Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 26, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Hoyman Co-Authors Health Chart
Ad Association
To Give Tests
Advertising aptitude and ability
tests open to anyone interested in
the field are planned for February
19 and 26 in Portland and 13 other
cities from coast to coast, the state
chairman of AAAA announced yes
Covering seven fields of adver
tising, the tests sponsored by the
American Association of Advertis
ing1 Agencies offer aptitude ap
praisals by New York p ersonnel
specialists and possible references
by the AAAA. A fee of $15 is
charged to every person taking the
: test.
All applications must be received
ur. nowara o. noyman, proies
sor of health education, is co-au
thor of a recently produced visual
aid health chart.
The chart, put on sale in Decem
ber and available throughout the
country, is an answer to the ur
gent need for a come comprehen
sive and easily understandable
method of teaching health and
safety to public school, college, and
teachers’ college students.
Especially well adapted for class
Code Revision'
First Law Topic
“Code revision’’ will be the sub
ject of a discussion by Professor
Kenneth J. O’Connell of the law
school faculty in room 3, Fenton
hall, at 3 p. m. tomorrow. The talk
will be the first in a series of leg
islative forums under the sponsor
ship of Delta Theta Phi law frater
A committee of the Oregon State
Bar association, headed by Profes
sor O’Connell, has investigated code
revision in other states and hapes
to have the current Oregon legisla
ture adopt its bill providing for con
densation of the present 10-volume
statute books into one or two vol
umes. The plan, which would elimi
nate excess verbiage and duplica
tion, has met with favor with law
yers and jurists.
Later forums will deal with bills
pending at Salem which are of
special interest to lawyers and law
students, said Donald G. Krause, lo
cal Delta Theta Phi head, in an
nouncing the series.
New Biology Prof
Appointed in LA
Offices of the college of liberal
arts announced Monday the ap
pointment of Dr. Lowell Jones to
assistant professor of biology.
Dr. Jones received his Ph.D. in
zoology at the University of Califor
nia in 19435, and will come to Ore
gon from Utica College, Syracuse,
New York. He will conclude the
year as temporary replacement for
Dr. Irwin Neewll, who recently re
signed to take an associate profes
sorship at the University of Hawaii.
for dry feet
‘sturdy footwear
all types of
shoe repairing
On 13th between
Alder and Kincaid
room use, the chart consists of 33
large, lithographed sheets, with
large color pictures and non-tech
nical explanatory material illus
trating the various points, on each.
Included are sections on hygiene,
safety and first aid, with the body
functions and disease prevention
stressed. The individual charts are
arranged in logical sequence, and
are presented so as to show the
functional as well as the structural
and factual aspects of the mate
Working with Dr. Hoyman on
the project, were two Notre Dame
experts, Dr. H. A. Gordon, and
Professor R. F. Ervin, both prom
inent in Notre Dame’s Germ-Free
Life research program, and as sci
Having had considerable sue
Campus Liberals
(Continued, from page six)
lowed the Communist party line
in making up the newspaper.
Anti-Russian news, such as the
threat to invade Iran, was played
down or not mentioned. One of
the editors demanded in vitupera
tive signed editorials Emperor Hi
rohito's resignation in conformity
with the then current Party line.
The resignation of six staff
members followed the transfer of
the two editors. For the first time
in months the only American
daily newspaper for over a half
million Americans contained an
undistorted account of the news.
Judging from the above case
and the accounts of the OSC
cause celebre it is doubtful whe
ther the proposed "investigation”
og “the Barometer” will achieve
its avowed purpose or even the
unmentioned aim now that some
one has cried “Wolf.”
Reds on the OSC Campus
(Continued from page six)
eating themselves In the fullest
sense of the word.
On the other hand, had not one
among 7000 mature students at
your college had enough curiosity
to try a brief dip in such an ag
gressive movement as commu
nism, then you should have fired
all your professors, junked your
curriculum, and started over
again to form an institution valu
ing knowledge more than memor
Footnote: Students have a tra
dition of liberalism, Mr. Strand
and Mr. House. Without them
there would be no one to point
the way toward progress.
