Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 01, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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Burma Talk
Miss Katherine Khin Khin,
YWCA worker from Burma, will
speak at the Eugene YWCA, 1076
Willamette street, Saturday at 2
p.m. on the place of the YWCA in
Campus YWCA cabinet mem
bers will meet with Miss Khin
Khin at a breakfast Saturday
morning and she will also be pres
ent at a dinner for city and Uni
versity board members and their
husbands Saturday night.
Anyone interested in meeting
Miss Khin Khin can, in addition to
attending the afternoon talk, at
tend an open tea to be held Sun
day from 2:30 to 4 p.m. at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. Fred Miller,
2412 Kostein street.
Vice-president of the Rangoon
YWCA, Miss Khin Khin is also a
journalist and novelist. She serves
as foreign correspondent for the
Girl’s World of Rangoon and is the
author of two novels.
Born in Burma 38 years ago,
Miss Khin Khin became a Chris
tian at sixteen and, was ostracized
by members of her Buddhist fam
ily for several years. She obtained
her BA degree from Judson col
lege, paying her way through
school by selling articles in Eng
lish to the Rangoon Gazette and
lwriting for the Rangoon Sun in
According to Miss Khin Khin,
Burmese women have a greater
amount of freedom than those in
.most countries, being able to make
decisions without first consulting
their husbands and having charge
Of the family’s finances. This high
status is assured to Burmese wom
en because an ancient Buddhist
law provides that women can have
their own property and are entitled
to one-half of their husband’s prop
i $-9900 A YEAR?
Then here’s your chance to
enter a business offering an
opportunity for unlimited
earnings . . . plus the satisfac
tion of rendering a worthwhile
community service. Many of
our representatives earn $4,000
to $9,000 a year, and more!
To find out more about the
opportunities offered to you in
a life insurance selling career,
send for our free booklet. If
you appear to have the quali
fications for success, our man
ager in or near your community
will explain our excellent on
the-job training course and
the famous* Mutual Lifetime
Compensation Plan, which
provides liberal commissions,
service fees and a substantial
retirement income at 65.
34Na$MuStfMl N«wYoik5,N.Y.
NAME , ■ ..
Frankie Laine
Here for Show,
Dance Tonight
Frankie Laine, popular singer,
and his piano accompanist will pre
sent an evening of dancing and
entertainment at the Eugene arm
ory tonight from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.,
assisted by a Portland band.
Tickets for the evening can be
purchased at the Appliance Center,
70 10th street west. General ad
mission charge is $2.40, with stu
dent tickets priced at $1.65 provid
ed student registration cards and
a clipping of the nightly Frankie
Laine announcement appearing in
the Register-Guard are presented
at the time of purchase.
Laine is flying to Eugene from
Seattle this afternoon and will
make a personal appearance in the
Appliance Center at 5 p.m. if the
plane arrives on time. He will ap
pear in Portland tomorrow.
Short silks and suits are in order
for the evening.
UO Motorists
(Continued from page one)
and organizational purposes, and to
pay the salaries of the officers of
the newly-organized national CAC
and the local “districts.” It is plan
ned to publish a list of stations and
garages offering CAC discounts, so
that members may take advantage
of them wherever they are driving.
Oregon students have jumped at
the idea, of course, which offers a
saving in operating their automo
biles. Membership of the local CAC
district will be limited to 1000 mem-*
bers, Nickerson said. Membership
cards may be obtained at Wick’s
Richfield station, at the Bee Line
garage, or from Nickerson.
All Student Group
CAC is an organization of, by,
and for students. Its policy form
ing officers and all members are
It operates with an informal, ver
bal agreement with the service sta
tions and garages, and may termi
nate business with them any time.
Nickerson emphasized, however,
that Wick’s Richfield station and
the Bee Line garage had been very
cooperative in getting CAC started
here in Eugene.
Best Vaudeville Actor
(Continued from page one)
ity and length,” Johnson stated.
“However, there will probably be
about 12.”
House representatives will re
ceive postcards in the next few
days assigning the day and hour
for their organization to enter the
eliminations. In order to avoid
wasting the time of students par
ticipating, the eliminations will be
conducted in three shifts from 6:30
p. m. to 9:30 p. m. both nights.
Themes Due
Representatives will also be ask
ed to report the theme and number
of participants for their organiza
tion’s act by return card, postmark
ed not later than April 6.
