Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 16, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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    Dismissed OSC
(Continued from page one)
cepted and endorsed. Such is the
case at OSC.
3. The code also distinguished be
tween continuous and temporary or
short term appointment. Providing
a man is serving under continuous
appointment it is customary that
he not be dismissed pending a hear
The national code provides that
“termination of a temporary or
short term appointment should al
ways be possible at the expiration
of the term by mere act of giving
timely notice of the desire to termi
nate.” There is not nbw pending any
case of dismissal of any teacher on
continuous appointment at OSC.
4. The decision as to whether or
not termination of a temporary ap
pointment may be linked to the aca
demic freedom question is one that
can be decided only by enlightened
opinion. Ill-informed sentiment,
narrow prejudice and partisan bit
terness makes such deliberations
difficult if not possible. The results
are almost always harmful to aca
demic freedom and detrimental to
the individual.
The statement was signed by
Paul X. Knoll, acting president of
the OSC chapter of the AAUP and
Dr. Ralph Colby, chairman of the
chapter committee on academic
La Vallee has been an assistant
professor of economics at OSC since
the spring of 1947 and Spitzer has
been an associate professor of
chemistry since August, 1946.
Applications Ready
Applications for Spring Intra
mural sports, including softball,
tennis, and golf, are now available
at the Men’s PE Building. These are
to be signed and turned in as soon
as possible.
By A1 Pietscnman
After seeing preliminary re
sults of a coed cosmetic survey
of Oregon girls, we cannot help
but print some of the startling
figures that the survey shows.
Did you know that only 90 per
cent of the girls on the campus
use toilet soap? Shades of Aunt
Matilda! Not 100 per cent use
soap. We would never have be
lieved it unless we saw it on pa
You are skeptical? Well, here
is something to substantiate the
‘‘no-soap" claim: 97.74 per cent
of the girls interviewed (some
19) use a deodorant. Hmm, more
girls use deodorant than soap!
And a hint to men—the girls
that use deodorant wear lipstick!
At least that is what the figures
show because exactly the same
percentage, 97.74 per cent use
lipstick. What about the gals that
don’t wear lipstick? Hmmm?
Fellows, don't believe all that
you see. It ain’t so. We mean eye
lashes, of course. 76 per cent of
the girls nse mascara! And here
we have thought all along that
those dark fluttering lashes were
true color.
Another set of figures that
cause us to chuckle. Only 65.4 per
cent of the girls use bath soap but
70 per cent use bath powder. Hey,
wait a minute, there’s something
funny in those figures, but no,
that is what stark, cold figures
Well, men, if you still have
faith in women kind, hasten to
Portland and get your diamond
from Carl Greve, Jeweler. "Yes,
you will be proud to say it came
from Carl Greve."
P.S. Anyone finding a green
Shaeffer pencil with our name on
it please call 940. Reward. (Paid
Eat a Dozen Burgers, Get 'Em Free...
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 15—(AP)—Charles Posner, 24, University
of Southern California junior, opined today he is the “world’s inter
collegiate hamburger eating champion.”
It was dull at the frat house last night until somebody thought of
the little cafe with the sign:
“Eat a Dozen Burgers and Get ’Em Free.”
Mayonnaise oozing to the left and onions to the right, Posner
chomped through 13.
Anthropology Department
To Travel to Reservation
Dr. L. S. Cressman, head of the
anthropology department, has an
nounced that an eight-week sum
mer field session on the Klamath
Indian reservation in Eastern Ore
gon will be held starting June 21.
The work, which will carry twel
ve term hours of University credit,
is an integrated part of the summer
session program. Work will be at
both the undergraduate and gradu
ate levels. Applicants must have
completed one year’s work in an
thropology at the time of registra
tion and furnish a letter of recom
mendation from the head of his de
partment. Registration is open to
both men and women.
The field work will be divided in
to two sections; the larger group
will do archeology under the direc
tion of Dr. Cressman and a small
selected party, supervised by Dr.
Theodore Stern, assistant professor
munity analysis.
of anthropology, will work in cul
tural anthropology, probably com
The summer session fee is $50.
Mess expenses will be about $65 to
Discussion Aired
The Lane County Forum of the
Air will meet with Mrs. Turnip
seed’s class Wednesday evening at
Friendly house at 7:30 p. m. Their
discussion of the topic “Religious
Education in the Public Schools”
will be broadcasted on a local radio
station. The public is invited to at
Registration Ends
Advising certificates, class and
department okays must be secured
by Saturday noon, according to a
reminder issued by the office of
Registrar Clifford Constance yes
Fees will be collected in the busi
ness office, Emerald hall, until next
Saturday, February 26.
don’t have your size, we will
make if for you.
$70, payable in part upon accept
ance of application and the balance
at registration; the exact amount
will be determined later. Students
who qualify for G.I. benefits may
register under these provisions for
this course. Following registration
at the University June 21, the party
will proceed to the field camp the
next day.
Innoculation against rocky
mountain spotted fever, typhoid
and tetanus is required. Certificate
of innoculations will be required for
registration. Further information
of the session may be obtained by
writing to Dr. Cressman at the de
partment of anthropology.
Gay Evening Booked
■ Deutsch Gesellschaft, the Univer
sity German Club, will sponsor a
“Bunter Abend”, German for a gay
evening, Thursday from 7 to 10:30
at the YMCA.
Dancing of the schottische and
folk dances will be included on the
program along with songs of Franz
Lehar done by music students.
Ellen Leibe, Howard Bailey and
Anders Laurene are in charge of ar
rangements. Dorothea L. Scott, in
structor in German, is adviser of
the club.
Mary had a little lamb. The doc
tor was flabbergasted.
To keep your car in top
condition. Have it checked often
by expert mechanics at
11th and Hillyard
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
Buy tickets now, girls
at your living organizations.
Buy tickets now
or the Co-op