Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    Today’s World
Dixie Senators Hope
To Save Filibuster
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28 (AP) —
Southern legislators opened a fili
buster to save the historic right ol
filibuster in the senate today aftei
President Truman himself signalled
a showdown to curb such talka
All senate legislative machinery
came to an immediate standstill. It
may remain blocked for weeks, so
long as Dixie orators hold the floor.
Mr. Truman told senate demo
cratic leaders to meet the issue
“Head - on’’ and Southern demo
crats quickly accept the challen
ge. Their first-day drive was short
lived, however, as the senate ad
journed at 5:14 p. m. until tomor
row. Then it will start again.
Clay Seeks to Retire;
Berlin Shake-up Due
BERLIN, Feb. 28 —-(AP)—Gen.
Lucius D. Clay said tonight he has
asked informally to be retired from
his duties as United States military
governor of Germany.
It appears likely there may be
a complete change in American
administration here by early
summer. Clay’s retirement would
certainly be followed by whole
sale resignations among the top
advisors in the military govern
Three generals have been men
tioned as possible successors. They
are: Gen. Mark Clark, former mili
tary governor of Austria; Lt. Gen.
Walter Bedell Smith, who has asked
to be relieved of his post as ambas
sador to Moscow, and Lt. Gen. Al
bert C. Wedemeyer.
Bulgarian Churchman
\dmit Guilt in Pleas
SC1FIA, Bulgaria, Feb. 28 (AP)—
Proceedings speeded up in Bulgar
ia’s spy trial today as five more
protestant churchmen pleaded guil
ty and asked for a chance to work
for the Communist-controlled gov
Their confessions were entered at
the rate of one every 45 minutes.
Eight defendants in all have en
tered pleas of guilty of charges of
spying for the United States and
Britain, treason and black market
money dealings since the trial be
gan Friday. Seven others still must
French Army Men
Arrested as Spies
PARIS, Feb. 28 — <AP)—1Two
French army officers have been
arested as communist spies and
one of them has confessed, the in
terior ministry said today.
Maj. Louis-Georges Teulrey, 37,
has admitted he delivered mili
tary secrets to a foreign power,
police said. The foreign govern
ment was not named, but the
semi-official French news agency
said it was “one of the popular de
mocracies.” Those are the words
with which communists describe
countries they control.
_abor Bill Amendment
LJnder Thomas Fire
The question of whether the Tru
man labor bill ought to be amend
ed "strategically” to win votes in
congress was discussed today by
secretary of labor Tobin and sena
tor Elbert Thomas (D-Utah).
Thomas, chairman of the sen
ate labor committee, arranged
the conference with Tobin after
the committee democrats talked
over what to do about amend
After the session with Tobin
Thomas told a reporter he still is
against offering any amendments
to the bill. Thomas declined to dis
cuss the reaction of Tobin.
War Trials Linguist
Visits at Kline Home
By Bob Funk
Currently visiting in Eugene is George Koontz, linguist, who
viewed the prosecution of Tojo and other major Japanese war crim
inals from a ringside seat.
Now staying at the home of Assistant Registrar J. D. Kline,
Koontz served during the months of the war trials as an administra
tive officer in languages division, chief of translators, and chief of
the document division.
In June, 1948, after service as chief of translators, Koontz be
came chief of the documents division.
Koontz points out that the chief obstacles in the prosecution of
the criminals were the almost insurmountable barrier of languages
and the difficulties in assembling sufficient evidence against the ac
cused. Many of the witnesses who appeared during the trials spoke
neither English nor Japanese.
General attitude of the Japanese people, Koontz noted, was "that
they had been misled by the militarists.”
"The Japanese showed a great deal of interest in the trial. They
seemed surprised when it was revealed to what extent atrocities had
been committed,” Koontz said.
Commenting on the behavior of the criminals during the trials,
Koontz said that in court, some of the defendants showed great in
terest, taking copious notes, especially Tojo. Others would doze off
during proceedings.
