Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1949, Image 1

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    !WEATHER. Increasing cloudiness
Saturday. Cloudy Saturday night
and Sunday with light showers
Sunday. High Saturday about 40.
Fiftieth Year of Publication and Sendee to the University
The Dads' Day hostess contest is
in full swing, with the winner to
be announced next week.
Oregon Drops Heartbreaker (
See Details
Sports Page
'Repudiation of Policy
Aim of Eight Faculty
Members at Seattle
SEATTLE, Jan. 28—(AP) More
than 400 University of -Washington
students and faculty members
heard protests today over dismis
sal of three professors for alleged
past or present Communist party
The off-campus gathering was
conducted at the University Uni
tarian church. Attendance was
about 3 per cent of the student
body of'more than 16,000.
Speakers at today’s rally termed
the dismissals a violation of aca
demic freedom.
Meantime the organization’s as
sembly, representing all major stu
dent groups, announced it would
take a confidential poll of student
opinion and “adopt a course of ac
tion indicated by the poll.
The university administration,
which has withheld comment on the
protest activities, announced that
Phillips had requested and been
granted permission to address a
general assembly of students at 4
p.m. Monday.
SEATTLE, Jan. 28 (AP)—
Declaring the action has dam
aged the University of Wash
ington, eight university physics
professors issued a statement
yesterday protesting the dis
missal of three of their associ
ates and calling for “repudiation
of this policy.”
The board of regents discharged
Josph Butterworth, Ralph Gund
lach and Herbert J. Phillips last
week following accusations of past
or present communist party mem
The university announced two
other professors, tired at the same
time, have signed non-communist
affidavits as directed by the re
gents. They are Dr. E. Harold Eby
and Dr. Melville Jacobs. A third
professor, Dr. Garland Ethel, also
has indicated willingness to sign,
the university said.
Yesterday’s statement said:
“We believe the people of Wash
ington, the students and the facul
ty can, by their protests bring
abbut a repudiation of this policy.”
It was signed by Ronald Geballe,
B. A. Jacobsohn, F. H. Schmidt, J.
F. Streib, C. V. Cannon, K. C.
Clark, all assistant professors; S.
H. Neddermeyer, associate, and
David H. Garber, instructor.
The university declined com
"Dimes" Called in
House representatives for the
March of Dimes should turn in
money they have collected to Joan
Mimnaugh, collections chairman,
at the Pi Beta Phi house by noon
What a Soft Life!
ASUO PRESIDENT Bob Allen seems quite happy where he is. Allen
has been confined to the infirmary for more than a week with a
shattered left elbow. Above, Allen catches up on his studies by’ read
ing a copy of “Outdoor Life.” He expects to be released from the
hospital today. (Photo by Hans Wold)
Lonely Hearts_
'Love Ad" Billboards
Get German Clients
FRANKFURT, Germany,, Jan. 28—(AP)—German girls'
out to get a man don’t beat around the bush in a country where
they outnumber men two to one.
They bluntly advertise “man wanted” on the big city bill
boards which fill the place here of American newspaper want
ad sections.
Ads like this:
“Twenty-three year old girl, blond, medium-sized, blue-eyed,
wants to spend weekends with
wealthy businessman. Please
forward offers to. X.”
Or like this one:
“I am alone. Good looking
and well-shaped 25-year old
girl wants to spend evenings
with man not older than 30. Have
own apartment.”
The “love advertising” is a new
idea but it’s spreading like wild
fire. As the samples quoted show,
the ads are shockingly frank.
Mostly they make no mention of
Men use the billboards, too. One
“Fifty-one year old business man
(looking much younger) travelling
to Bavarian resort soon. Where is
the good-looking girl, not older
than 28, who wants to accompany
me ?”
Camel's Romance
Now on Right Track
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 28— (AP)
—Hal (for Halitosis) and Sal are
now very friendly.
This is the happy report eman
ating today from Griffith Park zoo,
sponsor of a romance between Hal
and a camel girl friend recently
purchased for $1,500. The idea was
to raise some little two-humpers
to trade with other zoos.
But when the camel couple was
first introduced, Hal lumbered off,
with Sal in pursuit, and cowered
in a corner of his fenced yard.
However, in his role of camel
Cupid an appropriately named
keeper, Melvin Love, and Sal’s
charms finally broke down Hal’s
Planes Thrown
Against Weather
In Western Areas
New Snows Whip Across Midwest;
Truman Allots Another $500,000 for Relief
By The Associated Press
More pianos and bulldozers were thrown into the battle of
the Western blizzards Friday, but a new storm dealt rescue ef
forts a severe set-back in some areas.
