Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Secretary Finds Her
Work 'Lots of Fun'
“She is my gal Friday, and every other day,” said Mrs. Golda
[Wickham of her secretary, Mrs. Margaret Kopp.
i\Irs. Kopp is well known to nearly every student on campus,
joi there is scarcely a person who has not had occasion to meet
her in connection with at least one of the many duties she per
forms in the Office of Student Affairs.
One of these is clearing the campus social calender for such
events as dances, dinners, des
serts, and everything else ex
cept serenades. It is in this con
nection that the social chairman
of all campus living organiza
tions know her best.
Panhellenic affairs are hand
led through the office, and the var
ious letters which prospective rush
ees receive during the summer
come from her. She tries to asso
ciate the names with the faces as
soon as the girls arrive at Oregon,
but confesses that sometimes they
have been here for several months
before she completely places them.
Working with girls appeals to her
very much for she has two daugh
ters, one at Eugene High, and one at
Roosevelt Junior High. She has been
working in the Dean’s office since
two years ago last September, and
takes an active interest in all camp
us activities.
She describes the office as a gen
eral information bureau to answer
questions on nearly every phase of
college life from both students and
housemothers, with whom they
work closely at all times.
As Mrs. Wickham’s personal sec
retary she does all correspondence
for her, and all appointments to see
the Dean must be made through
She keeps files on all girls in
school, covering their scholarship,
and all activities as recorded in the
Emerald. Cards of ill students are
sent from the infirmary, and must
toe recorded also. All sign out slips
are issued by her, and the number of
miscellaneous items such as calling
is beyond count.
Despite the endless amount of
work involved, Mrs. Kopp sums up
her job as “exciting and lots of
Westminster To
Install Sunday
At the Sunday evening service,
Westminster will install new of
ficers. The new president is
Shirley Tonseth, a junior from
Alpha hall. Ben Lyon, a fresh
man from Tau Kappa Epsilon,
has been elected vice president.
The office of secretary was
gained by Mary Nelson, a junior
■ sociology major from Zeta Tau
Alpha. Mamie Chan has been re
elected treasurer of the group.
Mamie is a junior sociology ma
jor from Hendricks hall.
Dinner wlil be served at 5:15
p.m. followed by the installation
of officers which will replace the
regular Sunday evening forum.
Everyone is invited. Admission
for dinner is 40 cents.
Jobs Offered By
Employment Office
' There are some jobs for girls
who are willing to work evenings
at the drive-in-theater selling
cokes and ice cream. Pay is $1
per hour. If you are interested
contact Miss Sylvester at the em
ployment office in the YMCA
Plan Joint Meeting
The Lutheran Student associa
tion will meet jointly with Can
terbury club Sunday evening at
5:30 at St. Mary’s Episcopal
church. The meeting will begin
with the evening prayer followed
by dinner and a group discussion.
, The Lutheran students will meet
i first at Luther house at 5 p.m.
Shakespearean Actors
Give 'Macbeth' Emotions
By Barbara Hollands
Shakespeare’s immortal “Macbeth” lived, murdered, and died on
an improvised stage in Mac court Wednesday night when Margaret
.Webster’s Shakespeare company presented the drama before an audi
ence of more than 1200.
Proving that Shakespeare can be enjoyed and understood—as a
dramatist, rather than a hallowed curio—Miss Webster’s company of
22 actors and actresses breathed life, personality, and emotions into
the characters which ordinarily lie flat on the pages of text books.
The acoustics in Mac court made it difficult for part of the audience
to hear the actors effectively. A combination of loudspeakers and
echoes treated some spectators to a double.share of the lines, whereas
others were unable to hear at all.
Miss Webster was quoted as saying that Mac court had “no acous
tics,” and went on to explain that the stage area was limited by the
size of the curtains, which were transported from Johnson hall for
the production.
The company, however, is accustomed to all kinds of adverse con
ditions. Currently touring universities and colleges in more than 20
states, the group travels by bus and truck, which are especially con
structed to carry scenery and electrical equipment.
Used very effectively for all 15 scenes of the drama, the set was
composed of seven-foot steel poles connected with rods on which cur
tains were rolled up or down. Miss Webster paid special tribute to the
ten students who served as stage crew for the production, and to Wil
liam E. Schlosser and Gordon Erickson who supervised them.
“The group did a quick, efficient job of putting up our sets,” she
said, “and were very helpful in many ways.”
Heading the cast were Carol Goodner as Lady Macbeth, Joseph
Holland portraying Macbeth, and Alfred Ryder playing the role of
Malcolm. All are veterans of the American theater, Miss Goodner
having played in the Broadway production of “Blithe Spirit” and “The
Man Who Came To Dinner,” Mr. Holland being well remembered for
his appearance with Katherine Cornell in “Antony and Cleopatra,” and
Mr. Ryder for his role in Ibsen’s “Ghosts.”
It's Here-Splat
Water Guns Back
Scene in an isolated part of
the campus:
“Don’t shoot, I’m innocent, I
tell you—put that gun down—
help!!” pleaded the coed.
