Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 04, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Would Make Everybody Happy
The junior college issue is in the spotlight again. A bill in
troduced in the Oregon house Monday would make Vanport
college extension center in Portland a permanent junior col
Introduction of this bill throws a different light on the state
board’s decision concerning the issue. In its report issued last
week, the state board advised against the establishment of a
junior college at present, citing the need for emergency con
struction on other campuses. The board felt that present needs
should be met before any new projects were undertaken.
The new bill, which was introduced by Portland^Republi
can Rudie Wilhelm, Jr., would authorize the state board of
higher education to spend $1,200,000 to get a permanent build
ing for the school. It could either build or buy.
No decrease in other building activities is proposed as in
the bill introduced by Senator Richard L. Newberger. His bill
for a junior college in Portland would halt building on other
campuses until the Portland school is completed.
Portland needs a junior college. Oregon’s present state in
stitution campuses need immediate improvements. With the
introduction of the new bill, the problem for both sides can be
solved. Building on present sites would proceed as per sched
ule and the junior college, now Vanport college extension cen
ter, would be established on a permanent basis.
Students at Vanport indicated their approval of the idea.
John Kelly, student council representative, appeared before the
Portland city council Wednesday asking that the city council
approve the establishment and maintenance of Vanport as a
permanent junior college. The students estimate that this
move would result in an approximate saving of 50 per cent
' for themselves and the tax payers.
Continuance of Vanport as a junior college would be a def=
1 inite step forward in Oregon education. With the increased en
rollment in the state system schools, it would help relieve the
crowded conditions.
The junior college would give Portland students who could
not afford to go to an out of city state institution or a private
' Portland school, a chance to have two years of college and an
opportunity to live at home and work at the same time. D.D.
With the Legislators
A proposed constitutional
amendment to abolish the death
penalty in Oregon was introduced
* yesterday by the senate state af
fairs committee.
The measure was requested by
fhe Oregon Prison association and
six other organizations.
* * >:••
The governor’s emergency pow
- er bill was back in the senate
■utilities committee yesterday af
ternoon after a maze of parlia
mentary maneuvering in both
The bill, which would let the
governor declare an emergency
during a power shortage and let
the public utilities commissioner
allocate power, bad been approved
unanimously by the senate and 47
. to 9 by the house.
The utilities committee will
consider objections to the bill by
people's utility districts and the
....Reynolds Aluminum company.
The PUD’s don't want any state
regulation, and the Reynolds
company fears it might lose some
of its power to the private power
' .companies.
The house wanted to work the
bill over, too, but the senate had
ji priority since it is a senate bill.
Senator Morse tR-Ore) de
' dared in the tumultuous senate
Habor Committee session Thurs
day that the administration labor
bill “hasn't a ghost of a chance"
;is it is now written.
Morse said ‘.'a lot of compro
mises must be made," and added:
, “Labor is not going to write
"this ticket. I< is going to be writ
ten by the counting' noses in the
Senate. The votes are not there
today to pass this bill.”
For more than two hours, the
senators had engaged in hot ar
gument over the measure.
Across the capitol, meantime, a
resolution to repeal the Taft
Hartley law and reinstate the old
Wagner Labor Relations act with
out any changes was approved 7
to 5 by a house labor subcommit
Hep. Kelley (D-Pa.) subcom
tee chairman, said it will be
considered by the full committee
some time next week. The sub
committee vote was on straight
party lines.
The subcommittee said:
“The most feasible approach in
repealing the Taft-Hartley law is
to incorporate an outright repeal
bill with a provision restoring the
Wagner act in one bill, and then
a subsequent measure using the
old Wagner act as the basic law
for amendments.”
* ¥ *
President Truman expressed
opposition yesterday to the ex
emption of any departments or
agencies if congress gives him
authority to reorganize the gov
He told a news conference he
thought the president’s hands
should not be tied by any exemp
His remarks were prompted by
a question as to whether he
agreed that the Interstate Com
merce commission, the Federal
Communication commission, the
Securities Exchange commission
and the Federal Reserve should
be exempted.
From Our Mailbag
Letters to the Editor __
To the Editor:
It is interesting to note the kind
of unsigned letters sent to the ed
itor. There is ofen ample reason
for the author to feel ashamed.
Others appear to have no reason
for shame.
Admitting the real possibility
that Mr. Kane’s reasoning may
be somewhat faulty, there is ab
solutely no excuse for the kind of
raking over which he has been
getting. It seems to be a favorite
trick of some to attempt to dis
credit a man’s basic idea by ex
tending some of his example to
asinine lengths, by the use of
heavy sarcasm, and by uncompli
mentary remarks.
Name calling doesn’t do any
good; it not only shows lack of
good taste on the writer’s part,
but it clouds the issue.
The question of freedom of
thought in academic circles (or
anywhere else for that matter) is
an extremely delicate problem to
which there is no easy answer.
Whether or not a person is fit
to teach in an institution of high
er learning or, more explicitly,
whether or not he has a right to
citizenship in this country can in
part be answered by a question so
well put by Mr. Kane a week or
so ago: namely, Will he or will he
not fight on our side in the event
of a war with Russia?
Obviously, to determine the an
swer to this question is the catch.
There are a number of ways of
By Tom Marquis
Television seems'to be given a
a new lease on popularity to stars
of the silent and early talking pic
tures. Leading in informal popu
larity polls at
the present time
is the screen’s
greatest lover,
Rudolph Valen
The American
Broad casting
company first
televised an old
Valentino epic,
“The Eagle,”
last September.