Billijean Reithmiller, chairman
of judging arrangements, is now
arranging for two separate groups
of five judges each, one for the
eliminations and the other for the
Acts will be rated on a point basis
from one to five on main points:
(1) originality; (2) audience re
sponse; (3) perfection; (4) appear
ance; and (5) respectability,
Miss Khin Khin has been in the
United States since August, at
that time attending the first
YWCA international study confer
ence on women and world recon
struction held at Columbia univer
sity. She is stopping here on her
way from San Francisco to Seat
tle, where she will board a ship to
return to Burma.
High Price
Kisses from college presiaenrs
come high, but Karin Rolph,
Reed college coed, gladly gave
$5 in a campus drive to raise
funds for war-wrecked overseas
colleges to get this smack on the
cheek from E. B. MacNaughton,
Reed college president. (AP
Charges of an unspecified na
ture have been preferred against
Gen. Clayton L. Bissell (above)
it was announced in Frankfurt,
Germany, by headquarters of the
United States air force in Eur
ope. The charges are being in
vestigated to determine if they
warrant a trial by courtmartial.
(AP Wirephoto)
Admiration must be expressed
for anybody who can remember
enough of what happened at the
cocktail party to testify about it in
Free Tickets for Special Recital
Bv SvmDhonv Offered Students
Free tickets for a special recital
given by several artists of the
Minneapolis Symphony orchestra
next Friday afternoon may be ob
tained today by students at the
educational activities office in Mc
Arthur court.
The recital will begin at 4:15 in
the music school auditorium and
is in addition to a full concert to
be given by the complete group of
90 musicians Friday night.
Editor, Business
Petitions Due
Petitions for editors and busi
ness managers of the 1949-50 Ore
gana and Emerald are due in the
educational activities office early
this month. Deadline for Oregana
petitions is 5 p.m., April 8, and
for Emerald petitions 5 p.m. April
Any student, man or woman, is
eligible to apply if he considers
himself capable.
Applicants for the Oregana po
sitions will be interviewed April
20 at 7:30 p.m.
Weekend Petitions
Deadline Today
Petition deadline for Junior
Weekend subchairmanships is set
for today, Bill Lance, promotion
chairman, reminded yesterday.
Positions are available for
chairman of radio, posters, skits
and flying, newspaper advertising,
and window displays. Petitions
should be left at the Sigma Nu
Wentworth Takes
Over Women's PE |
Rosamond Wentworth, associate
professor of physical education, has
assumed the duties of Janet, Wood
ruff, associate professor of physical
education, as chairman of the de
partment of women’s health and
physical education while Miss
Woodruff is on sabbatical leave.
The evening concert begins at
8:15 and is a part of the Eugene
and Civic Music association series,
to which students are regularly
admitted by showing registration
cards. ,
Dimitri Mitroupolis, noted con
ductor, will conduct both perform
Only one ticket per student will
be granted at the educational ac
tivities offices until the music audi
torium capacity has been reached.
Students must also present their;
registration cards. The office is
open from 8 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 5
Since the seating capjacity in
the music school auditorium is
only 600, no outsiders may attend
the program.
FOR RENT — 3 male students,
access to living and dining room,"
kitchen privileges. $20 a month.
WANTED—Individuals or groups
on the campus who would like to«
earn extra money selling. Guar
anteed items. Call 3470-J-2. 103
FOR RENT — Nice clean quiet
sleeping room for men students^
on campus. 1369 Agate St. 103
FOR RENT—Two rooms for one or,
two girls. Private entrance. 1353
Agate. 103
FOR SALE—1 pair Jarman Ox
fords size 9c. Price $7.00. Call
3245-W. 103'
MEALS in private home starting,
April 1st. Inquire. 611 E 15th Ave.
FOR SALE—Light-weight 3-speea
Bicycle; brown suit, size 40; elec-,
trie razor. Phone 798-M, 751 E.
FOR SALE — 1933 Dodge Coupe!
excellent mechanical condition^
defroster, heater, good rubber,)
1134 Ferry.
16 after 6:30 p. m.
$250.00. Phone 2459-R.
'The Church Today"
A series of studies on the church of today from the
First Hand point of view. Get it straight and avoid
prejudices. Hear
Warren Webster
May 3, 6:15
Sunday services—Bible School 9:45 A. M. Christian
Endeavor 6:15 P. M. Church Service 11:00 A. M.
Evangelist Service 7:30 P. M.
17th‘ and Columbia
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Good Things To Eat!
Quality That Can't Be Beat!
Buy Now At
13th and Patterson
Phone 95