Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1949, Image 1

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Fiftieth Year of Publication and Sendee to the University
Millrace Future Looks Bright
Doggies Snubbed in New Play
. 'Decision' Different From Usual War Drama;
_ Story Concerned With Problems of Top Brass
“This play is different from the
. usual war drama,” said Bob Croi
sant, referring to the University
Theater production of “Command
- Decision,” which opens March 4.
“Concerned with the higher
brackets and what goes on in the
’ minds of the top brass, it’s a play
of the upper eschelons, and^not
the regular fighting men,” Bob
cast in the role of Brigadier Gen
eral Garnett, continued:
- "The story of a bomber outfit in
Engand, and of a general who was
forced to order his men on a sui
* cidal mission, "Command Decision”
opened on Broadway in 1947, and
played to sell-out crowds for a
year and a half.
“Garnett is sent out from Wash
ington to see how things are go
ing,” Bob went on. “He is a
haughty, above-it-all West Point
. general—the type that looks very
well on a parade ground, and
knows exactly what to say to the
secretary of the navy's wife.
“But his views on how to run a
war disagree sharply with those
of Dennis, the officer in command.
Garnett advises diplomacy—he be
lieves in keeping everyone happy,
whereas Dennis wants to get the
war over.”
“Command Decision” is Bob’s
first whack at the theater. A senior
in business administration, his
first .love is radio and he has been
very active in that field.
Tickets for the play, which is
under the direction of Mrs. Ottilie
T. Seybolt, are on sale now at the
box office in Johnson hall.
General Garnett in “Command
Decision” which opens on the
campus Friday evening. The
play is a war drama by William
Wister Haines.
Red Cross
Invade Side
. Minstrels joked their way
through The Side and Tayor’s yes
terday afternoon to get contribu
" tions for the Red Cross drive
which will continue throughout
the week on the campus. Tonight
over radio station HASH drive
leaders will be interviewed on the
t Mimi and Bob program.
The minstrels—Stan Clark, Tony
Jeremia, Fred Schneiter, Gordon
Marx—were under the supervision
of promotion chairman Norm Mor
_ rison. Morrison will also handle
the interviews of Sally Waller,
- drive chairman, Ray Heidenreich,
chairman of vets contributions, and
Donna Mary Brennan, in charge of
campus contributions, tonight.
. Highlight of the week-long drive
Will be a terrace dance Friday from
4 to 5 in front of the library. The
* dajjce will follow a short program
of entertainment.
Campus contributions are being
handled through a booth in the
„ Co-op, and by representatives of
the Red Cross in each living or
* ganization. Membership in the Red
, Cross costs $1, but every contribu
tion is welcomed by the organiza
tion and entities the donor to wear
the Red Cross button.
Council Okgys New
One-Way Streets
Last night’s decision by the
Eugene city council, to extend
' the one-way traffic grid system
and parking restrictions into the
vicinity of the campus, is no
cause for student alarm, as it
will affect campus parking and
traffic very little, according to
the police department.
The narrow sections of Alder,
Hilyard and Patterson streets,
between Eleventh avenue and
Broadway, will be restricted to
one-way traffic and no parking.
These streets are well off the
main campus, so the change will
affect chiefly mill-race residents,
and will not further complicate
on-campus traffic problems.
Tumbling Group
To* PerformF .Friday
Leo Harris, Oregon's athletic di
rector, has arranged for the Brem
erton, Washington, high school
girls’ tumbling team to perform
between halves of the final Oregon
home game Friday night against
Oregon State.
The high school tumbling group,
which is rated as tops in its field,
was booked by Harris for the
Washington series February 4, but
was not able to appear because of
bad weather and road conditions.
.Frosh Complete Dance Plans;
'Ball' to Follow UO-OSC Game
UO’s frosh council met last night
tc make final plans for the Basket
‘‘Ball,” to be held after the UO
_ DSC game Friday night.
Dance Chairman Dick McLaugh
lin promises a top-notch program
v for the event, which is to be held
in Gerlinger annex. Tickets will be
sold for 50 cents, and are avail
able through house frosh repre
sentatives and will also be sold at
the door of the dance.
Both Oregon and OSC students
have been invited to the dance,
which is the only class of ’52 activ
ity scheduled for this term.
Curtain Call
Oregon students and Eugene au
diences will tonight witness the
Margaret Webster Shakespeare
company’s production of "Mac
beth,” when the curtain in McAr
thur court goes up at 8:30.
Termed a “great and thrilling
theatrical adventure” by critics and
described as having “meaning and
clarity and cumulative force,”
“Macbeth” has been presented on
; university campuses in nearly 20
states since the company went on
tour last September.
