Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 04, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    Our Child Care
Topic Presented
By Lecturer
In bringing up children, you
want to “accentuate the positive,
eliminate the negative," said Mrs.
Jack Stafford, a Vassar graduate
in child study who spoke on. “Liv
ing with Children” at the YMCA
last evening. Her talk was the
fourth and last in a marriage se
ries sponsored by the YW-YMCA.
Mrs. Stafford, a small, dark wo
man, whose own avid interest in
her topic was readily relayed to
her audience, quoted as the thesis
of her speech:
“A child needs love, needs per
sonal attention, needs to feel that
he belongs.”
When is the time to have chil
dren ? was one of the problems pre
sented. Don’t wait till you can “af
ford” it—You’ll never be able to.
Don’t wait until you regard just
you and your mate as “the family.”
Don’t wait till you are so old you
are an old “fuddy-duddy” when
your children are adolescents.
Space Children
While, physiologically, pregnan
cy is best for a woman five to
eighteen months after a previous
birth, it is better to space one’s
children a little farther apart to
allow for more individual atten
According to eugenics each fam
ily should have 2.62 live babies to
maintain the present population,
which means that some families
should have three, four and five
children to make up for those who
are physically unable to have any.
Large Family Advantages
Some of the advantages the
speaker attributed to large fami
lies were: practice the children
have in getting along with others;
the chance that the child is less
likely to be spoiled; the care of
each other which the children
learn; the economic saving in
baby’s equipment which can be
passed on from one child to the
next. Advantages were also given
for small families: they are cheap
er; children in small families are
less likely to be ignored; the hus
band-wife relationship is not as
likely to be jeopardized; the par
ent-child relationship is closer.
In integrating family life, ev
eryone must have time to do the
things he wants. Consideration
must be given for such things as
radio programs, and the family
should do things as a group—such
as going to the beach* playing
games together. Family sentimen
tality, family traditions, the cele
brating of birthdays were urged
for their stabilizing effects.
Learn Care of Child
Without sufficient time to devel
op her sub-topics of “religious
training” and “punishment and re
ward,” Mrs. Stafford closed by
urging the reading of Gazell’s book,
“Infant and Child in Cultures of
Today,” and by pointing out that
the best way to learn to care for
children is through actual experi
ence with them—such as baby-sit
ting, and, with an open mind, to
seek the best advice concerning
them, watch the behavior of other
children, and to read articles per
taining to children in the periodi
WAA Breakfast Hike
Tennis Head Chosen
Naomi Loron has been chosen
chairman of the tennis intramurals
held for spring term. Naomi is a
sophomore in liberal arts and has
been active in WAA functions.
Former Instructor
Donates Collection
Miss Celia V. Hager, former fac
ulty member of Oregon, donated a
large collection of classical records
to the University of Oregon, it was
announced by Carl Hintz, head li
“The collection is not only of high
value,” said Hintz, “but is also large
enough to keep the most ardent mu
sic fan busy for weeks.”
Miss Hager gave the library nine
ty-seven albums and 182 single rec
ords, a total of 590 records. Some of
the older ones include performers
such as Caruso. Tetrazini, and Pad
erewski. They will be added to the
Douglas Room, and some of the
records will be placed in the circu
lation collection now being formed.
Music Alumnae
To Give Concert
Alumnae of Mu Phi Epsilon, mu
sic honorary, and their chapter on
the campus, will present their an
nual spring- concert Tuesday, Feb
ruary 8, at the school of music audi
torium, at 8:00 p.m., Mrs. Frances
Pickett, announced today.
The concert, a benefit for the
scholarship fund of Mu Phi Epsilon,
will provide money to aid deserving
young musicians of their training,
Mrs. Pickett explained.
Miss Shirley Gay Williams, this
year’s winner of the Mu Phi Epsi
lon scholarship, will appear on the
program. Other Mu Phi Epsilon
members who will take part include
Nell Murphy Dickson, Kathryn As
ay, Marjory Scobert Wilson, and
Phyllis Gray Knox, pianists; Molly
Bob Hardin, Wanda K. Eastwood,
and Connie Elkins, violinists; Doris
Calkins, harpists; Dorothy French,
contralto; Margaret Holm and Bar
bara McMilan, sopranos. Keith
Cockburn, cellist, Paul Stofft, viola,
and Albert Marshall, flutist, will as
sist the group in an ensemble num
I/O Dime Drive
Called Success
Results of the Alpha Phi Omega
March of Dimes drive show that
UO students added $527.41 to the
total amount of the Lane county
Although the drive officially end
ed last Saturday, some containers
have not yet been turned in. Living
organizations which have not yet
turned in their donations should
contact Joan Mimnaugh, collection
chairman, at the Pi Beta Phi house.
According to Helen Sherman, as
sistant drive chairman, final results
will probably show that at least a
dime per student was contributed.
“The drive has been very suc
vessful,” observed Miss Sherman,
“considering that students have
had to contribute to so many things
this term.
Music Honorary
Pledges Five
Formal pledging began for five
new pledges of Pi chapter of Phi
Beta, women's national profession
al fraternity of music and speech,
in ceremonies last night at the Al
pha Gamma Delta sorority house.
New pledges are Leona Ander
son, Carol Ann Cleaver, Barbara
Detrick, Dolores Kletzing and Sue
Entertainment was given by fall
term pledges and refreshments
were served.
Outing Club Slates
Hike for Sunday
An Outing club breakfast hike
to Hendricks park is planned for
Sunday, Feb. 6, according to Hazel
Peterson, president of the Outing
club. All girls interested are invit
The group will meet in front of
Gerlinger at 7 a.m. Comfortable
hiking clothes are in order.
• Breakfast
• Lunch
• Dinner
• and after the game snacks
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Proposed Truman-Stalin Meeting
Arouses Soviet Press, Radio
I MOSCOW, Fob. 3— (AP)-1The (
Soviet press and radio told the Rus
sian people today of Prime Minis
ter Stalin’s statement yesteiuuy
about a meeting with President
Truman, but no mention was made
of Secretary of State Dean Ache
son’s statement in answer.
The Russian newspapers also
played prominently a dispatch un
der a Paris dateline which in turn
quoted a Washington report that
President Truman and Acheson had
conferred for 40 minutes monday
on Stalin's original statement that
he had no objection to meeting with
the president.
The press again devoted a larg
amount of space to reaction fron
abroad on Stalin’s original state
One dispatch said his answer
had created “complete confusion ii
the camp of the imperialists.” An
other said the answers were ai
“exploding bomb” in the camp o
“the warmongers, creating a com
plete panic.”
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