“Some of the Japanese people showed surprise at the way in
which the trial was conducted,” Koontz said.“They had assumed that
the victors would do as they pleased. The trial showed them that our
way of doing things gave the defendants every opportunity to prove
their innocence.”
Koontz questioned a number of suspects and witnesses, and found
them generally straightforward in their answers.
Sociology Students Start
Poll of Eugene District
Preliminary work, on a three
week poll of the fringe area of Eu
gene was started last week by ap
proximately 80 University sociol
ogy students, Walter T. Martin, in
structor in sociology and director
of the poll, said Monday. Prelim
inary returns are now coming in.
Areas to be covered extend to
the edge of Fern Ridge reservoir
to the west, nearly to Spencer's
butte and Goshen to the south, be
yond Santa Cara to the north, and
east of Springfield beyond Thurs
ton. The population covered by the
poll will include all family groups
in the uburban areas of Eugene
and Springfield.
America's sociologists have dis
covered that suburban areas just
outside the city limits are fastest
growing residential districts in the
United States. This survey is being
made because Eugene and Spring
field are reflective of this general
trend, Martin said.
Increasingly important in view of
Services to be Held
In Gerlinger Hall
Episcopal students will have a
special celebration of the Holy
Communion on Ash Wednesday,
March 2, at 7 a.m. in Gerlinger
hall. Students will use the Univer
sity street entrance.
mates, the Eugene-Springfield area
recent U.S. census bureau esti
is reflective of Oregon itself, which
has had a 49.3 per cent population
increase since 1940, and is the fast
est growing state in the union.
Completely objective and scien
tific in purpose, the survey is non
commercial in nature. Information
releases on the survey will contain
no individual names or addresses.
Instead, findings released to the
public or other agencies will deal
only with the suburban population
in general.
Student Gives
Sonata Recital
A program of sonatas written
by Scarlatti, Beethoven, and Hin
demith will be performed on the pi
ano by Maryen Roberts, sophomore
in music, in a student recital to
night, at 8 o’clock at the school of
music auditorium.
Included in the pianist’s program
will be Three Sonatas by Scarlatti;
Sonata, Op. Ill, in C minor by
Beethoven; and the Third Sonata
by Hindemith.
Miss Roberts is a member of the
campus chapter of Phi Beta, wom
en’s national professional speech
and music fraternity.
are a mark of the
well-dressed person.
Take advantage of our
Trial Official
.■■v % m
George Koontz, former head of
the document division at the Jap
anese war crimes trials, now vis
iting in Eugene.
Business Men Advised
Not to Cut Wages
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28 (APj —
One of President Truman’s top eco
nomic advisers said today business
men should “squeeze” margins1 of
profit rather than cut wages or
throw workers out of jobs.
'Y' Festival
Speaker for
Both serious and a light-hearted
moods pervaded last Saturday’s Y- *
WCA sponsored International Fes
tival activities.
Speaking on “Harvest and New *
Seed” at the festival luncheon held
at the Eugene hotel, G. Bernhard _
Fedde stated, “The seed which you
sow determines the kmd of harvest
you will be bound to reap.”
He emphasized the theory that
we can never be friends with the
other countries of the world unless *
we use “reconciliation and love” in
stead of hatred and revenge in our
relations with them. “You don’t'
fight ideas with weapons, you fight
ideas With ideas,” said Fedde.
Slides taken by Fedde during his
work with the American Friends
Service in Germany were shown »
during-his.taiki He used these slides
to illustrate some of the “good
seed” that is being sown in Europe *
today by various relief organiza
tions working there.
Songs and dances performed by
brightly costumed members of
freshmen YWCA commissions were .
presented.ata silver tea in Gerling
er’s Alumni, hall following the lun
Included m the tea program were
Mexican,^Norwegian, Russian, and
Philippine island numbers.
: .
To Serve Oregon Students
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We Give Green Stamps
Roy Copping
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