“So ya been out with my room
mate, eh ? Why you little two
faced so and so—take that!" he
growled pulling the trigger. She
A gushing stream of cold wa
ter shot out. against the girl’s
perspiring face. He got her.
Or try this one:
“An isolated band of guerrilla
warriors situated in the south
east corner of the ROTC drill
field reported today they were
holding their own against repeat
ed enemy attacks.
“The report said unless more
ammunition was supplied them
their pistols might run dry.”
Yes, the water pistol craze -has
Open warfare has been en
countered in certain parts of the
campus as well as sporadic fight
ing in all parts.
It looks like the days of Wild
West have returned. We can pic
ture al students, even the coeds
“carryin’ their shootin’ irons at
their sides. Them which can draw
the fastest live the longest. We
can even have our own versions
of “Dangerous Dan” and “Buf
falo Bill.”
Imagine it: “I reckon ya bet
ter reach for your guns, podner,
I'm gonna shoot it out with ya,”
Tex snarled.
Blazing crossfire — smoking
(or rather dripping) pistols—a
cowboy clutches his chest, and
topples to the floor. Tex is carv
ing another notch in his pistol.
Calamity Jane is fighting it
out with a tough band of high
waymen. With both guns blazing
she drops one off his horse. Then
another—and finally the rest run
off like a band of scared rabbits.
Calamity Jane then goes up to
her 10 o'clock class in*5iome eco
Perhaps the most dangerous
spot on the campus these days is
the Emerald shack. Drenched re
porters and editors are being
picked off like flies. Vicious war
riors are fiercely fighting it out
from behind upturned tables.
So if this last win'ter-term is
sue of the Emerald turns out all
wet, don’t be surprised.
University Okays
Radio Honorary
The student affairs committee,
notified officers of Kappa Rho Omi
cron, campus radio honorary, that
the organization’s constitution had
been approved and that the honor
ary is officially recognized.
Officers of the new organization
are Jay Ryerse, president; Margery
Truchon, vice-president; and Mary
Esther Brock, secretary-treasurer.
With Norm Lamb, member-at
large, these officers comprise the
executive council of the honorary.
Glen Starlin, associate professor of
speech, is advisor.
Sugar Plum Candy
63 E. Brdwy. 4128
Women’s Page
Fashion Foibles
By Maryfrau Lorain ami
Kay Kuckenherg
What is new this spring? What is being carried over from last year's
fashions? Here, taken from "Vogue's" current issue, is a list of their
views on "sprinf futures in fashions":
Short hair
Rounded shoulders
Flunging neckline
Snug torso
Coaxed waistline
Skirt lengths: from 13 to
inches from the floor
Flyaway coats
Body-line coats
Scatter pins
The shell shoe
Separates—for day, all-day
Coming In
Shorter and shorter hair
Longer Pearls
Butterfly jackets
The tilted sailor j
The dress-with-a-jackct
I-t The eoat-dress
The side sash
Polka dots in fresh quantity
Blond shoes—blonde stockings!
Instep straps
Flying collar, flying cuffs
This year, more than ever before coats are being designed to follow
the natural lines of the body. Worn more as costumes than coats, they
rivet attention to deeply curved waistlines, spreading skirts and up
lifting collars. In again, in the coat line, is the belted coat which is
cinched in as tight as a dress and has the advantage of giving one
the "nothing-at-all waist" look.
One of the most original designs being shown this season is the
“print dress-sweater-matching hat" ensemble. The dress, usually a
silk, is worn with a contrasting knit cardigan lined with material
matching that of the dress.
A hat, usually of the small scalloped choclie type that fits snugly
to the head, is also cut from the dress material. This type of out
fit, formerly only made to order, is now available to all who like to
dress smartly, simply and yet inexpensively.
You'll easily recognize the 1949 way-with-a-suit by the elaborate
system of satellites surrounding it: hats, scarves, jewelry, ideas, and
attitudes, revolving around each suit and changing it into a dozen' dif
ferent outfits.
Black dress suits can be dressed down by using gay scarves at the
heck; tweed and men's-wear may be dressed up with a tangle of pearls
or scatter pins. Time-of-day restrictions evaporate in the light of
these variants. Each suit has satellites that equip it for a full life.
Johnson Schedules •
Trip To Washington
Eldon Johnson, dean of the col
lege of liberal arts and graduate
school, will leave Saturday for
Washington, D. C. where he will
head a panel entitled “Government
As an Employer” at the annual con
ference of the American Society for
Public Administration.
The committee which Dean John
son heads is composed of the direc
tor of personnel of the Tennessee
Valley authority; the personnel of
ficer of the atomic energy commis
sion; a professor from Wayne Uni
versity; and director of personnel
of the State of Alabama; and the
president of the American Federa
tion of State, County and Municipal
Wesley Speaker •
Rev. Robert Burtner will speak
at Wesley house Sunday evening
at 6 p.m. 1
If your watch
Should somehow Fail,
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We Fix It Up
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Honest, modern furniture —
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