Mercury to Rise
The mercury will continue its
slow climb today. The temperature
is expected to reach a high of 37.
, ccss with the charts in both lower
and upper division health courses
at the University, Dr. Hoyman is
now in the process of authoring the
"Teacher's Aid and Guide,” a 350
page manual to be integrated with
the use of the charts, and to give
advice and explanation of tech
nique and terms, to the teachers.
Dr. Hoyman has become well
known for previous work in the
field of health education. He
planned *a health curriculum for
public schools, and has authored
Guide Units for Oregon Teachers”
and many other books, articles, and
Women's Tennis
Chairman Wanted
Petitions may be turned in now
for general chairman of the wo
men's tennis intramurals, to be held
spring term. They may be turned in
to Bep McCourry, WAA president,
at. the Delta Gamma house. Appli
cants must be members of the Wo
men’s Athletic association.
Classified Ads
FOR SALE—1936 Ford 3-window
coupe. New motor, transmission,
front end, brakes, paint job.
Moulded rear. Radio, heater, good
rubber. Call Dick Noll, Ext. 448
after 6 p. m. 71
FOR SALE — '47 Chevrolet Fleet
line Aero Sedan $1925. Also wood
en B-flat Pedler Clarinet. Ph.
1S53-J 73
LOST—Gold wedding band—Finder j
call 5251—Mrs. Bye. Reward. 71
LOST—Red fountain pen—Monday
17 Old campus. Reward. R. Gof
fard, Sigma Hall. 72
FOR SALE—1930 Model A. Good
condition. Cheap. Phone 3865-R.
LOST—Pink plastic, heavy-rimmed
glasses. Urgently needed. Shirley
Gilbert. 2305. 73
FOB SALE—Remington Rand Por
table typewriter. Used one term,
$55.00. Save 25% of new cost. See
Jack B. Lively, room 6, Fenton,
between 1 and 5 p. m. 74
FOR SALE—41 Stude. R & H Over
drive. 47 motor $950. See at M &
R Service. 11th and Mill. 75
LOST—‘‘Modern Colloids” by Dean
in library. Call John Naggle, Beta
Theta Phi. 73
SKIERS—Attention: '48 Chev. Sta
tion wagon. Equity—$1800., 5,000
miles, all accessories. Ph. eve.
4439-W, 1924 Onyx. 75
29 passenger car available at all
times at a low, economical rate of
$.32 per mile!
Phone 5408
957 Pearl
Junior Weekend
Chairman Needed
Petitions are now being accept
ed at the ASUO office in Emerald
hall for conmiittee chairmen and
members for Junior Weekend.
They must be turned in before
Wednesday, February 2.
Committee chairmanships to be
filled are all-campus sing, lunch
eon. float parade, traditions, jun
ior prom, promotion, publicity,
sunlight serenade, and the queen’s
contest and coronation.
by February 5. Additional informa
tion and application blanks may bo
obtained from House and Lelancl,
Municipal Bus building, Portland.
Select an exciting chapeau from our
New Spring Stock. Make up for the
weather by feeling Springy.
Bonnet Nook
907 Willamette
-xpS® 1
<u*>® <i
We've had a large number of inquiries from college
men who want to know how to get into Aviation
quickly—We think the idea is fine, but it isn’t as easy
as all of that. But, you can save time, get to be self
supporting in a shorter length of time and lay a
foundation for a prosperous future career with great
opportunities, and rapid advancement.
I First of all, to undergraduates: continue and com
plete your education if possible. But if your plans are
upset and you do not know what course to follow, get
in touch with us, we may be able to help you.
v Secondly, if you are an engineering student about
to graduate, call us, we can help you after graduation
to familiarize yourself with aircraft engineering
practices that will enable you to step directly into a
responsible aircraft position.
') We have many college students and graduates with
us who are filling the gap between academic education
and practical application on the job.
ka If you are interested in Aviation and more money,
it will pay you to get full details.
Mr. J. D. Strickland
Phonn CltriM 1-3TGI