Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 01, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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(Notices for Campu* Calendar should be turned
in, in typewritten form, to the Emerald News Edi
tor's office by 3 p.m. of the day preceding publica
tion. Notices will not be accepted on Saturdays or
YWCA Meeting
The senior executive committee
of the YWCA will hold a dinner
meeting at 5:30 Wednesday to dis
cuss nominations for cabinet posi
tions, announced Laura Olson,
president of the Y.
Christian Science
Christian Science organization
will meet tonight at 7:45 in the
YWCA. All persons connected with
the University are invited to at
Christian Fellowship
Warren Webster, senior in social
science, will speak at the meeting
of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellow
ship tonight at 7 in the dining room
of John Straub hall.
Webster, who has been promi
nent on campus religious groups
for the past four years, will
speak on “The Dunamais of God—
a World Shaking Potential.” The
meeting will be informal, and all
interested students are invited to
YWCA Meeting
A coffee meeting of the interna
tional affairs committee of the
YWCA will be held Wednesday at
6:45 at the Zeta Tau Alpha house,
announced Marge Petersen and
Amy Lou Ware, co-chairmen of the
All foreign students and mem
bers of the committee are urged to
attend to discuss plans for the In
ternational Festical, the chairman
She’s so dumb she thinks Chase
and Sanborn are wolves because
they date every bag.
UJdlTinG PflPfR
150 Singlo Shoot*
ond 75 Envolopo*
75 Doublo Shoot*
ond 75 Envolopo*
75 Lorgo Flat
and 50 Envolopo*
U of O Co-op
Dads' Day Activities
(Continued from page one)
originality. The signs must be two
dimensional and cost no more than
Judging of the signs will take
place Friday at 4 p. m. and the
award winners announced at the
game that night. Alpha Phi won the
cup last year.
The winner of the most dads con
test will be decided on a proportion
al basis, depending on the number
of students in the house, according
to Shan Trebe, chairman of the
Last year Delta Delta Delta and
Sigma Alpha Epsilon took first
place awards. It was the third win
for the Tri Delts and they were al
lowed to keep the cup, so this year
a new one will be awarded.
IRC Hears Wright
At Westminster
Recent developments in French
politics will be the subject of Gor
don Wright’s talk to the Interna
tional Relations club at 7:30 to
night in Westr.iinster house.
Wright, professor of history, was
third secretary to the American
Embassy in France following the
Tonight’s IRC meeting is open to
the public.
State Hooch Board
Maintains Policy
PORTLAND, Jan. 28 — (AF)—
Oregon’s new state liquor commis
sioners, meeting for the first time
today, announced they would con
tinue present policies for the time
Chairman Carl W. Hogg, Salem,
W. A. Spangler, Klamath Falls, and
Richard W. Reeij, Euegne, posted
bond and then heard administrator
William H. Hammond outline com
mission procedures.
Hammond reported a 90-day liq
uor supply, worth about $10,000,000
now on hand. Sales, he said, aver
age $3,300,000 monthly.
'Pardoner's Tale'
Will Be Read
“The Pardoner’s Tale” will be
read by Dr. Philip W. Souers, head
of the English department, this
afternoon in the library browsing
room from 4 until 5.
“The story is taken from Chau
cer’s ‘Canterbury Tales,’ a collec
tion of stories written in the four
teenth century,” said Dr. Souers.
"Chaucer is rated by many along
with Shakespeare and Milton. Like
Shakespeare, he has a universal
appeal because of his keen wit and
understanding of human nature.”
WAA Carnival Plans
Approved By Board
The meeting of the house repre
sentatives for the WAA carnival
resulted in the acceptance of the
following themes: “Telegraph,”
Chi Psi, Theta Chi, Gamma hall;
“Popcorn,” Chi Omega, Cherney
hall; “Peek-A-Boo-Schmoo,” Phi
Gamma Delta, Alpha Delta Pi;
“Shoot Helium Balloons,” Delta
Gamma, Sigma Chi; “Throw Golf
Balls for Free Cigarettes,” Pi Kap
pa Alpha, Alpha hall.
“Dart Throw,” Merrick hall, Ze'ta
hall; “Freak Show,” Alpha Tau
Omega, Sederstrom hall; “Coin
Toss in Water,” Sigma Phi Epsilon,
Rebec house; “Garden Golf,” Alpha
Chi Omega, Phi Sigma Kappa;
"Water Pistol Shoot,” Hendricks
hall, Delta Upsilon; “Sling Shots,”
Alpha Gamma Delta, Stan Ray;
“Turtle Racing,” Beta Theta Pi,
Sigma Kappa; “Ring on Finger,”
Lambda Chi Alpha, Orides.
“Bean Bag Throw,” Alpha Phi,
McChesney hall; “Duck Throw,”
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, University
house, and Tri Delt, Hawaiian
Some of these themes were sec
ond choices because the houses’
first preferences were duplicated.
None of the booths may have gam
bling or be fire hazards. The
themes of the remaining houses
have not been approved because of
one of these two reasons or be
cause they had no second choice
when there was duplication.
The houses without a theme are
asked to select a new one and call
Jeannine Macaulay at 5988, or Joan
O’Neil Foulon at 3395 to register
before Wednesday noon.
Sederstrom hall, Gamma Phi
Beta, and Minturn hall are asked to
contact the committee to pay their
registration fees.
Episcopal Communion
A celebration of the Holy Com
munion for Episcopal students will
be held Wednesday morning at 7 in
Gerlinger hall.
Wesley Chorus
The Wesley chorus group will
practice tonight at 6:30 at Wesley
house. Lynn Sjolund will be the di
rector of the group.
Never mind who’s right. Walk so
you’ll be left.
Join the
March of Dimes
Help Fight
Infantile Paralysis
JANUARY 14-31~
c Join the
f ilVIltr 14)1
See Your House
Representative Today