The new snow, forerunner of another cold wave, whipped
across Wyoming’, Nebraska, Eastern Kansas and Southeast
South Dakota and on into Southeastern Minnesota, Iowa and
It intensified the suffering of snow-stranded livestock and
humans in the stricken western
President Truman alloted an
other $500,000 for blizzard re
lief during the day, boosting
the amount of federal aid so far
to $800,000.
In Nebraska, one of the hardest
hit blizzard states, the storm vir
tually ice-locked the state. Twelve
inches of snow fell in Omaha, with
lesser amounts elsewhere. Scarce
ly a road in the state was open.
Brig. Gen. Guy N. Henninger,
who is directing relief activities in
Nebraska, said, “Human distress
and misery are worse this morning
than at any time since the storms
In northern Nebraska, where the
relief work had scarcely scratched
the surface, much of the blizzard
busting work had to start anew.
The new storm stalled a single
coach train, the Omaha-Sioux
City train of the Chicago and
Northwestern railroad.
The fifth army headquarters in
Chicago shipped 30 more bulldoz
ers to Nebraska to augment 57
army bulldozers and 29 half-track
weasels already at work in the Ne
braska storm area.
Ten more C-82 flying box cars
joined the Nevada haylift, where
feed has been dumped to stranded
herds the last several days. Ranch
ers predicted that two more days
of aerial feeding by air force crews
would see them over the hump in
the present emergency.
In Utah, the major "catastrophe
area” where 1,200,000 sheep and
cattle are snowbound, rising tem
peratures cheered ranchers.
Another sleet storm hit sections
in the midcontinent, but colder
(Please turn■ to page two)
Portland Cops in Keystone Comedy
PORTLAND, Jan. 28—(AP)—Two young men
were jailed today after a slapstick chase involv
ing a lost cab, a lost police car, and a cabbie who
couldn’t find his fares.
It all sounded, said tired police, like a scene from
a film comedy of the twenties.
Cabbie Harry Schaeffer got a call early this
morning to an east side apartment house. When he
arrived, somebody yelled, “We’ll be right out-turn
on the meter.”
The meter ticked along to $2, and nobody came
out Schaeffer called police to find his fares.
As the policemen accompanied Schaeffer into the
apartment house, somebody dro$e off in the cab. A
second later somebody drove off in the police car.
While more police were summoned, one of the of
ficers arrested a suspicious by stander.
spotted his cab, four blocks away.
The arrested bystander, the police, and Schaeffer
rushed down and got it. Then they came back and
arrested another man, who was with a young girl.
The girl wandered away. Police started after her,
and her companion made a dash to escape. The of
ficers rushed back and recaptured him.
The two men—who, witnesses said, answered the
description of the persons who had driven off in the
cab and the police car—were finally taken to jail.
The police car was found later, on the west side of
the river.
Veterans Must
Exchange Old
Veterans who have old certifi
cates of eligibility for G. I. Bill
training are advised to exchange
them immediately for a new-type
certificate, if they are planning io
enter school or job-training for the
first time after January 1.
Mr. Donald C. Schworer, Veter
ans Administration representative
at the University of Oregon, ex
plained today that the out-dated
certificates are all those issued be
fore last September 1. Thousands
of these which have never been,
used are in the hands of Oregon
Certificates may be exchanged
in person or by mail. The exchange
is necessary, Mr. Schworer said,
because of a new registration meth
od which the VA will employ af
ter January 1.
The new form enables the agen
cy to verify an ex-GI's educational
entitlement before he starts train
ing, thus allowing prompter service
on tuition and subsistence pay
ments after his training is begun.
Hostess Contest
Deadline Nears
Now’s the time for all veterans’
wives to toss away that gingham
apron and enter the contest for
Dads' Day hostess. This the only
chance for wives and mothers to
get in the race with the campus
queens and display their charms
and talents to the campus.
Photos of candidates must be
turned into the special box in the
Emerald office by Tuesday, Feb.
1. All pictures will be returned to
the owners if the name, address,
and telephone number of the con
testant is on the back of the print.
The name of the hostess will bo
announced in Thursday’s Emerald.
Mrs. Golda Wickham, dean of wom
en; Mr. L. F. Beck, assistant pro
fessor; and Marvin Rasmuss-n,
vice-president of the student body,
are judges.