must remember
that this is Art. Those students
who are not interested in art have
one heck of a time.
Frolicking about the room in
blue denim shorts five sizes too
large, one is reminded of the time
one was the third brownie from
the left in that snappy third-grade
extravaganza, "Greetings to
Spring." That was the year that
one gracefully lost one’s pants at
the climax of the "Zephyrs of
May” dance, to the utter horor of
mother and the little girl in the
next row.
As rhythmics students weave
gracefully hither and yon, a pian
ist plays quaint Swedish folk mu
sic off in a corner. The astute ob
, server may note that the Pride of
Scandinavia plays the same tune
Friendly House
At Friendly house Friday eve
ning the recorded concert hour
will begin at S p.m.
At 9 o’clock Dr. Breen will lead
the discussion on the topic “Should
the Church Have an Economic and
Social Gospel?” A pfofessor of
history and social science, Dr.
Breen is a historian and former
Beginning at 9 p.m. the cosmo
politan party will feature dancing
and singing. Cookies and coffee
will be served.
Everyone is invited.
April Fool!
| in accompaniment to waltzes,
schottischcs, polkas, anti square
dances, but this is of little moment,
since she never plays the piece
twice the same way anyway.
Around the second week, things
begin to get tricky. There is a
heel-and-toe step which involves
kicking oneself in the shin anti
then loping off sideways across
the room in as dignified a manner
as possible. There is also a cagey
little routine known simply as the
‘‘jig," which one does with a part
ner. There is always a great strug
gle over whether a couple is to
jig to the right, or to the left.
This can be avoided by jigging
separately, which is an excellent
out for exhibitionists.
The “waltz” a la. rhythmics is)
something which one does alone,
moodily, off across the gym. When
the class has successfully reached
one side of the gym, everyone turns
around and waltzes back. If this is)
somewhat less than exciting, it de
velops poise, balance, and a sense
of direction.
In the future, rhythmics should
become extremely popular with
those who prefer dancing alone,
who can lope sideways without,
tripping themselves, and who were
never, a brownie in a third-grade
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