Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Women’s Page
'Collecting Personalities' Named
As Hobbg of Dormitory Head
By Estelle Nordgren
Mrs. Genevieve 1 urnipseed, director of dormitories, lias an
unique hobby. “It doesn’t cost me a cent," she confided, and 1
never have to insure them, dust them, pack them, or move them.
My hobby is collecting personalities. At the end of the day. I
feel I have come in contact with the composite of the ideal per
son, because every boy or girl who comes into my office has so
many nice qualities.
Because she accepts each person as he is and remembers
omy ms pleasant aspects, Mrs. Tur
nipseed gets as much out of her job
in the way of satisfaction as she
puts into it in the way of work. The
problem of aligning wages and ris
ing costs with the student fund is a
terrific one. Her hours are long and
she has no schedule. “But when
night comes,” she said, “I’m not
tired of seeing people. My work is
never boring because I just never
know what will happen next.”
Besides supervising food and
housing for all the men's and wo
men’s dorms, she handles other stu
dent problems. “In fact,” she laugh
ed, “everything from apartment
hunting to telling someone how to
housebreak a puppy.”
“In making decisions, I try to set
Up standards to work with rather
than make rules. But if we live un
der a law, we must live within it.”
She is trusted because she makes
no exceptions to established rules
and trusts the students themselves.
Mrs. Turnipseed comes from an
administrative family. Her father
Vvas superintendent of a division of
the Chicago Northwestern rail
load, and her brothers also took
■executive positions. “When I was a
girl,” she said, “I wanted to be like
Aunt Jo in ‘Little Women.’ ” Her
administrative work with the stud
ents is kind of an “Aunt Jo” job.
Widowed at the end of World
War I, Mrs. Turnipseed returned to
the University of Iowa to study
English, music, “and the other sub
jects I just wanted to study,” grad
uating in 1924. Until 1930, she serv
ed as dean of women and director
■of dorms at the Madison Teacher’s
College in South Dakota. She was
Also in charge of the campus the
ater. Under her supervision and
with the help of the Fox and Fathe
studios of Hollywood, the students
produced “the Dakotah.” An his
torical movie, it is still used as an
educational film.
Alter getting ner ma ana mb de
gree at the teacher’s college of Co
lumbia University in 1930, she I
came to Oregon “to work for a few.
years.” She accepted her present
job and decided to stay in Oregon.
“The students here are so casual
and refreshing. I enjoy their alert
ness, freedom and wholesome so
Mrs. Turnipseed conducts a non
' sectarian discussion group at
Girls' Basketball
In Second Week
With the first week of WAA in
tramural basketball play ending,
twelve of the fifteen teams have
seen action so far.
Tuesday saw Delta Delta Delta
defeating Highland house II and
, Wiki-Wiki sailing past Alpha Om
icron Pi; Rebec house beat Alpha
Chi Omega and Alpha Xi Delta won
over Gamma hall on Wednesday.
Winning on defaults Thursday were
Pi Beta Phi over Highland house I
and Hendricks hall over Zeta Tau
On next Monday’s schedule are
„ University house and Alpha hall.
Mrs. Genevieve Turnipseed, di
rector of dormitories at the Uni
Friendly House on great Christian
principles. She has been a past of
ficer and is now active in Zante
service club for executive women,
Business and Professional Wo
men’s club, League of Women Vot
ers, Lane County Red Cross, and
the PEO, which has the largest
student loan fund in the world. A
member of Phi Omega Pi sorority,
she also belongs to Phi Beta Kap
pa, Pi Lambda Theta, and Kappa
Delta Pi educational honoraries,
and Alpha Psi Omega dramatic
— ■■ ■ ■ ■
Outstanding Junior
Favors 'Dooling'
Many Activities
By Aileen Betschart
Tiny Jordis Benkc has the repu
tation of being one of the most ac
tive girls on the campus. At pres
ent she is treasurer of Mortar
Board and the YWCA, president of
Gamma Alpha Chi, and layout
manager of Old Oregon.
When Jordis was graduated from
Washington high school in Port
land, she had several outstanding
honors on her record. These include
being on the rally squad, and be
ing "Freshie Queen." In her fresh
man year at Oregon, Jordis was
chairman of the YWCA doughnut
sale and a co-chairman of the dec
oration committee for the Mortar
Board ball. She also was a staff
member of the Emerald and Old
Jordis’ most active year was the
one in which she was awarded the
Gerlinger cup for being the most
outstanding junior woman. She was
a Phi Theta, business and adver
tising manager of Old Oregon,
chairman of the all-campus sing on
junior weekend, and chairman of
the Oregon picnic and the Y junior
commission. She headed commit
tees for the March of Dimes and
WSSF drives, and Dads’ day. Also,
she has been' chairman for several
publicity committees.
One of the most interesting facts
about Jordis is that she has been
working her way thorugh school
since she was a sophomore. She is
majoring in journalism and adver
tising, and at present is a grader
in the journalism school. Although
she went to high school in Port
land, she has been living in Seaside
for the last two years. On the cam
pus Idle lives at the Pi Beta Phi
house where she has held several
house offices, including vice-presi
The ring on Jordis’ finger, given
her by Hal Schick, speaks for her
future plans. However, she would
lil^e to fulfill her ambition of being
a copy writer in an advertising
agency or working in public rela
tions. Someday she would like to
travel to Switzerland, her parents'
home land.
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Deposits insured up to $5000—through E.D.I.C.
Columnist Answers
(Continued from page six)
perhaps this one. But that does
n't bother a member of Gideon's
This columnist has no objection
to our contributor's political af
filiations as long- as he observes
the rules of the game. But our
Gideonite rejects the rule that
majority opinion is the best way
to conduct government without
revolution. Perhaps he also ab
hors another basic rule that chil
dren should not be bom out of
There may be a reason for our
contributor's dislike of the rules
of society. '•
Leftists say they like little or
nothing about the United States.
They believe they know more
about what is best for the nation
than the overwhelming mass of
people who oppose them.
Despite their dislike of every
thing "reactionary" they won’t
live permanently in a nation
whose government is like the one
they wish to impose upon the
United States.
The main exception to this rule,
of course, consists of those
"American" Communists who
visit Moscow to study sabotage,
how to write letters to the editor,
and espionage.
The majority will tolerate its
opponents as lohg as they ob
serve the rules of the game and
don't attempt to impose upon the
Does Mother Russia permit
that, Mr. Contributor?
1 /I
Five-Cent Stogies
Stage Return in NY
NEW YORK, Jail. 28— (AP) —*
The five-cent cigar staged a coml
back in New York today.
For the first time since the war
nickel stogies were on sale again
in this city.
They represented the smoker’**
dividend on a general three-month
price decline re ported by the bu
reau of labor statistics in Washing
A minute saved in traffic some
times means a lifetime lost.
Your Valentine
and then
Wayne's Flowers
849 K. 13th
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Won’t you help us lock the door? Give as
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