Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 15, 1949, Page 4, Image 4

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    Ducklings Prepare For
Weekend Tilts; Hunt,
Clausen Pace Scoring
The Oregon Ducklings, back on
the victory wagon again, are pre
paring for another pair of tough
teams next Friday and Saturday
when they tangle with Roseburg
high and Portland's Frosh, respec
The frosh collected two more
wins last weekend, bringing their
season's record up to an 11-won
3-lost mark. The- victims were
Medford, Friday night, 44-3G, and
Marshfield, Saturday night, 54-49.1
Marshfield's Pirates, short on
height but long on ability and
teamwork, appeared on their way
to upending Don Kirsch’s team
early in the Saturday game and led
at the first period mark, 14-13.
After that, however, Frosh
Guard Ken Hunt, ex-Marshfield
luminary, began working on his
former mates with a vengeance and
sank shots from all over the floor
to lead the Ducklings to victory.
Hunt sank 19 points during the
evening’s festivities, while team
mate Bob Gilbert was scoring 10.
In Friday night's Medford game it
was also Hunt who took scoring
honors with 13, Center Clancy
Hultgren getting 11.
IM Basketball
Winners Confer
There will be an important meet
ing of all Intramural basketball lea
gue winners Friday, February 19,
at 9 a. m. in the Men's PE Building.
Each house is to send a team man
ager or representative to the meet
The list of winning teams is as
follows: Theta Chi, Phi Delta The
ta, Sigma Chi, Lambda Chi, Delta
Tau Delta, McChesney Hall, Fiz
zeds, Phi Sigma Kappa, Alpha Tau
Omega, Sigma Alpha Mu, Nestor
Sigma Chi Defeats
Beta in Handball
In the only handball games played
yesterday in the Intramural league
Sigma Chi whitewashed Beta Theta
P:. 3-0.
Forward Bill Clausen, who has
been a steady scorer as of late, is
now tied for Duckling point-mak
ing laurels with Hunt, both of
whom have 102 points.
Guard Bill Korpela, former As
torian, is holding down the number
three spot with 73 points, while
Jim Vranizan, who has missed sev
eral ball games, is next with 70.
Dons Boast Potent Lineup;
Neeley Back to Bolster Ducks
Order of 'O' Gathers
At Phi Delts Today
There will be an Order of O meet
ing: this noon at the Phi Delta The
ta house. All members are asked to
be there. Important information
will be given out by President Rog
er Wiley.
Swimming Team Girds
For Two Duel Meets
With Coach John Borcharilt
cracking' the whip over them this
past week, the Varsity Aquaducks
have shown marked improvements
in performances and it is well that
they have for they are up for dou
ble duty this weekend against Ida
ho on Friday and Washington State
on Saturday.
Leading the way on the improved
list is Sophomore Louis Santos, who
started out the year rather poorly
as compared to his times as a year
Santos to Press Leaders
However, Santos has now come
down, has surpassed his best times
for last year, and bids fair to give
the best in the conference a rough
lace for sprints honors for the rest
of the season.
Senior Bob Hiatt has also shown
considerable improvement since
the Husky meet in Seattle.
He looks as though he might
show some of the class which made
him such a highly rated distance
swimmer in the pre-war days.
Meets Stiff Competition
He will face the two most im
proved swimmers in the ND this
coming weekend when he meets
Jim Farmer from Idaho and By
Canning from Washington State
on succeeding days.
The fine improvement of George
Batch in the sprints has been noth
ing short of sensational.
Baleh is a junior but lacks ex
perience and water know-how.
Pushes Record
Also on the marked improve
ment list is Stan Hargraves who,
during the past week, has been
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consistently pushing the ND rec
ord in the 180-yard individual med
ley, set by Earl Walter in the OSC
meet earlier this year.
Yesterday in the men’s pool
George Moorhead finally hit his
stride for the first time this sea
If this improvement continues
along with the rest of the team the
Ducks’ future will look much
Nekota Shapes Up
Tom Nekota is also shaping up
nicely in the sprint department
and his improvement has meant
new hope for the Ducks in their
quest for some ND laurels.
Kod Harmon, Jim Stanley, Wil
lie McCullough, Art Bayly and
Earl Walter have also shown some
improvement along with the gen
eral trend.
All of which, of course, gives the
Aquaducks the better opportunity
to upset the favored Cougars and
Applications Available
For Participation
In Spring Sports
Applications for participating in
any of the spring intramural sports
are available now. They should be
signed and returned as soon as
Webfoot hopes for the coming
San Francisco series this weekend
took a turn for the better when
lias marked the rise of Dale War
berg-, 6 ft., 2 in., Duck sub for
ward, in the cage ranks, and the
big fellow figures to give San
Francisco quite a bit of trouble
here this weekend.
regular guard Johnny Neeley
showed up at practice yesterday in
good shape. <\
The slim sophomore, who was
able to play but little against
Washington State, took part in *
light warm-up drills, along with the
other regulars, during the brief
However, even with Neeley at
his best, the Ducks will have a '
rough weekend ahead of them. The
visiting Dons have lost only four ,
games while winning 19, and they
have met some-rough teams during
the season. *
The visitors boast a well-rounded
club, paced by the scoring of for
ward Don Lofgran and pivotman
Joe McNamee. The two regular
guards, Rene Herrerias and Ross -
Guidice, are both good ball-hand
lers and fast.
The other starter, forward John
Benington, ranks third in scoring
and helps Lofgran and McNamee, m
both of the latter standing 6-foot
6, under the backboards.
Coached by Pete Newell, the *
USF team has knocked over such
opposition as California, Kansas m
State, North Carolina State, La
Salle, CCNY (twice), Bradley, San
ta Clara and St. Mary’s. *
Their only losses are to Bradley,
in a return engagement last Fri
day, and three PCC Southern Di
vision teams, Stanford, USC and
The only previous meeting be
tween the two quintsjwas last yeat',
when the Webfoots won out 48-46. »
However, every man from that
USF squad is still around while the j
Webfoots have lost several of last *
season’s stars.
Roger Wiley still remains as the .
top point producer of the Northern
Division, tallying up 177 points in
12 games. His closest rival is Bill *
Vandenburgh of Washington with
140 in 12 tilts. 4
Wiley’s average per game of 14.8
is also high in the circuit. Trailing
the Webfoot ace in this department •
is Eddie Gayda with 11.8, narrow
ly beating out Vandenburgh who
has 11.7.
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