Margaret Webster, one of the
finest directors in modern theater,
is also an authoress and an act
ress, as well as being Shakespeare’s
No. 1 huckster. She has been think
ing about this sort of a tour for at
least ten years, but only in the
spring of 1947 did she decide to
test the idea.
Enthusiastic responses from over
500 schools greeted her letters in
quiring about interest in Shake
speare done by a professional road
Heading the cast of 22 members,
who also present “Hamlet,” are Al
fred Ryder, Virginia McDowall,
Arthur O’Connell, and Norman Ro
land, all veterans of the dramatic
Tickets for the production are
on sale now at the box office in
Johnson hall, which is open from
10-12 and from 1-5. General admis
sion tickets, 60 cents for students
and $1.20 for adults will be sold at
the door tonight, beginning at 7:30.
Weather . . .
Partly cloudy with showers in
the morning. Rain later in the af
ternoon. High: 50.
SDX 'Shop Talk'
Set For Hennessy
Sigma Delta Chi members will
meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at
the College Side for a “shop
talk” session with Duane “Spike”
Hennessy, Tokyo war correspon
dent, who is speaking on the
campus tomorrow.
The professional journalism
group’s session will follow a 4
p.m. talk in room 105 McClure,
in which Hennessy will talk on
“The Last Time I Saw Tokyo.”
He was there 43 months as an
Associated Press correspondent.
ISA Move
By Parties
After a week of rumors and
hints resulting from last week's
explosive ISA meeting, three in
volved campus political personali
ties were asked by the Emerald for
statements concerning the situa
The controversy in question
flared when the ISA constitutional
committee proposed an amendment
to Thursday's senate meeting rec
ognizing the USA as “political in
strument of the independent stu
dents”—in effect removing the ISA
from campus politics. The amend
ment will be voted upon tomorrow
Freauff Speaks
Walt Freauff, USA president, ad
mitted he was “aware of an at
tempt to introduce the new reso
“Naturally, I’m very interested
in the proposed amendment,” he
said, "and I hope that it will pass.
I believe that it will enable closer
cooperation with the ISA on politi
cal matters, whereas in the past we
have had to regard the ISA as a
potential political opponent.
“This limited the extent we could
take the ISA into our confidence.
I am aware that if this amend
ment is passed the USA will rep
(Please turn to Page three)
Pipe Under
Fill Would
Allow Flow
A note of optimism came out of
last night’s meeting of the Mill
race association officers and the
city council committee on the race
Meeting with the city mayor, the
association officer and council
committeemen heard reports on
the drive for easements along the
Fennell Optimistic
“We are attempting to get all
easements in by March 16,” stated
Kieth Fennell, association officer.
“As yet we have no definite ‘no’s’,
and I am inclined to take an opti
mistic viewpoint on the situation.”
Fennell explained that if all
easements can be obtained by
March 16, water will be put in
the millrace in spite of the Koke
Chapman fill. Koke-Chapmam
have provided pipes under their
fill, which would allow race wa
ters to continue on their course.
The meeting cast an entirely new
light on the situation, which
seemed practically hopeless earlier
this week. ASUO President Bob
Allen had pointed out that the
Koke-Chapman fill might establish
a precedent, which would mean
that other fills would appear up
and down the race,'some with pro
vision for the water to pass, some
Co-operation Shown
"As the situation now stands,”
reported Fennell, “the easements
are coming along very well. We are
receiving excellent cooperation.”
He pointed out that easements'
along Franklin boulevard, which
had previously presented a block
to progress, are coming in as a re
sult of drives by association com
According to Fennell, there is
“no action proposed” against Koke
Chapman, local printers, who have
been filling the race in order to
build on the site.
Previously, the Millrace asso
(Please turn to page 2)
Dr. Wright Will Discuss
Churchill's Book Tonight
“The Gathering Storm,” the first volume of Winston Churchill’s .,
war memoirs, is the topic for discussion at tonight’s lecture-forum
in the library browsing room at 7:30. Dr. Gordon Wright, associate
professor of history, will be the speaker, and Mrs. Randall Mills, will
lead the question period after the lecture, according to Miss Bernice
Rise, head of circulation and readers’ consultant.
Dr. Wright, who teaches modern European history courses, has
worked in the U. S. department of state, and is the author of “Pierre
Poincare and the French Presidency” and “The Reshaping of French
The work to be discussed tonight is part of a proposed five-volumo
book on World War II. Some attention will also be given to the second
volume entitled “Their Finest Hour,” which is now being published
by Life Magazine.
Churchill calls the second world war an unnecessary war, and the
theme of "The Gathering Storm” is how the English-speaking peo
ples “through their unwisdom, carelessness, and good nature allowed
the wicked to rearm.” It covers the period from 1919 to 1939, and in
cludes chapters on the mistakes of the Allies after World War I, and
the rise and rearmament of the dictators.