Audience re
sponse was so
great that the movie was repeat
ed in October. Recently another
of the Latin lovers films, and per
haps his most famous one, “Son
of the Sheik,” was televised.
Time marches on, but love and
lovers never die (unless they stay
out too long on these winter
nights and freeze to death.)
Pychologically this is probably
the wrong time of the year to
take up this next item, what with
mid-terms and all. But maybe it
will prove of value to English
Beginning on Sunday February
6, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
PST, the National Broadcasting
company will begin the presen
tation of a chronological survey
of English and American novels.
These broadcasts are in connec
tion with the NBC University of
the Air, which has arranged with
several of the country's univer
sities to offer instruction and
study for credit via the airlanes.
Washington State College is the
member of the plan representing
the Pacific Northwest.
First in the novel series will be
“Gulliver’s Travels,” which will
star Henry Hull, of the screen and
stage, as the intrepid traveler.
This initial presentation will be
followed by “Tom Jones,” “Pride
and Prejudice,"and a host of oth
er novels important in the devel
opment of our Anglo-American
literary heritage.
A total of 17 such books will be
presented in the period from Feb
ruary 6 to May 29. Those interest
ed in the complete list of drama
tizations and the dates on which
they will appear may find such in
formation posted on the English
office bulletin board in Friendly
Voices as smooth as that of
John Nesbitt will seldom be found,
in radio or anywhere else.
The twentieth century Demos
thenes, characterized as “Amer
ica’s foremost teller of tales,”
brings his “Passing Parade” to
the air every weekday afternoon
from 4:30 to 4:45 p.m., PST, over
station KORE.
Long known for his outstand
ing movie short subjects, Mr.
Nesbitt is no less effective in his
radio role. His stories of the
strange and unusual make good
listening anytime.
“Sally sent her picture in to the
lonesome heart club. But they
sent it back. Said they weren’t
that lonesome.”
“Then I invited Sally to go out
with me and she retired to her
boudoir to powder her face. She
must have used gunpowder—her
complexion was all shot.”
Don’t blame me—these yaks
courtesy of ABC’s “Curt Massey
Oregon HEmerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays,
Mondays. holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University ot
Oregon Subscription rates: $2.00 per term and $4.00 per year. Entered as second-class matter
it the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
BILL YATES. Editor VIRGIL TUCKER, Business Manager
Bob Reed, Managing Editor Tom McLaughlin, Ass t. Bus. Mgr.
Associate Editors: June Goetze, Boblee Brophy, Diana Dye, Barbara Heywood
Advertising Manager: Joan Minnaugh
Stan Turnbull, News Editor Don Smith, Ass’t Managing Editor
Tom King, Sports Editor Ann Goodman, Ass’t. News Editor
Dick Cramer, Sports Editor
Tom Marquis, Radio Editor
Helen Sherman, Circulation Mgr. Virginia Mahon, Assistant Adv. Mgr. 1
Eve Overbeck. Nat’l Adv. Mgr. Donna Brennan, Asst. Adv. Mgr.
Bill Lemom, Sales Manager * Jack Schnaidt, Asst. Adv. Mgr. ]
Leslie Tooze, Assistant Adv. Mgr. ■.
Cork Mobley, Assistant Adv. Mgr. J
finding an indication. The an
swers to a number of questions of
the following type will serve to
indicate the answer:
Does he follow the communist
trends as indicated by Moscow or
are his beliefs independent of Rus
sian acrobatics?
Does he believe in the immedi
ate or eventual overthrow of our •
government, by force if necessary,
or does he believe that any
change must come gradually
through the due processes already
set up in our country?
Does he seek to destroy the ba
sic ideas behind our form of gov
ernment or does he believe that
they are intrinsically right?
There appear certain difficul
ties the most obvious of which is
that the answers must be arrived
at by observation rather than di
rect questioning.
In defense of University of
Washington President Allen, I
might suggest that a careful in
vestigation will show that a Rus*
sian communist is incompetent to
teach the truth because he is psy-.
chologically incapable of teaching
the truth. In other words, wheth— r
er he knows it or not, in order for«
him to hold to the Russian com
munist line, he is literally forced
to distort his impressions of his
surrounding and to admit of no
other possible ideologies.
I have found it necessary to
make a distinction by using the
term “Russian communist.” I feel
that a man might very well be
called a “communist” because of
certain views he holds and yet be
perfectly loyal to the American
way of life.
In conclusion I believe that a
man should be free to expound
any idea that he wishes so long
as he presents it as his own opin
ion and does not insist that his
students think and believe as he
Or has our educational system
so decayed that our young men
and women are no longer suffi
ciently aware of the basic Ameri
can ideals to be able to success
fully meet and answer contrary
and harmful ideologies.
Robert M. Noller
Fire Sidnleedi
By Altercation
BAKER, Feb. 3—(.AP)—Fires
and feudin’ are taken in stride at
Halfway, Ore.
A dance was in progress there
at the community hall Saturday
night when a fire broke out
around the flue of the main stove.
At the same time two of the lo
cal swains were engaged in a
physical altercation caused by
some mutual problem.
Like they do during major
catastrophes, the music kept
playing, the couples went on
dancing, and the fisticuffs con
tinued unabated—while the fire
was extinguished with minor
The reason the news didn’t get
to the outside until now was be
cause up there they figured the
evening was uneventful.
Collier Appointed
Chief Night Editor
Warren Collier, junior in journal
sm, has been appointed chief night
iditbr of the Emerald.
Other students appointed as win
er term night editors are Bob
3owns, Lorna Larson and Betty